Actionscript 3 :: Tween Position Relative To Current Position?

Jan 23, 2010

I have a tween set on a timer:

var manTimer:Timer = new Timer(1000,14);
manTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, moveMan);
function moveMan(e:TimerEvent):void {[code]....

I just need to make the tween's position relative to it's current position, as opposed to starting at the stage's 0 position then moving the the stage's -40 position. It needs to start at its current position the move -40 from that position.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tween Movieclip From Current Position After Previous Tween

Mar 17, 2011

I am working on to slide a movieclip across the stage.The movie clip is five times the width of the stage and I am using the Tween  Class to move it across the stage when a button is pressed.The interaction I want is that when the button is pressed the movie clip moves a certain amount.If the button is pressed again it moves further.The script I have come up with though is taking the movieclip back to the original position of the movieclip and then moving it as opposed to moving it from the position it reached after the first button click.I have tried a few things but nothing is working.The script I am using at present is:[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Record The Current Position Of Any Of The Items Item In Order To Use That Data To Change The Position Of The Item After The User Clicks?

Jan 2, 2010

If I have several items that move across the screen but the user can click any of them at any time, how do I record the current position of any of the items item in order to use that data to change the position of the item after the user clicks?

This is what I am doing: I have 11 images that slide accross the screen. The user can click any of them at any time. When he clicks one I am scaling the image so it looks like it is comming forward (z axis) and then the rest of the images are scaled down so it looks like they are going back on z axis. So what I am trying to do is get the current position of the image when the user clicks the image so that I can use that to correctly estimate the scaling and moving of the image to make it look like it scales from the center and not from the top left corner. So if have a variable that gets the current position of the image being clicked I'm thinking I can change its position using something like: x = currentposition + -45;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tween From One Position To Mouse Position?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Position Relative To Stage?

Oct 27, 2009

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the problem is that I want to get the position of mc2 relative to the stage...and not to there any simple way to do this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Distinguishing Relative Z Position?

Dec 10, 2009

Imagine that I make a movie clip that looks like a chess board, and that inside that move board I place other movie clips that look like pieces.Now imagine that I tilt the chessboard so that you are no longer looking at it top down and rotate it so that the dark pieces are first in front of you and and this slowly changes until the white ones are, etc.In order to make this look right I have to rearrange the stacking order of the movie clips (which pieces are "on top" of which other pieces when they are drawn). But when the clip rotates, the mc.z value for all the clips does not change. Neither does the width or height which I thought I could use instead even though they are clearly looking bigger or smaller onscreen.I think that I might just be getting the z point relative to the other children of the rotating movieclip. Is there any way to get the z point relative to the stage?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Position Array Relative To Stage?

Aug 10, 2011

way to position an array containing movie clips relative to the stage? Here's what I was trying...

import flash.display.MovieClip;
var one:MovieClip = new One();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Moving Image Relative To Position?

Jan 6, 2010

I had coded a different file similar to this and had a movieclip move along the x axis relative to where the mouse position is.

The idea is the movie clip is a panoramic photograph (eg. 6000x900) and it would move dependant on where the mouse it. ie. if mouse is in the centre it will be stationary and when it moves left and right the image will move accordingly (faster when further away from the centre).

The code below works moving the movieclip's x position but when I try and do it with TweenLite (using the quotations for relative positioning) the movieclip snaps immediately to -107374182.4

ActionScript Code:
import com.greensock.easing.*
import com.greensock.*


There is obviously something fundamental I am missing but cant see it at the minute. I had this working previously but then tried to progress it and write my own class for the panning (that now turns out I do not have time for) but I saved over the code and cant not go back.

I have put together an example zip with a .fla and the greensock tweening platform.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Browser Scroll Bar Position Relative To .swf?

Jan 6, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sliding MC Position Relative To Contents?

Feb 29, 2008

I have a movie clip that I have given the a "sliding" variable to move it across the X axis. So far I have been using a variable of

movieClip.newX = -250;

but what i need to do is have the movieclip slide to a position which is relative to an object inside of it.

