ActionScript 2.0 :: Motion Path Relative To Mouse Position
Nov 10, 2007
im using MX 2004 although i do have Flash 9 atm if anyone has an example in that
Anyway, im trying to slow down and speed up an orbit of an mc relative to where the mouse position is. So basically i need some sort of radial "field" where when the mouse gets close to the outside of the orbit the movie clip stops and when it is farther away the movie clip speeds up.
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_x -= (-20) - ((0.1 * _xmouse) - 60);
How can I make the easing start fast then go slow? Right now it starts slow and speeds up. Well not really, because it speeds up and then slows down once it gets closer to the mouse position. But becuase the mouse position is greater than that of the movement, it seems like it speeds up then just stops!
Here is the effect I am after....
look at the images inside of [URL]
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ActionScript Code:
onClipEvent (load)
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Nov 9, 2011
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Mar 9, 2007
I am replacing the mouse pointer with a custom graphic in an .swf that takes up part of a web page (.swf stage is about 350px wide, total layout is about 1000px). My code is all working fine, except that, if you move the mouse fairly quickly -- as you might do to get from a point on the .swf to the opposite side of a large monitor -- the .swf loses track of the mouse, and thinks that the ._xmouse/._ymouse values are still the same as the last point that that Flash saw the mouse, which is usually somewhere in the middle of the stage, thus "orphaning" the custom cursor. If I have a setInterval or something tracing the mouse position, the .swf still thinks that the mouse is sitting on top of it, even though the cursor is actually far away somewhere else. hitTest also still returns true as though the mouse was there (as you might expect, given that it's based on _xmouse/_ymouse).
The workaround/hack I have going now is that, once the pointer switches over to the custom cursor, it starts a setInterval, and then if the mouse appears not to move for a few seconds, it reverts back to the default cursor (i.e., Obviously, this is not optimal, because that means that the custom cursor disappears if you don't move the mouse for a second or two, and it doesn't really solve the problem anyway because it still looks like the custom cursor gets stuck for a second when you move too fast.
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var manTimer:Timer = new Timer(1000,14);
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Jan 14, 2009
create a flash viewer, which will load various other flash movies. The viewer will be in the root directory, but the flash movies it will load are a few directories deep. Those movies access various sound clips that are in an audio directory relative to each swf I want to load.
It seems that when I load one of these movies into my viewer, the loaded movie is looking for the sounds in an audio folder in the root directory, and not relative to the swf I loaded. Is there a way to set this? I would rather not have to make the changes in each of my other movies to use the absolute path
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Jul 18, 2010
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import flash.display.Sprite;
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Oct 14, 2009
I have a flash movie (let's call it B.swf) that loads an XML file which is located in the same directory to provide some data. This flash movie works fine itself. Now, I've made another flash movie, a main movie (let's call it A.swf), which loads different SWF's in turn, including the aforementioned one B.swf (which now would be located along with the XML file in a subdirectory).
To my surprise, I've checked that now I get an error, as the path I specified for the XML file in B.swf is not valid anymore when B.swf is loaded from A.swf. The relative path from which it's searching for the file is the directory where A.swf is located, not the one where B.swf is located, as happened when this movie was executed standalone.
Is there any way to fix this so that I don't have to change the path I specified in the code and I can use B.swf either way externally loaded or standalone?
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Mar 7, 2010
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Aug 21, 2010
I've downloaded the tweener.swc from their google project page I create my fla file put it in a folder and put in the same folder the tweener.swc file.
I go to ActionScript settings > Library path > hit the + button > I type the relative path which should be just tweener.swc or not sure but just a dot (.) or / to get all the classes and libraries from the same folder in which the fla is located.
But it says it can't load the swc or my imports don't find the classes.
P.S. With absolute path it works.
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Dec 6, 2009
When I drag and drop images in flash library, the path is sometimes relative (./somefolder/someimage.png), and sometimes it is absolute (D:lahsomefoldersomeimage.png).
How can I use only relative paths in flash library in order to be able to update all images from any computer and/or from any folder ?
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Feb 19, 2009
I'm attempting to use a relative path with SendAndLoad to my php query page named variables.php. Things seem to work just fine when I reference variables.php using an absolute path [URL], but variables are being returned as undefined when I attempt to call the page using just "variables.php." To add complexity, the swf is being referenced in an included page which is wrapped inside another page.
I know the path needs to be relative to the html/php page, not the swf itself. But what if the html page where the swf is encoded is actually being called from within another wrapper? I'm assuming the path needs to be relative to the final page, regardless. My guess is that the php isn't being parsed correctly when called via the relative path, which is the cause of my problem. Can anyone provide any insight? /dir/media/myflash.swf is called by /includes/myincludedswf.php which is then called by /home/final page.php if variables.php resides in the home directory, shouldn't I be able to use the path "variables.php" in the SendAndLoad directive?
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Dec 14, 2010
I'm building a site that loads in various swfs for each section, which in turn load in videos, sounds, xml etc. Lets call these 'third level stuff'. Does anyone know how I can load the third level stuff into their swfs without having to put full paths in from the Main swf file? I hope that makes sense?! for example. A loaded swf pulls in a video from its own directory, so would look something like:
ActionScript Code:
request = 'videos/video1.flv'
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Nov 1, 2009
I am trying to create a flash viewer, which will load various other flash movies. The viewer will be in the root directory, but the flash movies it will load are a few directories deep.
It seems that when I load one of these movies into my viewer, the loaded movie is looking for the sounds in an audio folder in the root directory, and not relative to the swf I loaded. Is there a way to set this? I would rather not have to make the changes in each of my other movies to use the absolute path
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Nov 5, 2009
how to give a relative path in URLRequest paramate and download that file.I found it from this particular stack overflow post .now if If give my machine's relative path, C:/sample/DefectList.xls it works.Now I have to access an xls file kept in the server machine or any other machine,say my team mate's machine. The ip address is and the location is C:/sample/test.xls.I tried
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest"file://");
But it throws the Error#2032.How to mention a remote location as a relative path?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" creationComplete="loadFile()">[code].....
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