I created a textfield dinamicaly with MovieClip.createTextField, but my text is to long, so I need a scrollbar. How can create and attach the scrollbar to the textfield ? Any idea is welcome, tutorial is super
I have searched the forum for this, and there are a couple of similar questions, but no answers (bad sign I guess...).Is it possible to use movieclip.createTextfield and use a component scrollbar?
I want to be able to create a text field on a movie clip that is already established. I can create a text field on the main flash window, but I am unable to create a text field on a movieclip on the flash window.My MovieClip is called Background with an instance name of myBackground. I try the following line among others I have tried:
Am I referencing the movie clip correctly?I have checked the Complete Reference for Macromedia Flash MX, but could not find anything in there. It seems like that book only skims the surface.
I'm trying to create rows of information in Flash using createTextField in a dynamically attached movieclip. I have the autoSize property set to "center" to account for varying lengths of text. However when I try to obtain the height of the current textbox so I can set the _y property of my next record, Flash doesn't seem to be recognizing the autoSize property and returns the same height for each record.
I added a second frame in the movieclip I'm attaching with a "trace(this._height)"... The correct height property is shown.
how I can get the height property right away after creating the textbox?
I have a movieclip that I am masking dynamically. The reason for masking the movieclip is because it can be different heights depending on user feedback to some questions. I want to add a scrollbar if the movieclip exceeds the mask area that will allow the user to scroll to see the rest of the movieclip.
I'm creating a history timeline and I would like to make sure that when the dragger on the scrollbar is on a certain time period, the movieclip is on that time period as well. Is there a way to have the dragger to listen for when it reaches a specific time period on the scrollbar and have it align the movieclip appropriately?
I have a movie clip button with a text box within it. The text box also has a scrollbar component attached. Since the movie clip button has roll-over functionality [ btn.onRollover = function() ], I believe that's taking precedence over the inner scrollbar. I guess this goes back to the common problem of a button inside of a button.
Here I am trying to resize a movie clip which contains some dynamic text with scrollbar in a swf using mouse.I am able to resize the movie clip using "setProperty". But unable to control the behaviour of the scrollbar. when I am increasing the size of the movie clip the scrollbar should automatically disappear. But I am unable to do so.
I've removed all of the math I had done. Just trying to get the content area (_scrollable) to move up and down behind the mask in the opposite direction, just as you'd expect a scrollbar to do to a content area.
Dragging of the scrollbar is setup and this just needs some simple math coding in the thumbMouseMove function.
I am trying to re-size a movie clip which contains some dynamic text with scroll-bar in a swf using mouse. I am able to re-size the movie clip using "setProperty". But unable to control the behavior of the scroll-bar. When I am increasing the size of the movie clip the scroll-bar should automatically disappear.
Here is the link of the swf I am working on: [URL] Here is the code I have used for the resizer: if (this._x <= 20) { setProperty(_root.cont.frames, _width, 20); setProperty(this, _x, 20); } else { setProperty(_root.cont.frames, _width, this._x); [Code] .....
scroll a movieclip inside a swf with the browser scrollbar? I'm not talking about something like swfFit or so but actually controling a mc on stage while the rest of the swf stays in place? I've seen this done in a site that I don't remember the url to. Don't know though if they placed a div containing a swf on top of the "main" swf.
1. A navigation menu that, when a button is clicked, will scroll the site quickly to a specific Y position using swfaddress.
2. The entire site is controlled by a flash scroll bar, which will be scrolling a single movieclip.
2A. The movieclip will load content corresponding to the navigation categories, all which is organized into zipped files (using this to extract the contents of each section, example: about.zip for the about section of the site)
2B. The movieclip will load multiple zipped files one by one that correspond to the navigation, in order, making the site appear to be very tall.
What we are in need of is understanding how to load multiple zipped files into a movie clip, in a specific order, and having them scroll between one another through the navigation. The separate navigation categories can be in movieclips instead of zipped files if that is easier.URL...
We are trying to build a site with these features:
Our site will be built in Actionscript 3.
1. A navigation menu that, when a button is clicked, will scroll the site quickly to a specific Y position using swfaddress.
2. The entire site is controlled by a flash scroll bar, which will be scrolling a single movieclip.
2A. The movieclip will load content corresponding to the navigation categories, all which is organized into zipped files (using this to extract the contents of each section, example: about.zip for the about section of the site)
2B. The movieclip will load multiple zipped files one by one that correspond to the navigation, in order, making the site appear to be very tall.
**What we are in need of is understanding how to load multiple zipped files into a movie clip, in a specific order, and having them scroll between one another through the navigation. The separate navigation categories can be in movieclips instead of zipped files if that is easier.
I'm working with a flash program that dynamically creates a user-specified amount of text fields in an MC using the createTextField function. However, it seems only one of the text fields will show up.
I've done some testing, and I found that when you create multiple text fields in an MC using this method, only the most recent one shows up. Is there any way to avoid this?
With the code below how can I add to it to make it a link to an internal movie clip.So when someone clicks on this text it tells another move clip to play.Do I need to create an empty MC and Add this text feild inside that MC?
I'm creating a text field dynmaically and it works great however when I test the movie I can't seem to change any text (like a typical input box on a webpage for example), it appears to be only readonly.
I'm coding a dynamic menu in flash which involves creating a text field for each item in an array (forloop). but i want to create the text field with no set width so that each text field is set to the width of the space that the text inside it takes up..i thought something like
createTextField("name", depth); would do but it doesnt seem to work without all of the parameters createTextField("name", depth, x, y, width, height);
I'm not having luck setting alpha values with _parents that contain child textFields created dynamically. The text filed doesn't change its _alpha with the other objects in the movie clip.
I'm trying to write a function that I can use for creating text fields - in this case: to make the labels for a navigation menu. But the function is not working and I don't know what's the problem. Vars are: n = name and l = depth.
Code: function makeMenuTab(n, l, x, y, w, h) { var c = createTextField("c"+j, j++); c._x = x;[code]......
I'm trying to do generate a textfield that can automatically figure out how wide and high it's going to be...That way I can scale it's parent movieclip to be 250px wide max..The textfield also shouldn't wrap.
I'm trying to write a function that I can use for creating text fields - in this case: to make the labels for a navigation menu. But the function is not working and I don't know what's the problem. Vars are: n = name and l = depth.