As i need the slider to move to a position that centers the object which the slider contains on centered on the screen - i have tried:

movieClip.newX = movieClip.ContentsObject.Stage.width/2;

but with no response. I realise that code is incorrect, but need something that will work in that way. I presume i need some sort of listener to follow the _x position of the specific movie clip.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Mouse Position Relative To Screen?

Feb 13, 2010

I would like to know if there is any way that when mouse leaves screen, the mouse coord from the Main Movie Clip (mouseX and mouseY) keeps updating! Is there any way to get the mouse pos relative to the screen pos?For example when mouse leaves screen and goes 30 pixels up, its position would be (X,-30)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scaling Relative To Mouse Position?

Feb 20, 2004

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Relative Mouse Position With Easing

Jul 20, 2004

Here is my cool code....

_x -= (-20) - ((0.1 * _xmouse) - 60);


How can I make the easing start fast then go slow? Right now it starts slow and speeds up. Well not really, because it speeds up and then slows down once it gets closer to the mouse position. But becuase the mouse position is greater than that of the movement, it seems like it speeds up then just stops!

Here is the effect I am after....

look at the images inside of [URL]

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Professional :: How To Set MovieClip Position Relative To Stage With Classes

Mar 1, 2011

I'm developing my first flash app. I'm trying to use classes because they'll be very important in my future app. I created a simple movieclip with a star. However, instead of putting it directly on the stage, I'm calling it from library, using the addChild method to place the star in the stage. To do that, I simple right click over the movieclip icon->properties->check export to action script->and I give a name to the class (for example: myMC)

Then, inside the class I wrote:
package {
import flash.display.*;
public class myMC extends MovieClip {
var star:myMC=new myMC();
public function myMC() {
[Code] .....

As I am placing the two variables origin_x and origin_y inside the constructor, I'm expecting to get 250 and 200 respectively. After drop the star, I want to send it to it's original place, and that's why I need to keep this values. And here's the problem, origin_x and origin_y are both ZERO, instead of 250 and 200... The value is not relative to stage. I managed a little bit and I found this post : [URL]. Unfortunately I tried to replace by the suggested code, but both values remain zero. An interesting thing, is that if I put the star directly in the stage instead of calling it from the library as I am doing, I get correct values in origin_x and origin_y.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Position MovieClip Relative To Stage From Within Classes

Aug 5, 2011

I have a Flash file for an xml driven menu. There is the document Class, called Main. There is also a Navigation class. In the Navigation class, I position the location of main buttons and sub menu buttons for the menu. I want to position the buttons in the Navigation class relative to the stage. Currently, they are just fixed at certain positions (like 20); To do this, I have read that because this is not happening in the document class.

I must add an event listener to the constructor that listens for the added to stage event. I am not sure how to do this, as when I try and add an event listener for added to stage in the Navigation class nothing happens, (or all menu items diaspear). How to position movie clips relative to the stage (i.e. stage.stageWidth - 50) from a class that is not document class? How to do so in the document class, too.

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AS3 :: Flash - Relative Points - Translate The X / Y Position Of The Crosshair?

Aug 21, 2011

So I have a Crosshair on the Stage and I have an Enemy with nested child limbs, when the below function is called I want to create a hit mark and attach it as a child to the Enemies Limb but how do I translate the X/Y position of the Crosshair to the Enemies Limb bearing in mind the Limb may also be rotated?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Text Position Relative To Browser Resize?

Dec 13, 2009

I am having problems changing text x,y position in a browser window as the browser is resized. Ultimately I plan on positioning an image but just using the text for now. I use the following code:

stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, wResize);
function wResize(e:Event):void {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Panning Object Relative To Mouse Position?

Jan 28, 2010

I have an flash file which is 740px wide and a movie object inside it which is 1100px wide. What I want to happen is for the movie to scroll left or right depending on the mouse position and to stop when it reaches the start or end of the movie object. It all works fine except when it gets to either end, the _x position is outside the boundaries I have set in the if statement so it wont scroll back again.Code is below:

ActionScript Code:
onClipEvent (load)


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Position The Tooltip Relative To The Object That Triggered It?

