ActionScript 2.0 :: PHP Value To Flash Button GetURL

Sep 1, 2008

What I want to do is take the value of $MyState in the php code below..

PHP Code:

$MyState = $_GET['MyState'];


I know that I need to do something with Loadvars, but all of the tutorials I've tried aren't working. how to get this php value into my flash file button's getURL?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Button In Flash With A GetURL?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: GetURL - Flash Button When Clicked On To Open A Html Page In A I-frame

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ActionScript 3.0 :: GetURL From XML To Button

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I have modified simple photo gallery tutorial through XML at [URL] click on a thumb and an image scrolls in. Now I'm trying to add a link to the image - but can't get the url from the xml to the image.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
[Code] .....

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Flash version 9.0 (CS3 Professional)

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Professional :: Can't Transfer A Button To A GetUrl() Link?

Apr 4, 2011

I try to create a flash menu; where every button on the screen operates as a simple getUrl() link. Because of this, I have taken the following steps:- Create new document.- Create a symbol on the canvas.- convert is into a button Symbol- Double Click the button and adding events for up, down, over by clicking F6 on each frame.- back in scene one, I right click the button and open the Action panel- Adding the Script: "on release { getUrl('index.html'}- Press ctrl + enter  to test the move ! ( index.html exists in the same folder as the flash file.)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Assign GetUrl To Button In AttachMovie?

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I'm working with some XML-supplied data, with a variable number of elements. I'm using a loop to add instances of a symbol for each element via attachMovie. But something is preventing my URL action from getting properly assigned.

When I do this:

ActionScript Code:
itemY = 0;
urls = [];


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Submit Button Uses A GetURL Action?

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They have been made following a tut from Flash_db.I have not been able to test the PHP script yet so no probs with that , but the problem lies in my Flash movie.

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process.onRelease = function(){


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without clicking.

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I've been trying to get a bit of control over the "getURL" action. I want the window that pops up to be a particular size, centered and have the maximize button accessible (it always seems to be greyed-out).

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on (release) {
getURL("javascript:openNewWindow('','thewin','height=600,width=400,max imize=yes,toolbar=no,sc


I've tried a few of the components that are supposed to make this easy but, I haven't found one that works properly yet.

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Button's GetURL Action Dosn't Work In Internet Explorer?

Jul 2, 2010

I have been searching Google trying to find a solution to my problem with no joy, so I thought I would post in here to try my luck.I have created a small movie which can be found here, [URL], the problem I have lays with the button at the top of the movie titled "Click Here to Create Your Canvas". I have 'Publish Previewed' in Flash and the button works fine - changing on mouseover and opening link, however when viewed in HTML the button changes as intended but the link does not open on release.

the Action code used is as follows:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Have A Button Load It's GetURL() Deal From An External File. XML?

Aug 2, 2005

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ActionScript 2.0 :: SWFs + GetURL + Current Page Indicator On Nav Button?

Aug 8, 2006

I have a .swf file containing a navigation bar and also an animation. I was going to use getURL on the nav buttons so that a different html page would launch onRelease. The animation in the swf file that contains the nav buttons plays as soon as the swf is loaded and there's also a movie clip in the file which continues its animation even after the file has loaded and played. As each of the nav buttons are pressed and the correct html page loads, I don't want the entire swf file to reload and therefore play the entire animation again as it did on the home page, but instead I just want it to appear as though it's already loaded but I do want the separate movie clip in the swf file to continue to play. Is there any way to make this happen?

Also, I wondered what code I'd need to make the current page nav button appear in a different state to all the other buttons to make a "you are here" effect.

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Professional :: Created Button For Website But "getURL" Only Works When Test In Flash, NOT Website?

Feb 12, 2010

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Professional :: Make A Linkable Swf - " Button " Right Click At The Object---> Actions ---->[+]--->browser/network ----> GetURL??

May 23, 2010

I'm running macromedia flash mx, and I'm trying to make a linkable swf by following this procedure: I select the object and then convert it to symbol. Then I choose " button " Right click at the object---> actions ---->[+]--->browser/network ----> getURL. I type my url and choose 'self" target.

When I test movie the hand symbol appears at first, but when clicked it turns to arrow. Exactly the same happends when I appload the swf and of course there's no link ...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add GetURL() In Flash Xml?

Feb 20, 2009

I want to add getURL() to flash xml gallery images.

at present my script is loading external images fine. but i need to give images hyperlink. [code]...

