Professional :: Add Skip Intro Button To Open Home Page ?

Apr 24, 2011

I make two flash project and I export it swf

1- intro

2- home page
I want to add skip intro button to open home page otherwise I want the intro jump to home page when i add button on intro (skip intro) and write the following:
this.createEmptyMovieClip("homee",1); by the way i cant understand what this number meanhomee.loadMovie("home.swf");but what happened is that the intro still looping in home page

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Professional :: FLV And Skip Intro - Make Note Of The Actual Time Or Keyframe In Which The Intro Completes

Jun 14, 2011

If I have an FLV that I've output as SWF with skin to have embedded into an HTML page, and now a 'skip intro' is needed - though I'd have to make note of the actual time or keyframe in which the intro completes...How is this possible? Clearly, a button would need to be added for that kind of interactivity?

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Make A Flash Intro Page Continue As The Home Page?

Oct 13, 2009

So I am doing a flash intro page, but the intro becomes the home page, as in all the pieces come together to create the Flash home page, so that there is just one file for the home page that includes the intro from do I make it so that all the parts on the page stay there indefinitely, because right now after a certain amount of time, they disappear due to using the timeline in Flash.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Download The Home Page After End Of Flash Intro?

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what is the code for accessing automatically the homepage of my website after the end of the flash animation.[URL]...

I am not a specialist with flash, but I have read that classical getURL code does not work in AS3.

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Professional :: Flash - Publish To HTML Not Showing "Skip Intro" Button?

Feb 8, 2012

I have created a flash intro for my website. I have (2) buttons (1) Skip Intro (1) Volume.When I publish to HTML both button are not seen.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Auto-load The Home Page Once The Flash Intro Finish?

Mar 11, 2009

I am having trouble by loading my homepage after my flash intro ends.Does anybody knows the ActionScript for this move?

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Add A Skip Intro Button To Preloader

Mar 7, 2011

I've created a preloader.swf that (when loaded) loads an external swf. I would also like to add a skip intro btn, but when I do, the preloader seems to loop over and over (blinking - I know, high tech). This is the preloader code. I have it in the first frame of the preloader.swf:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add A Skip Intro Button To Preloader

Mar 7, 2011

I've created a preloader.swf that (when loaded) loads an external swf. I would also like to add a skip intro btn, but when I do, the preloader seems to loop over and over (blinking - I know, high tech).
This is the preloader code. I have it in the first frame of the preloader.swf:
var myRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("flash/index.swf");var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();


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IDE :: Fullscreen Video Intro With Skip Button?

Nov 16, 2009

I am building a website for a project of the university. as i am not a programmer i bought a template from flashden. i need to do some adjustements and alleready asked the author to help, but he has no time to do. i thought maybe i'll get some help over here.

I need a fullscreen video as an intro for that page. there should be a skip button and when the video has finished playing you should get to the page... the page uses a percentage preloader and i want the same preloader for the video, so that it looks like it belongs to the page.

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Professional :: If Install The Home Buton The Main Page The List Button Does Not Work

Feb 2, 2012

I am working on an iMAC running 10.6, and Flash CS5. I created a flash file with a list button ( with 10 inner sellections) on the main page. Each sellection within the list button loads a separate movie file from the library. Everything works great unitl Iinsert the Home button. If I install the home buton the main page, the list button does not work. If I install the home button in a movie, I don't know how to write the action script to go back to the main page, and I woul have to install a home button into each movie.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Splash Skip Intro Button Should Play Continuously

Jun 1, 2008

I'm a beginner level student. My project is to create a Splash Intro and a 4 page Website (Home page and 4 internal pages). I have to use Flash (no HTML, Java, CSS, etc). We are using Flash CS3 with Action Script 3. The Splash Intro should play continuously. This part I have working like a charm. However, the project requires a Skip Intro button. I have made the Skip intro button and gave the "instance" a name. The next part is where I'm stuck. I want to be able to click on the Skip Intro button and go to the first page of my "Website." I have all of my pages on one timeline. No movie clips. This is very basic.

My Home page has some animation on it. My name comes in from the left and three buttons come in from the right. When the user clicks on the Skip Intro button, I want it to go to the Home page, play the brief animation and STOP. I don't want the Skip Intro button to just go to frame 40 (for example) and just stop. And, if it goes to frame (50) for example and stops the user will miss the animation (right?). Here is what I have but it doesn't work:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sound Fade Out - Skip Intro Button - StopAllSounds();

Aug 7, 2006

I have an external SWF file and when I click on a "skip intro" button, right now I have a StopAllSounds(); on an onclick, so it stops the sound of the external swf, is there a way to fade out the sound instead on an onclick of an embeded sound on an external swf?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Doors That Open Up To A Home Page Menu?

