ActionScript 2.0 :: Making Thumbnails Scroll By Button Click?

Jun 2, 2010


I want to make the thumbnails scroll left and right when a button the left and right side is clicked instead of the mouseover left/right scrolling. Essentially when the button is release I want the xml images to scrool to the next set. I have experience making that work with images embedded in flash but not with XML feed images.

What would i have to change to make the file work?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Thumbnails And Can't Click On The Button Till The Tween Is Finished

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rectangle_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mcOver);
function mcOver(event:MouseEvent)void{

I don't even know what import; even means.

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on(release){    loadMovieNum("print_index.swf",1);printbutton._visible = false;webbutton._visible = false;illusbutton._visible = false;threedbutton._visible = false;retouchbutton._visible = false;}
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[url]...I am able to do everything fine until the part where you make the thumbnails scroll and stop when the mouse is over them. Mine does not move at all. I feel like I am doing everything he says but still I can not figure it out.

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function moveImg():void {


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function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {
xmlNode = this.firstChild;
image = [];
description = [];
thumbnails = [];
[Code] .....

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var verticalCenter:Number = stage.stageHeight / 2;
var limit:Number = stage.stageHeight - content_mc.height;
var speed:Number = 0.1;
var scrollY:Number = 0;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, scrollContent);
function scrollContent(e:Event):void {
scrollY = - speed * ( mouseY - verticalCenter );
content_mc.y+= scrollY;
if (content_mc.y>0) { content_mc.y= 0;}
else if (content_mc.y< limit) { content_mc.y= limit; }}

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I am creating a XML Gallery, I have the gallery working, its just my thumbnails are repeating horizontally, on a vertical scroll bar. I believe it must be the way i have coded my for loop

example on how my thumbnails are displaying at the moment:

thumbnail 1 Thumbnail 1
Thumbnail 2 Thumbnail 2
thumbnail 3 thumbnail 3


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I've been working on Kirupa's adding thumbnails to the XML photo gallery. I've managed to change the scroller to one that is vertical and reposition it to where I wanted it and everything works fine. urrently the code accounts for when the mouse moves (on the horizontal) to the left or right of the thumbnail container to stop scrolling. However when the mouse moves up and down to scroll (on the vertical) it continues to scroll even though the mouse has moved outside the container area. I'd like for it to only scroll when the mouse is within the 30 pixel - hit_left/right boudaries.

Here's the code, as you can see the changes have been very little from the original.


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var isOver = 0;
function onEnter(event){
if(isOver == 1)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Can't Get Kirupa Scrollbar To Scroll With The Generated Thumbnails + Dynamic Content

Feb 4, 2009

Mainly been making websites all these years, but in my last year at school i started to get interested in Flash Actionscript. I've been at home for over a year in 2008, unemployed. I got back to school in September 2008 but quit the education as it wasn't for me. Now I'm looking to get a job, but I need a showcase, so I'm building my portfolio at the moment.

I'm currently working on my portfolio which i wanted to make in Flash using XML generated content. I got as far as getting the content generated in my prototype. Now I'm trying to build the real thing. I currently got a scrollbar on the left which contains the thumbnails. I used the custom scrollbar from [URL] ([URL]). The content in it is generated with xml and actionscript though.


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Ajax - Making Multiple Asynchronous Calls To Fetch Result From Multiple Services In The Single Click Of A Button In Flex?

Dec 27, 2010

In one of our project we are using flex for front end, blazeds/java in the backend. Its an existing code where services are prewritten. I have to make calls to 3 services in the backend (basically 3 remote objects) and get their result and store the result in an object and show the data of this object in a view.
Now in front end we are using Flex and Parsley Framework. I was thinking of the following approaches.

1) Making commands for each service call and storing the result in a shared object (model) and then displaying this model in the view. In this approach the problem is some services are needed in some other web pages, but they donot need the same model. How should i handle this scenario ? Should i make a asynchronous remote call and fetch the result and then again dispatch and event with the event object storing the result.

2) Making a service call , wait for the result then make another call and wait for the result and then make other call, not sure if this is the right way ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Build A Small Viewer That Will Allow The User The Ability To Scroll Through A Certain Number Of Thumbnails?

Dec 3, 2008

Im trying to build a a small viewer that will allow the user the ability to scroll through a certain number of thumbnails. I'm having trouble on how to go about this. I haven't used flash or actionscript 3 in quite a while so Im pretty rusty when it comes to perspective on how to go about this. I basically want the user to interact with a scroll bar (up and down) to move through a certain number of thumbnail pictures (125 x 125).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Can't Click On Thumbnails

Feb 16, 2010

I have created a gallery in flash and the thumbnails load and scroll perfectly, the only problem I'm getting is I can't click on the thumbnails. I have made a function which is supposed to trace the word 'clicked' when I press the loaded thumbnail, but for some reason it doesn't work.[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Gallery - Click To View Or Hide Thumbnails

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anyone know where i can find a AS 2 xml gallery similar to how this one works, with the slideshow, and click to view or hide thumbnails.[URL]

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Professional :: Making A Scroll Bar

Nov 29, 2010

In CS5, I want to place content on a frame and give the user the ability to scroll through it all. I know no AS3 and have been using code snippets. How can I use code snippets or some other way to do this?

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