ActionScript 3.0 :: Making A Button That Will Light Up When Scroll Over It

Jan 24, 2009

So I was working on making a button that will light up when I scroll over it, not instantly but more realisticly. The button starts out gray and when I scroll over it I want it to fade to red.

So I made a new AS3 Flash file and drew a simple gray box, made it a button, and inside the button I made the box a Movie Clip, shape tweened it so that it fades from gray to red in a period of 5 frames.

Now I'm just stuck on the scripting part, I made a new layer inside the movie clip for the script and have this typed in:

rectangle_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mcOver);
function mcOver(event:MouseEvent)void{

I don't even know what import; even means.

But what I'm trying to accomplish here is to make the shape tween Movie Clip only play when the cursor is over the button. So that when I scroll over the button it fades from gray to red. Sounds like a plan, but I can't figure out the function part where it says play.rectangle_mc,

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//this is for the button (switch)
on(release) {
if (_root.light_on:active == 1) {
setProperty("_root.light on", _visible, "1");
_root.light_on:active = "0";
} else {
_root.light_on:active = "1";
setProperty("_root.light_on", _visible, "0");

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//this is for the button (switch)
on(release) {
if (_root.light_on:active == 1) {


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scrolling = function () {
var scrollHeight:Number = scrollTrack._height;
var contentHeight:Number = contentMain._height;
var scrollFaceHeight:Number = scrollFace._height;


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Apr 8, 2011

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// ON CLICK EFFECT - The main menu's sub-menus will slide down once user clicks on a button.// The sub-menu will raise up and disapper once the user's mouse leaves the sub-panel area.

import fl.transitions.Tween;import fl.transitions.easing.Regular;import fl.transitions.easing.Elastic;


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Creating Pulsating Spot That Looks Like Red Light

Oct 16, 2011

I want to make a pulsating spot that looks like red light. The pulsating effect is done but the circle with gradient red goes from red center to black. I want it to go from red to nothing/transparent, so that whatever background can be seen through the edge of the "light". Is that possible? I use Flash 8.

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Flash 10 :: 16 X 16 Light Grid, 3d Query Also?

Sep 16, 2011

I am in the middle of designing a 16 x 16 grid sequencer with a row of buttons that light up and sweep across the screen as shown in the attached picture. Basically i was wondering would this be best done in flash cs5 as its hopefully going to be coded with actionScript or should i use other adobe apps like illustrator etc? I was also wondering how to get the lights to trail behind as the lights travel across the buttons?

Just a quick query, i work with Lightwave 10 on the mac and i was wondering it it can be incorporated into flash cs5 at all?

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Oct 16, 2011

in order to use removeMovieClip, I think I have to use attachMovieClip first, right? What I want to happen is drag and item with the mouse, and then on release make it stop dragging and make it look like it returns to its original spot.

ActionScript Code:
mirror_inv.onPress = function () {

Also the commands attachMovieClip and removieMovieClip don't light up in AS. However just attachMovie and removeMovie do light up, not sure if that is same thing..

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Nov 12, 2010

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