Professional :: Making Button From XML Dropdown Light Up On Particular Page
Feb 28, 2012
This might be trying to be too tricky, but I have a set of keyframes on the timeline that correspond to the buttons on my xml drop down. When I am on a particular frame, I want the button for that frame and the mainItem button that it drops down from to have some sort of highlight or extra glow. This is meant to be so that a user can see where they are in the project at any time. All the code is included in my previous posts on xml drop down menu..
I can find the buttons by checking if they have certain text on them, so now I want to
1) Set a variable on each keyframe
var a:String="page1";
and then have some code that says
if(a=="page 1")....[go and get the button] e.currentTarget.menuText.text=="Questions" [and do something to it ]<-- except it wont be the current target it will just be out there with that text on it..
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rectangle_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mcOver);
function mcOver(event:MouseEvent)void{
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But what I'm trying to accomplish here is to make the shape tween Movie Clip only play when the cursor is over the button. So that when I scroll over the button it fades from gray to red. Sounds like a plan, but I can't figure out the function part where it says play.rectangle_mc,
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Jul 2, 2010
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Nov 20, 2011
Well first off here is my script so far on the page:
Using Pastie to keep amount of text on thread low to make things easier to read.
Here are the errors I get everytime I try to debug or Test Movie:
Also maybe if you can help a bit with it heres the check list that this is graded on. Also no I am not trying to make you guys do my work for me its just he gave us this project but I have been at work (17) and unable to finish it at all. Please help I dont want a bad GPA this ending semester.[URL]
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Apr 8, 2011
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Here is a copy of my code. I will be posting an image in about 30 minutes or less:
// ON CLICK EFFECT - The main menu's sub-menus will slide down once user clicks on a button.// The sub-menu will raise up and disapper once the user's mouse leaves the sub-panel area.
import fl.transitions.Tween;import fl.transitions.easing.Regular;import fl.transitions.easing.Elastic;
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Nov 19, 2003
I am really new to Flash n Actionscript and have been dropped in to make a switch that will make a light come on in the first click and off on the second, on on the third and off on the forth etc... I have created the switch as a button and the light on/off as two movie clips....
What coding would i be looking to add to make this switch work...
Previously I have been given this... but its not working
//this is for the button (switch)
on(release) {
if (_root.light_on:active == 1) {
setProperty("_root.light on", _visible, "1");
_root.light_on:active = "0";
} else {
_root.light_on:active = "1";
setProperty("_root.light_on", _visible, "0");
//This is for the light on
onClipEvent (load) {
active = "1";
setProperty("_root.light_on", _visible, "0");
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Nov 19, 2003
n Actionscript and have been dropped in to make a switch that will make a light come on in the first click and off on the second, on on the third and off on the forth etc... etc...
i have created the switch as a button and the light on/off as two movie clips... what coding would i be looking to add to make this switch work...
previously i have been given this... but its not working
//this is for the button (switch)
on(release) {
if (_root.light_on:active == 1) {
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Dec 1, 2010
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please help me out.
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Aug 12, 2010
It seemed like a simple process but I cant seem to get this right... I got a button there, but the URL wont go, i.e., the click does nothing. I imported a PSD layered image to Flash CS3, into a new blank layer. I need basically an area of this PSD to be "image mapped" so what I did was create a rectangle with the rect tool, over the area I needed the hot spot. Here I tried to do a transparent box and border (alpha 0) but the outline is still there even though the box is "empty." (I did select the transparent box, no color, and tried alpha, both same result). I made that into a symbol, then I double clicked into there to fill in the key pts for the over, hit, etc., states.... I don't have any effects here btw, as simple as we can get.
After that I right clicked on the button and entered the action script ("reserve" is the name of my button symbol)
Which gave no errors on validation. When I preview in Flash, everything looks good except the thin black border and the fact that when the button is pressed, nothing happens.
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Jan 23, 2011
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Apr 30, 2009
I am trying to create a dropdown menu from the top of my home page for navigation similar to this site.I'm just having a little difficulty on the correct process.Not sure if I make a movie clip for the bar to drop down when rolled over and how to place the text buttons so they appear when the bar drops down.
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Aug 30, 2010
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stop();function buttonClick(event:MouseEvent);void{gotoAndPlay(2);
I get errors of varying sorts. What should I use? AS2 or AS3? And what code should I assign to the button (or that button's frame?) to get it to go to frame 2 once clicked?
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May 18, 2011
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Nov 27, 2010
In CS5, I want to have a frame with buttons that when clicked, reveal different graphic symbols or movie clips (I'm not sure what to use?). The symbols will reveal text information and graphics, and might fade in when clicked, though will not move or do anything else.
1. Is it better to make these text and graphcis into movie clips or graphic symbols?
2. How do they get hidden on the stage until a user clicks on a button to reveal it?
3. Using Code snippets, which option will make this work?
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Sep 9, 2009
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Jun 14, 2010
Is it not possible to have selectable text turned on when you are making a link or button?
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Feb 1, 2012
I am in the process of making a button (a very stubborn button) with a mouse event in the actions for a frame. Here is the full error: Error: Call to possibly undefined method addEventListener through a reference of static type Class. And here is the code for the listener:
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Jul 16, 2010
I have a flash animated logo with sound on all of the pages of my website. My goal is to make a mute button which when clicked will work on cookie base or php session (?) and will mute the sound of the logo on all pages for the given period of cookie.
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Mar 24, 2011
I have a flipping book component. It come with the basic page turning function where the user can turn each page manually. Because there are many chapters,I created buttons under the pages so that the user can navigate directly to specific pages. I can not find and create the codeto attach to each button to make the pages flip directly to the indicated page? The component uses AS2,Here is main code that appears at frame 1.
import mx.containers.Window;
// Popup size
popup_width = 900;
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Apr 24, 2011
I make two flash project and I export it swf
1- intro
2- home page
I want to add skip intro button to open home page otherwise I want the intro jump to home page when i add button on intro (skip intro) and write the following:
this.createEmptyMovieClip("homee",1); by the way i cant understand what this number meanhomee.loadMovie("home.swf");but what happened is that the intro still looping in home page
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Jul 4, 2010
I am working on a DVD User Interface for my final project in Photoshop. For extra credit points I am trying to figure out how to make the menu items to light up when the pointer is touching the menu icon.
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Apr 21, 2010
I was looking for some information before proceeding with the work, I was looking to create a navigation bar in Flash with drop down menus coming form some of the links. Now will this require the visitor to have JavaScript enabled, I'm just a little cautious as I want the links in the drop down to be available to everyone, and if they do need Javascript enabled how do i get round this.....
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Feb 23, 2010
When creating a dropdown for a button, I noticed the dropdown will stop working if the button does not run the entire length of the timeline. i.e.: if you navigate to a page that is out of that button's "range" it will stop working unless reset by returning to the root page. Nesting the problematic button in a movie, however, solves this problem...
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Mar 6, 2006
I've got a dropdown menu in which i need to link to another scene on my site. The actionscript on the button i'm using is working if i put the link on the button on the main timeline, but when i nest the button inside the movieclip dropdown menu the actionscript on the button doesn't seem to work.url...The dropdown menu is on the left side, (actually a drop right menu,lol).And, also, the rest of the site still needs a lot of work so please don't comment on that.
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Feb 14, 2010
In the attached file, for some reason, when the menus drop down, they frequently get hung up. (stay down, slow to move back up into the hidden position, etc.)
Attachments: (223.9 K)
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