May 9, 2009

I have made a tooltip class for my project and I want to position the tooltip relative to the object that triggered it.e.g.

Code: Select all_button = new CustomButton("CLICK ME");
_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, showTooltip);
private function showTooltip():void


How can I access the _button without hardcoding it like that?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Shift / Scale Relative To Position At Click

Aug 19, 2006

I've recently taken Krilnon's tutorial on interactive image panning, and have a need for more complexity. My image to be panned (relative to user's mouse movement) has several 'hot spot' buttons placed within. Each hot spot, when clicked, is to smoothly zoom and shift within the mask, with pertinent info displayed next to each, once zoom and shift is complete. almost like I'm making a motion tween, where the final position is known, but the start position is wherever the BG image is when the user clicks the nested button. I need to determine the x-position at the moment of click of the button (different for each button), and then, I think, use a simple-math "stagger-step" method of moving and scaling, until I've reached my final dest. here's the link to the tutorial I originally referenced:Url...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Position Clips Relative 2 Browser Window?

Jan 10, 2007

I want to position a clip near the end of the browser window and to make it fixed there, no matter on which screen resolution my site is viewed. I've tried already doing it using the external movie with fscommand, as well as with Stage.align, but then it applies to all the loaded movies. The rest of the content should be centered.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Motion Path Relative To Mouse Position

Nov 10, 2007

im using MX 2004 although i do have Flash 9 atm if anyone has an example in that
Anyway, im trying to slow down and speed up an orbit of an mc relative to where the mouse position is. So basically i need some sort of radial "field" where when the mouse gets close to the outside of the orbit the movie clip stops and when it is farther away the movie clip speeds up.


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IDE :: Position MovieClips Relative To Flash Movie Size?

Nov 21, 2011

How to position Objects in flash so that they stay like 10px from left no matter the size of flash movie. Something like in flex.

And how to embed Flash movie in HTML so that it all worked correctly?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Image Pan - Want To Center/scale Relative To Position At Click?

Aug 19, 2006

I've recently taken Krilnon's tutorial on interactive image panning, and have a need for more complexity. My image to be panned (relative to user's mouse movement) has several 'hot spot' buttons placed within. Each hot spot, when clicked, is to smoothly zoom and shift within the mask, with pertinent info displayed next to each, once zoom and shift is complete. almost like I'm making a motion tween, where the final position is known, but the start position is wherever the BG image is when the user clicks the nested button. I need to determine the x-position at the moment of click of the button (different for each button), and then, I think, use a simple-math "stagger-step" method of moving and scaling, until I've reached my final dest. here's the link to the tutorial I originally referenced:If anyone knows of a tutorial or example out there, I'd love directions to it(them). or,

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Code Simpler For Relative Position Of Each Movie Clip

Oct 13, 2009

i'm making an accordion menu with tweenlite, the menu works, but i want to know how can i make the code simpler for the relative position of each movie clip, i create a variable and override the variable inside the function for each movie, there is a better way to do it?[code]

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Flex :: Calculate Line Number Relative To Cursor Position In TextArea?

Jun 11, 2009

How can i find line number in events like mouse clicked, key down and key up. And also highlight that line with color. I used TextArea.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tween Class - Tween Back To The Original Position?

Oct 27, 2009

I am trying to understand the thinking behind motion tweening using AS3 (rather than doing it on the timeline).I am trying to create a simple platform game, and while this is simply a learning project, I have an movieclip instance on the stage, and using basic x+5 logic I can get the instance to move left and right on the stage accordingly.Trying to make the instance 'jump' is a bit trickier. This is the code I am using:

ActionScript Code:
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;[code].....

I thought this code would move the instance from it's current y-position and tween it to it's highest jump point. From here I planned to use a MOTION.FINISH event to tell it to tween back to it's original position.Something strage happens though, rather than tween from the current y position and move up, the instance instantly transforms it's position to y+100 and then tween back to the original position. So it kind of turns out that it is the second part of the jumping action that I want to create.

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