Mar 5, 2011

I'm having trouble creating code logic for 2 doors that open up to a business and personal section. I want them to be coded for all these scenarios:

1. when user's mouse is over the door (or section), the door opens up. the other stays put where it is. (done)

2. when the user exits the zone, the door closes shut (but slower than the opening)

3. if the user's mouse exits and reenters very quickly, i need to detect that somehow and rewind the easing function? example

if (user left and reentered in 2 sec){

what kind of method or class gives access to a rewind function.

[URL] put an http: before that and the whole link will work.

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Professional :: Animated Index Page Before Moving On To The Home Page?

Jul 11, 2011

I have a project for a site that sells fishing lures.I want to have an animated index page before moving on to the home page. My idea is to have a boat sitting on a pond fishing lines in the water, when a fish jumps out of the water, the water ripples, the next time you see the fish it's got a hook in it mouth and jumping out of the do I go about it? How to I create the water rippling? I think with the fish I can do easily enough with it jumping on and off stage. Would I do the water with shape tweens?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Open File Button For Intro?

Jan 29, 2009

I have an Intro with two buttons for language. When you choose the language, it shoul open de spanish site or the english site.How is the script for opening the a .swf or .html?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set As Home Page Flash Button?

Jan 13, 2006

I have flash header with several buttons. One of these button should set the page as Homepage in IE.I have the following javascript function:

function homePage()


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Professional :: Cannot Navigate To Home Page Anymore

Oct 8, 2010

I have 10 buttons for various pages on a website I am building. I am only dealing with the first 2 buttons so far: home and about (laborLaw). On my about page, I wanted to have buttons to navigate to another frame where the viewer can Read More Details. In order to get my button to work, I had to type about_mc. before the event listener of that button. Here's the code that worked.

about_mc.laborLaw1_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, laborLaw1);
function laborLaw1(evtObj:MouseEvent):void{ gotoAndStop("laborLaw1_fl"); }

So I am now able to navigate to frames from buttons inside the mc. My next task was to build a close button to navigate back to the about page from the "Read More Details" page on a 101. Here's the code I used on frame 101:

// the following is to navigate back to "about" (Labor Page)
closeLabor1_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, returnLabor);
function returnLabor(evtObj:MouseEvent):void{

That worked great BUT, once I navigate BACK to the about page using the closeLabor1 button, I am no longer able to navigate to any other button such as the home button. Here's a video showing exactly what happens. [URL]

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Professional :: Where Is Slideshow Coming From On The Home.html Page

Sep 10, 2010

I am an html/css programmer and don't know much about Flash. I've just been asked to update this site which has many Flash elements. I just dissected the site but can't figure out where the slideshow is coming from on the home.html page. I opened the index.swf object and there are no images just a background. I believe the original designer used Flashbox for the slideshow and Flash as the backdrop? I think I have the other galleries (click View Rings portfolio or another portfilio) figured out.

It looks like it's pulling in a Flash file and the Flash file is pulling in images for the slideshow (at the bottom) from the images.xml file. I opened the Flash file (image gallery.swf) and the full pop up -- background and large photo and slideshow -- are included in the .swf file unlike the index.swf file. Am I correct? Not sure if a Flash file would pull in images from an images.xml file. How do I edit the Flash file if it's not pulling the images from the images.xml file? When I open the file it just shows me the .swf file in design view.Is this over my head and should I hire someone with Flash and Flashbox experience?

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Professional :: Sound Duplicates On Top Of Itself When Returning To Home Page?

Apr 27, 2011

i have a question about loading an mp3 in flash. the mp3 is loading & playing fine, but if i click a button to go to a new frame, and then click another button to return to the home page, a new copy of the same audio clip is loaded over the one that is already playing, thus causing two audio files to play at the same time. it will keep loading a new copy of the audio clip every single time i return to the home page. how do i go about correcting this? the following is the code i am using:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add A Skip Intro Btn To Preloader

Mar 7, 2011

I've created a preloader.swf that (when loaded) loads an external swf. I would also like to add a skip intro btn, but when I do, the preloader seems to loop over and over (blinking - I know, high tech).

This is the preloader code. I have it in the first frame of the preloader.swf:

var myRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("flash/index.swf");
var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();


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ActionScript 1/2 :: FLVplayback: Skip Intro?

