Linux - Make Swf From Fla Without Ever Opening?

Oct 29, 2011

is it possible to change text and images in a fla file without ever opening it up and then making the swf via command line? I want to make a flash template and save the fla. Then be able to update my text and image name and convert it to swf. I have one template but tons of different text options and background images. It would be nice to be able to copy the master.fla twenty times and just change the source code (will do this from command line) and then convert to swf (via command line).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make An Opening Door Effect?

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I'm using AS3 and Flash Cs5 and trying to make an opening door effect.I used this code which seemed to work:

ActionScript Code:
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.Tween;


But now none of my actions will work in the frame after , Its like something in this code is preventing the AS in frame 6 to stop working.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make An Opening Door Effect For A Flash Website?

Jan 26, 2012

I'm using AS3 and Flash Cs5 and trying to make an opening door effect for a flash website.I used this code which seemed to work:
function goin(e:Event){
at.push(new Tween(door1,'z',Strong.easeIn,0,-300,3,true));[code].....
But now none of the actions on frame 6 will work now. Its like something in this codeis preventing actions from working in the goto frame. Ive tried stop(); and gotoandplay, and nothing seems to be working.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Opening URL - Use Default Error To Make An "error Movieclip" Visible?

Jul 27, 2006

ok now i have a variable "URL" [URL] (or something like that - it works anyway) and a search box replaces the url and places it in the url as appropriate Error opening URL "[URL]" now if someone types "hello" and submit, it looks for "[URL]" but if the image isnt in the folder it will come up as Error opening URL "[URL] in the OUTPUT box now is their any way at all to say in the actionscript (the image searched wasnt in our database please try again) i know its a default message flash comes up with but is their a quick way to use this default error to make an "error movieclip" visible?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swf Compiler For Linux?

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I was wondering if anyone knew of a tool I could use to compile a swf from the command line.I got a project on my plate right now that calls for a game to be altered every day with a new configuration, features, etc.Thing is that the list of possible things that could be in there on any given day is quite large, and the assets each will need are big as well.So I'm trying to find a solution that will load the AS files, images, etc. for just the features that will be enabled everyday...without having to spend each day compiling a new swf from the authoring tool.

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When Are Adobe Going To Really Support Linux

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Media Server :: Adobe - Cannot Use .dll On Linux

Sep 24, 2011

Adobe I can find instructions and a list of needed for modifying Apache to work with HLS for Apple/IOS devices. However I cannot use .dll on Linux but I can possibly use the .so files .... so can you verify that FMS 4.5 HLS for Apple/IOS devices works on Linux by installing just the 3 .so files below? If it is in short why don't i need the .dll? I don't spend days trying to install FMS 4.5 in a way that is not documented or tested by you. Also is installing FMS 4.5 and HLS for Adobe/IOS devices possible on IIS? Where do i get instructions for IIS?


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Flex :: Convert .fla File To .swf On Linux

Jul 17, 2010

here some action script code, for capturing images from webcam (from here):

var cam:Camera = Camera.getCamera();
var video:Video = new Video(640,480);


i've googled a bit, and found some information about flex sdk, and it's command-line tool for compiling .as to .swf (./bin/mxmlc), but any information about converting .fla to .swf in linux!

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Php :: Executing Actionscript On A Linux Server?

Oct 12, 2011

I have a set of ~5 ActionScript 3 classes that are currently used within a flex 4 application. Although their output is used to display graphs etc in my flex app, the classes themselves have no visual components - they are only used to do complex math computations (I originally implemented them in AS3 in order to avoid constant server calls when computations were needed by the flex app).

However, I now want to make the same mathematical computation engine available on my linux server so the computations can be done within PHP. Is there any way at all to access the logic in these classes on the server? I would really like to avoid re-implementing the complex logic in PHP.

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Actionscript 3 :: Parse SWF File In Linux?

Jan 25, 2012

We would like to write some automated process of fetching data from quiet a few SWF (Flash ActionScript 3) files.

