ActionScript 2.0 :: Opening The Multiple SWF?
Apr 23, 2010
I have 2 swf movies...
In beach.swf i have a button where when clicked i want to open surf.swf currently im using..
loadMovieNum("surf.swf", 1);
This however opens the movie within the swf. how to open another swf, keeping the original open and run it not in a browser ?
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Apr 1, 2011
I have a page (page1) with flash content that has an imbedded mc. The imbedded mc contains a group of thumbnail /buttons that bring up larger images (Thumb2 moves the playhead to frame 2 of the mc) there is also a unique button on each frame of the mc that should bring up a unique html page (a form) for that frame reference. When page 1 loads with the mc in it's default start position at frame 1 the form button works perfectly, however none of the other form buttons work and if I click on Thumb1 (which should be the start position mc frame 1) after clicking on any of the other form buttons, the form button for Thumb 1 no longer works. Everything else works as it should and I get no error codes.
I have the code for the form buttons located in the actions layer of the main timeline as follows;
TiaraFrames_mc.TSofaQAFrm_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,TSofaQ AFrm);
function TSofaQAFrm(event:MouseEvent){
var TSofaQAFrmURL:String="CustomForms/Tiara/TSofaQA.html";
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Jun 28, 2009
On the site [URL] there is a .swf that prevents users from opening multiple instances of the site at the same time on the same computer. If you open the site, and try to open it a second time in another window, it won't load. You can't open the site again until the first window is closed. How did they implement this?
From my analysis it is NOT:
1. Cookies - The block still takes place if you try opening it in IE and also try opening it in Firefox simultaneously.
2. Flash Cookies - The block still takes place if I disable flash cookies.
3. IP Based Block - You are not blocked if you open the site on two separate computers with the same outbound IP address. From my analysis, their server does not assist in the block at all.
It seems as if their .swf is creating some kind of global system-wide object that can be detected in other instances of the application on the same machine. How did they implement this?
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May 7, 2011
it is possible to open a gz or other format archive, which contains multiple files with flash and then process the files.i guess it should be possible with byte-array.i managed to open a gzipped xml file this way.however i am a little stumped on how to determine which file is what in the opened and decompressed archive.
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Jun 28, 2009
On the site there is a .swf that prevents users from opening multiple instances of the site at the same time on the same computer. If you open the site, and try to open it a second time in another window, it won't load. You can't open the site again until the first window is closed. How did they implement this? From my analysis it is NOT:1. Cookies - The block still takes place if you try opening it in IE and also try opening it in Firefox simultaneously.2. Flash Cookies - The block still takes place if I disable flash cookies.3. IP Based Block - You are not blocked if you open the site on two separate computers with the same outbound IP address. From my analysis, their server does not assist in the block at all. It seems as if their .swf is creating some kind of global system-wide object that can be detected in other instances of the application on the same machine. How did they implement this?
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Jun 3, 2009
Im having a little bit of a problem with a .flv file i want to put into a flash document for adding a play and pause button.
Im not sure why, but i get an error message every time i try to load the .flv
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The file is at: [URL]
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The issue may sound simple, but I am a beginner at this.
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Oct 29, 2011
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Oct 29, 2009
I've got a .fla file, with 3 scenes in it. In the 3rd scene, there's a button which upon clicking it, should open a new window showing a external .swf file. Both files are placed in the same folder.
Now.. I'm able to open the .swf file in a browser, but what im trying to do, is open it in flash player. How the *#@%*#@ am i supposed to that? :P
Oh yeah, i should probably mention that the external .swf file also has mulitple scenes and buttons. And both "movies" should still be interactable when i open the new window.
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Jan 18, 2010
I'm doing an interactive kiosk and the FlashPlayer on the screens we're using is like a modified Flash7 or something and it has a lot of trouble reading even the most simple actionscript (extremely frustrating). So I'm trying to load an external projector file (.Exe) from the SWF, which would solve everything.The file that calls the Exe MUST be a SWF.I've tried to wrap my head around possible workarounds for a while now, but haven't much luck.
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Jan 21, 2010
I have a main contents page and what I want to do is when the user click the button for a section then the relevant swf will load whilst the contents page closes. If this can't be done then is there a way to just get the relevant swf to open up in a new flash window?
I have done the following:
PercentageOfAQuantityBtn.addEventListener(MouseEve nt.CLICK, GoPercentageOfAQuantity);
function GoPercentageOfAQuantity(evt:MouseEvent):void {
navigateToURL (new URLRequest ("02 Percentages.swf"));
This code however loads the swf file in my internet browser instead of a new flash window.
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Aug 26, 2010
I have a big issue opening an URL using AS2 in the new versions of Internet Explorer. The web is:h t t p (click on Booking)This is the script I'm using and it works perfect in Firefox and Safari:
ActionScript Code:
btnReservas.hitArea_mc.onRelease = function() {
View 3 Replies
Dec 21, 2010
What I want to achieve is to be able to be running a .swf file that I've coded using actionscript, and to click a button in there and have it bring up my computer's finder window (or the my computer/documents/whatever you want to call it on a windows) so you can bring in a file from on the computer. If that's a bit vague, I want to be able to add music to a library (like iTunes) .. Basically. All I want to know is if it's possible to open a file from outside the swf and put it on the stage.
I'd also like to know if it's possible to... save (for lack of a better word) the files that are on the .swf so that the next time you open it they're still there.
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