ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie SwapDepths / Levels Or GetNextHighest
Aug 2, 2011
I have 5 photos which are separate movies that enlarge and then decrease. I have them arranged in a line, slighty overlapping with movies 1 and 5 underneath then 2 and 4 then 3 on the top level. I would like it so that when you roll over each movie it comes to the top level then when you rollout it goes back to it's original position. I can't seem to get the code right however and they keep going back in the wrong position. Here is the code that I have placed on each invisible button over each movie:
on (rollOver){
}on (rollOut){
I'm filling my stage with a tile overlay (transparent .png). I want it to overlap an Embedded Video that's also on the stage. How can I get the tile overlay to be on top of the video instead of underneath?
I am a Flash newbie and I've probably bitten off more than I can chew with this sounded so easy! Okay, so here's what I want to do: There are 5 people layered across the screen. When you rollover the person, they change color and come to the foreground (over the other pictures). On rollout, they go back to the background and change back in color. On click, they go to a new screen with just their picture and some information.
I first started setting this up and did each person as a button. Then I realized that in doing that, the button would not come to the foreground on rollover if it was below other buttons in the layers. So I put all of the buttons in movie clips and applied AS to the buttons (inside the movie clips, with the buttons on the main scene) and the AS2 looks like this:
I have been battling this for 2 days now and can't seem to find any solutions. I am making a flash Statistics chart for my website which pulls the stats from the database and loads them into corresponding arrays in the actionscript. Once all the information is pulled, it goes to the next frame and duplicates the existing stat bars on the flash document depending on how many stats were retrieved. The loaded stats are then calculated to adjust the stat bar heights to fit the grid. So far, everything is working up to this point.Now for the problem... Directly above each stat bar, I have a text field which I want to fill with the value of the specified stat. The stat text fields are duplicated by the duplicateMovieClip function. For some reason, stat text fields are not visible at all even when using the depthManager function I found in my research.[code]
i need to create a border in my movie. i've used two buttons for two different types of borders and a NumericStepper to specify the thickness.i createEmptyMovieClip an mc and then i use moveTo and lineTo to draw the rectangular border inside, every time the new thickness is specified, a new border should appear and replace the older one. so how do i do this?? i tried using a constant depth value which solved this problem.
i have a movieclip already on stage, placed manually by me.i dont want it to get overlapped by the border and so i used swapDepths for it. but if i use a constant depth, every alternate swapDepths puts this movie clip behind the, first time the border's behind. now i change thickness and again apply border, the border is over my do i solve this so that the borders replace themselves and the mc on stage remains on top??
I have a movie clip that allows the user to select certain colors for certain sections of a boat so that they can design their own boat. When the user selects whatever color they want for whatever part of the boats what's happening is they are just loading different movie clips that live on levels 1-6. I can print each level on separate sheets of paper but what I'd like to do is print all of the levels on one sheet of paper.
I was thinking that I could achieve this by duplicating everything I want to print into a MovieClip that lives off the stage and print that but I don't know how I would do this.
i've got a movie where i'm attaching a MC and trying to get a variable from the main movie--i can't seem to pick up a variable from the main movie using 'myVar=_root.myVar' or 'myVar=_level0.myVar' inside the MC--any ideas on what i'm missing here?
.I've downloaded a template, which I'm modifying to get working the way I want. You can see how far I've got by going to URL... My question is regarding the 'About' page, where on the right hand side you'll see a pull down menu, with two images on it. The first (says Myrtletown Films) loads and links correctly - The second doesn't link correctly.I'm almost certain its a coding linking issue - As if I were to load the same movieclip as the first one (only telling it to load image2, it loads fine - but then wont link to a separate location).Ok, its starting to get confusing; so here's the FLA. When you open the FLA don't go looking around for bits and pieces. Everything you need will be in the 'action_ content' movie clip. You will find both instances of the images (which are labelled 'Previous_Work_Item_1a' etc)[code]The first image is linked to page '6', the second image (which is failing to load) is linked to page '7'. What's confusing is that Previous_Work_Item2a/b/c are just duplicates of Previous_Work_Item_1a/b/c
im using a load targetscript to load external swfs into the main timeline of my movie, however im keeping much of the other layers/mc's loaded, and the external swf is loading over them, the level the blank movie clip is created in doesnt seem to be working propperlly?? whats going wrong?
I wanted to swap the depths of two movieclips one located in _level0 the other located in _level2! I can get it to work when the MC's are on the same level but not when thier in different levels.
I did the 3d carousel tutorial from and I manage to create a background color that will load once you click an image with a movie clip called dim . However this movieclip dim keeps appearing atop my icons. I tried Swapdepths to change the orders but its not working.
I did the 3d carousel tutorial from gotoandlearn site and I manage to create a background color that will load once you click an image with a movie clip called dim. However this movieclip dim keeps appearing atop my icons. I tried Swapdepths to change the orders but its not working. On function released. I want the var dim to be behind the var t:Movieclip =home. in the preview the movie clip dim with the alpha of 80 appears on top the var t that has the carousel images.
Code: import mx.utils.Delegate; import mx.transitions.Tween; import mx.transitions.easing.*; var numOfItems:Number; var radiusX:Number = 300; var radiusY:Number = 75; [Code] .....
I have 2 images that I want to swap places on a certain frame in my animation. I've been messing with it for quite sometime now and I can accomplish one of two things. Either the animation goes smoothly and the images don't swap depths or the images swap depths and the animation hangs.