Aside from that, we would like it to run automatically as a part of our automated-deployment-script (written in Ant, runs on Linux).

any SWF-parsing tools that allow to check for instance-data-per-frame ? (Adobe AIR won't run in a console-linux, as far as I saw in Google)

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Professional :: Projector In Linux And Relative Paths

May 17, 2007

I create a projector for Linux by executing a swf file in flash player and chosing "create projector" from the file menu. The initial swf loads external resources (using MovieClip Loader.loadClip for example). In the swf this works fine but in the projector this fails. The projector seems to always execute in the users home directory no matter where it is in the file system, thus to find the external resources the path should be relevant to the users home directory. The problem i now have is that my application will be packaged and distributed on a cd rom. At development time i have no idea of the path to where the cd-rom will be mounted in the end users machine.For what motive does the projector execute in the users home directory and not in its real location?

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Media Server :: Set An Username And Password For The FME In Linux

Jan 22, 2008

I installed FMS into a linux server with its own flash media encoder uthentication add-in. I restarted the fms service. The fms is working fine, i can stream and also visualize the stream on a client. When I connect to fms with fme i'm not asked for username and password. How do I set up users in fms so that the access to it should be restricted?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Not Working When Uploaded To Linux Server

Jan 21, 2009

Works like a charm when I preview it but when I upload to the server (tried 3 different ones) it just ignore the actionscripts all together no matter what I use.

What I have is a rotating banner system. I set it up to randomly start at a specific one. If I preview it locally or run in in my .html file locally (just using preview in dreamweaver) it works like a charm and starts at a random one. When I upload it it just starts at the first one like the actionscripts do not exist.

Using Flash CS3 and AS3.

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Flash :: Camera Resolution Very Low While Running Under Linux?

Jun 14, 2010

I've met a problem while trying to stream with my camera. Whatever i try, by switching the camera (3 different UVC-cameras) or which Linux-OS (CentOs, Fedora Core) or testing at different Flash-Sites (incl. one of my own) - i always get a resolution of   160 x 120.  Other applications manage up to 800 x 600.
Is this a known Bug/Feature? I've searched the Internet and found many people with the exact problem, but with no solution. What should i do? The tool flashcam didn't work either.

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Media Server :: Best Linux Distribution For Professional Use?

Dec 11, 2010

I like to know what is the best Linux distribution for professional use of FMS (streaming events on the web, HD, 50 to 100 viewers). Debian Lenny/Squeeze, CentOS, RedHat?

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Professional :: Linux Flash Videos Do Not Execute

Jun 23, 2011

Using 10,3,162,29 on linux amd64, flash works perfectly on all sites apart from whose videos are hosted by url... ooyala emailed me that they do not support linux. I believe flash would work if the telegraph were told how to script their html to execute flash. the flash video appears to load but then fails to execute. No error messages are displayed and no errors can be found on log files.I have seen several criticisms on the web on this issue and there is a consensus that it is adobe which is at fault. I believe in order to protect their reputation adobe will need to resolve this issue; I think it unlikely that the telegraph contract with ooyala allows them to ignore commonly used pc o/s's like linux. There is certainly little point in Adobe investing in linux flash if popular websites fail to provide adequate infrastructure.

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Media Server :: 4.5 On Linux Does Not Bind To 1935, 80

Dec 16, 2011

1. I've installed FMS on OpenSuse 11.4 64 bit, I know that according to the requirements it is not recommended distribution, but common opensuse is very modern and complete.

2. During the installation I had to make a link into the directory where installFMS script was present (because installer says that there is no libcap library which is not true)

3. Completed the installation without installing apache (I have apache on this machine but disabled -> free 80 port)

4. I have left default configuration (regarding user, group, ports: 80 & 1935 + 1111, added the admin user)

5. I started the server with the command ./server start

6. My htop shows: - several processes ./fmsadmin -console -conf ./conf/Server.xml

7. I can connect to the server using the administration console on my localhost. The server is installed on host (local network), I can connect to the server using credentials given earlier

8. I can not connect to the rtmp service or rtmpt service

I am using:


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Media Server :: Webcams Not Always Being Detected In Linux?

Mar 18, 2012


My webcam works great with Skype and Cheese and it used to work great with a program called FaceFlow but now when i try to use it with FaceFlow i get the following pop-up: Adobe Flash Player can't locate a camera on my computer? I have installed via Synaptic the latest version of Adobe Flash Player which is 11,1,102,63 but without any affect?