Jul 8, 2009

I'm making a flash project and I have 10 different videos on it (embedded using FlVPlayback) and all the videos have the same stupid intro. My boss would like me to add a "skip intro" button which would allow you to jump to about 19 seconds in the video.

what I have done so far is insterted a video file without the introduction in a new keyframe and have the "skip intro" button linked to keyframe.the only problem is that if you do not wish to press the skip intro button, it stays up on the screen the entire time, and we would like it to disappear. I've thought about using skipintro.alpha = 0 at a cuePoint located 19 seconds in, but i'm not really sure how that would work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Skip Intro Not Working?

Jul 28, 2011

I have created an animated home page that I have put a "skip intro" button. When the viewer clicks on the skip intro button I want them to go to the end of the animation/homepage. There are three embedded movie clips of test tubes filling (near the end of the main timeline and these testubes are also navigation buttons to the rest of the site). Even though the viewer goes to the end of the main timeline when they click SKIP INTRO, the testtubes fill at this point and the animation loops back to frame 1 and keeps looping. I want viewer to stay at last frame with all testtubes filled and animation complete. I'm guessing it's something in the individual testube clips AS that is causing this or some simple solution that I'm overlooking? I published an html file and when I tested in a browser and DON'T skip the intro animation it goes through the full animation - to end and stops and does not loop.


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Professional :: Connecting External Swf Files To A Main Home Page Swf?

Oct 9, 2011

I have a home page in that their are 4 buttons which lead to 4 different pages, I essentially need mine to be able to click on a button and then have it go to that page, oh and Im working with Flash CS4 in AS3

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Skip Intro Then Go Back Error?

Feb 5, 2011

I have created a preloader for a video intro, with a skip button. This preloader is loaded inside the index.html file.When the user skips the intro video, he is forwarded to another page. This part works great.The problem is that if you ever go back to the index.html file after you skip the intro the flash file recognizes that the video is already downloaded, because it is partially downloaded because it begins to download before the user can press the 'Skip' button. I imagine this has to do with the fact that a partial file with the same name exists in cache.When the user clicks on the 'Skip' button I close the loader that was loading the video file like this:


Is this the problem? I thought that Flash automatically compared files.Is there any way to compare the file in cache on the users computer and have the file either resume or redownload if the file sizes don't correspond?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using Shared Objects To Skip The Intro?

Sep 3, 2008

using a shared object to detect the last visit of a user, and if it is within 24 hours, skipping the intro on a flash site?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Shared Object Skip Intro After First Visit?

Feb 13, 2012

Hopefully you guys can see something i am missing. I want to skip the intro of the flash movie after the first visit, so the user doesn't have to see the intro to get to the main site.
I have the code below on frame 1, an intro flv on frame 2 and the main site on frame 3. Code seems perfect and straight forward, why is it not working for me. I had a stop(); on frame 2 and 3 but I removed them to see if that would fix it, but no luck.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Shared Object Skip Intro After First Visit

Feb 13, 2012

I want to skip the intro of the flash movie after the first visit, so the user doesn't have to see the intro to get to the main site.

I have the code below on frame 1, an intro flv on frame 2 and the main site on frame 3. Code seems perfect and straight forward, why is it not working for me. I had a stop(); on frame 2 and 3 but I removed them to see if that would fix it, but no luck.

_so = SharedObject.getLocal("skipIntro");
_introcheck = 0;
if ( != _introcheck) {


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Actionscript 2.0 :: Shared Object Skip Intro After First Visit?

Feb 13, 2012

I want to skip the intro of the flash movie after the first visit, so the user doesn't have to see the intro to get to the main site.

I have the code below on frame 1, an intro flv on frame 2 and the main site on frame 3. Code seems perfect and straight forward, why is it not working for me. I had a stop(); on frame 2 and 3 but I removed them to see

Code: Select all_so = SharedObject.getLocal("skipIntro");
_introcheck = 0;
if ( != _introcheck) { = 0;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Skip Intro With Mouse Click On Screen

Jan 19, 2009

I have an issue with an intro I'm doing. I have made animation which is around 200 frames and in the main timeline, so that it starts when you load the page. I want the user to be able to click anywhere on the screen to skip this intro as it takes a while to load on slow connections. At the moment I have made a large button on a layer under the animation which only works as a button when you have loaded the page into the cache and not the first time you load it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Intro (flv Imported) As Intro Page?

Apr 11, 2010

I have a movie clip that I imported into flash, used a skin and have a nice little player for this website intro. I want to proceed to the sites home page upon completion of the movie. Searched but the best I could come up with was;
player.addEventListener("complete",function (event:Object) { trace("doneVideo");new URLRequest("my link");});

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