I have a banner I'm working on and it has 28 icons that are button symbols. Each one when you mouse over, has a label animate out of it. All of these icons are in very close proximity and when you mouse over, the label usually goes behind the other icons.Now usually, with movieclips I attach this:
I'm currently working on a project (AS2 in CS5) that contains a lot of small dots that are set up as buttons with rollovers. This has been problematic since the rollovers will sometimes appear behind some of the other buttons.
I did a forum search and found information about the swapdepths function that can be applied to buttons by using the following code:
This code solved the overlap problem, however... now when i roll out of the button, the "roll over" state remains visible (instead of returning to its original state)
The problem i have is that i want to use the ui window component (in order to keep file size down, and it just works well) but i want to use multiple windows on the stage. It was simple to get them to open with PopUpManager.createPopUp and to intialise the close button with deletePopUp(). Now heres the big but i can't get a swapdepths function to work.I have added in an event listener for the close button and the swapdepths but only one fuction will work at a time, ie i can get the swap depth to work but you can't drag the windows or close them, or you can drag and close one window but the other will not do anything until the top one is closed.i know that it's a swapdepth problem but i can't work out where to put the swapdepth in the code to make all fuctions work at once.The code is below
My movie has several scenes. In one of them I have to swapdepths of some mc's. The weird thing is that when I go on to the next scene, the mc's that were on top of the stackingorder are showing up on top of the next scene. I've tried about everything I could think of, but the mc's keep popping up on the other scene's.
I am having a problem and hope someone can help. I've created two mc's. One called "mcSkinned" and the other called "mcSkeleton". Each of these mc's has an mc inside of it that acts as the tab (so when the tab is clicked, the focus changes for either mcSkinned or mcSkeleton). The names of the tab mc's are:
mcSkeletonTabBackground mcSkinnedTabBackground
So this means that mcSkeleton has mcSkeletonTabBackground in it and mcSkinned has mcSkinnedTabBackground in it.I've placed each main mc (mcSkinned and mcSkeleton) on the main scene and added the following code to an "Actions" layer on the timeline:
Now, I know that I've done something wrong. Because if it worked, I would not be on here begging for help. Can anyone please let me know how I am screwing this up? have two tabs change depths when clicked on their tabs. I do not want these mc's to be draggable on to change z-depths.
i have been trying to work this out for some time and i can't find any info about this on the web.The problem i have is that i want to use the ui window component (in order to keep file size down, and it just works well) but i want to use multiple windows on the stage. It was simple to get them to open with PopUpManager.createPopUp and to intialise the close button with deletePopUp(). Now heres the big but i can't get a swapdepths function to work.I have added in an event listener for the close button and the swapdepths but only one fuction will work at a time, ie i can get the swap depth to work but you can't drag the windows or close them, or you can drag and close one window but the other will not do anything until the top one is closed.i know that it's a swapdepth problem but i can't work out where to put the swapdepth in the code to make all fuctions work at once.[code]
I'm trying to set up an app that moves one movie clip to the top of the screen, regardless of where it is or how deeply it is nested. To do this, I take the full path of the movie clip and go in, movie clip by movie clip, putting the depth of each nested clip on top. This part works perfectly. Afterwards, I want to move everything back to where it was. In the first step, I store the current depths of everything in an array before changing depths. In the second step, I'm trying to change everything back to its original depth, as shown in the array.
The code is below: _global.videoPath = _root.clip1.clip2; var pathString = String(_global.videoPath); var videoPathArray = pathString.split("."); var depthArray:Array = new Array(); [Code] .....
I followed this tutorial on making Tabbed Content with swapDepths, but mine isn't working quite right. When you click a tab the text and icon disappear behind the tab. So each tabbed page is an mc and there is a button for each tab that has this AS on it:
on (release) { _root.btn1.swapDepths(3) ; _root.tab1.swapDepths(2) ; }
difference but Im using Flas cs5 with AS2. but my clock timer is still behind. Ned, I used your suggestion of putting my dynamic text into a new mc (create sybol method, the only one I know) then I made a new movieclilp named time_mc. I then pasted the actionscript with the 30 minute countdown timer on it. It is still behind. The clouds have to stay on the last depth and the timer has to stay on the top. The rest can go whereever. Not sure what i am doing wrong. I bet Im doing something incorrect but cant figure it out. I kept playing around with codes, but nothing worked. Here is the final non-working code. Working on this issue three days. The timer works if I remove all other layers but it stays hidden once I put them back,
I'm having some trouble with swapDepths function. I'm programming a drag/drop system. I created a empty MovieClip (depthSwaper), with the highest depth, and every time I drag one of my objects, I swap its depths with depthSwaper, so my object is always on the highest depth.Problem, I get this error : "Error #1006 : swapDepths is not a function".
Here's my script :
public function monDown(e:MouseEvent) { e.currentTarget.icone.swapDepths(depthSwaper); e.currentTarget.startDrag();
currentTarget.icone is the MovieClip I'm moving. I tried to use swapdepth with just a number, like this : e.currentTarget.icone.swapDepths(10); but i'm getting the same error.
I have a main swf that loads 6 movies. And I know how to stack movies in levels and how to target different levels from wherever the user may be. But the trouble is the level/movie on top has to visually overlap the level/movie underneath. And this has to happen dynamically because, say my main movie points to A, B, C, D, E, and F. If I go to B from F, I need to see part of F until I see B. So if I tell Main to open ABCDEF on 1 that works fine. But I can't simply tell A to open B on level 2 because ABCDEF needs to stack on top of the former ABCDEF. Does that make sense? I've been living this for five days and it hardly makes sense to me.
Take my word for it, ABCDE & F need to overlap in a way where I can't just set their levels as one higher than the next.