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CS3 GetURL Is Blocked By Flash Player

Dec 27, 2009

I'm making a sort of portfolio movie using flash which I intended to use for directing to different locations in the Web concerning me; my already uploaded flash movies, sites, creations, projects, etc.

It quickly seems all my work till now might have been for nought: when I click on a link in my published flash so far, it displays this message:

"Adobe Flash Player has stopped a potentially unsafe operation.

The following local application:

(swf path)

has tried to communicate with this Internet-enabled location:

(link target)

To let this application communicate with the Internet, click Settings. You must restart the application after changing your settings."

As you can probably understand, I cannot expect visitors to my site to manually configure their player for every single of the tens of links I have in my movie. Is there any way I can convince Flash Player that my links are not potentially unsafe?? I am using Flash CS3 and AS2.

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Seo - Is Flash's Geturl(...) Spiderable By Google

Jun 15, 2010

If I made a homepage with an embedded .swf which had buttons that linked to other html pages on my website using the getUrl() function, would those links be spiderable by google? Or should I also put in text links outside of the .swf (which would ruin the design a bit)?

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Php :: Flash Using GetUrl To POST Variables?

Jun 26, 2011

I have been tyring to figure this out for a while now and no luck. I have some AS2 code below which works:

var sendText = "../Flash/uploadVoteandFeed.php?";


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Flash 9 :: GetURL On Keyframe - One Works The Other Does Not?

Aug 13, 2008

I have 2 'getURL' functions on one keyframe, one a text (converted) button, the other an image. They are both next to one-another however only the text (converted) one works. The top bit of code is the text (converted) button:

bt_url.onRelease = function (){
bt_ethicaltrading = function (){

The code for each is exactly the same, I have checked instance names, tried different url's and even created an invisible button for the image based one. I have also tried putting the buttons on the same layer.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 8 GetURL Bug With \ In String?

Nov 2, 2007

We've recently been stumped trying to get flash to successfully getURL. The getURL was well formed, with a target of "_blank". Changing the URL to something basic e.g. blah.html worked just fine.owever, anything which has the following character combination within the URL string chokes & won't trigger the getURL:Code:getURL("a\b", "_blank");Obviously the backslash character is very rare in URL's but does anyone know of a way to make this work? Or is it just a bug within Flash 8 Professional?The actual paramterized url we were trying to pull up had ?blah=somethingsomethingelseetc within it. Originally we just pasted the URL in but the backslash was interpreted by flash to be a special character cue, changing e.g. 200 -> Euro symbol. thus we put \ to ensure flash knew we wanted to use a literal backslash character in the string.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing Variables From Flash To PHP With GetURL

Mar 28, 2011

I am just trying to pass some variables from flash to php with getURL
getURL("CompSummary.php?url3=" + url3, "_self");
URL33 keeps coming back as undefined

However I printed out url3 using dynamic text in the flash movie just to check it and it does indeed exist, and is defined. I also tried creating a string and passing that to getURL
var path = "CompSummary.php?url3=" + url3;
getURL(path, "_self");
still no luck.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: GetURL From Flash 3.0 To XML Photo Gallery?

Jul 11, 2011

I'm using a template to redo my site, since im too lazy to redesign my own. What I would like is when the full size image is loaded, there is the ability to click on the image and it will open up a URL in a seperate window. Just not having luck with it.Anyway, here is the script that I would like to have Flash load the URL added from the XML file.The MC that the photo loads into is "flashmo_photo_area"

ActionScript Code:
// Copyright
// Developed by Min Thu


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash's Own GetURL-with-javascript Not Working?

Mar 8, 2007

I'm trying to use getURL to open a new window that will have a specified size.I downloaded Macromedia's own tutorial/sample code for how to do this using javascript and cannot get it to work.

Here's their code:

on (release) {
getURL("javascript:openNewWindow('','thewin','height=400,width=400 ,toolbar=no,scr ollbars=yes') ");


Nothing happens when I click their button. I tried changing the target, still nothing. I also tried it in Safari and in Firefox with FF's popup blocker turned off. Nothing.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: GetURL Not Work In Flash Player 8

May 2, 2007

I use getURL to trigger new page, it works in flash player 7 (publish setting -> flash player version 7) but not works in flash player 8 (publish setting -> flash player version 8). Here is the code :


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