Would it be possible to uninstall the present version of Adobe and use an older version in the hope that the webcam will be recognised?"
I did a quick test of FaceFlow the other day ......  I have two webcams for testing, one is an older model and the other a uvc compatible device.

Faceflow would not recognise the older model, only the uvc camera.

Seems you have come across the same problem  "

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ActionScript :: Desktop Audio App - How To Build For Win / Mac / Linux

Nov 16, 2009

I am a web developer well-versed in XHTML/CSS, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, and XML/XSL. I would like to write a desktop application for music teachers that manipulates audio files. The app will:
-Input one or more audio files
-Let the user pick in and out points of several clips
-Play those clips at the touch of a button with fade-in and -out
-Render those clips out to new audio files

The application must:
-Run on Windows, Mac, and Linux without tons of extra coding for each
-Have a nice GUI for totally non-tech-savvy people (i.e. professors)

I've never built a desktop application before, and am prepared to learn a new language. From what I've read, an Adobe AIR app built with ActionScript and Flex seems to be the most straightforward. I'm not thrilled about learning such a proprietary system, though. Is this possible using AJAX through AIR?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash - Add Fl.controls (UIScrollBar) On Linux

Jan 28, 2010

How would one go about adding fl.controls.* to AS3 projects developed under Linux?

Apparently it is not part of Flex 3SDK for Linux (which is what I am using to compile) or maybe it is and I am not importing it correctly..I downloaded this SDK last March, maybe time for update?

Looking at Adobe Official Docs for fl.controls does not mention that this library is somehow restricted.

In particular, I was looking for fl.controls.UIScrollBar type of functionality

I am using MiniBuilder to edit.

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Linux :: Convert Office Files To Swf / Flash?

Feb 3, 2011

In a webbapp hosted on its private server with linux(ubuntu server 10) , the users will upload documents(MS word, excel, powerpoint, pdf, etc..). We want to convert the files in swf(flash) objects , to embed them to the site. I saw a lot of websites having this future.

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Linux :: Flex - AIR - ADT Failed To Load The AIR Runtime?

Nov 17, 2011

i've just added air-sdk to ubuntu, and adl is working, but when im trying to use adt i have this:Failed to load the AIR RuntimeWhat i can do whit this?I need adt to make native installer from .air file to .dbm"adt -package -target native my-app-name.dbm my-app-name.air "

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Linux :: Flash Trace Output In Firefox?

May 5, 2009

I'm developing an applications which I've got running on a server on my linux desktop. Due to the shortcomings of Flash on Linux (read: too hard) I'm developing the (small) flash portion of the app in Windows, which means there's a lot of frustrating back and forth. Now I'm trying to capture the output of the flash portion using flash tracer and that is proving very difficult also. Is there any other way I could monitor the output of trace on linux?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Local Swf On Linux Box Cannot Communicate With Server

Aug 9, 2009

I have a swf file stored locally on a linux machine, that is launched on boot up via opera. the swf communicates with the server to login and retrieve xml data, and then loads other swfs on the server.

i have added the crossdomain.xml to the root of my server, and added the appropriate'my domain').

this process works fine on a windows machine, but with the linux setup, the call to login with 'sendAndLoad' does not return a successful result.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Keyboard Event Capturing In Linux?

Aug 19, 2009

I came across this annoying bug in Linux.

consider this code as timeline code:

ActionScript Code:
import flash.utils.getTimer;


(haven't tested in Mac, I deleted my mac vm as it wasn't accurate)

What is going on is that just after a KEY_DOWN event, a KEY_UP event fires, even though you didn't release the key.

Now as for where this bug is located, I'm not sure. It could be with how flash integrates into the already present keyboard interface of the OS, or it could be the OS's keyboard interface itself.

But see either way, it's something I can't control. I can't change flash player, nor can I change the keyboard interface of the OS (well I can, but what about other users with Linux?).

So what I need is a way around this. To side step this key up event when the key up didn't actually occur. Because this is causing some majour issues with my KeyboardController class.

furthermore it makes me wonder what might be going on in Solaris.

I think I'll reinstate my vm's of Solaris and Mac OSX and see.

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