ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 8 GetURL Bug With \ In String?

Nov 2, 2007

We've recently been stumped trying to get flash to successfully getURL. The getURL was well formed, with a target of "_blank". Changing the URL to something basic e.g. blah.html worked just fine.owever, anything which has the following character combination within the URL string chokes & won't trigger the getURL:Code:getURL("a\b", "_blank");Obviously the backslash character is very rare in URL's but does anyone know of a way to make this work? Or is it just a bug within Flash 8 Professional?The actual paramterized url we were trying to pull up had ?blah=somethingsomethingelseetc within it. Originally we just pasted the URL in but the backslash was interpreted by flash to be a special character cue, changing e.g. 200 -> Euro symbol. thus we put \ to ensure flash knew we wanted to use a literal backslash character in the string.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use String On The Geturl(); Command?

Nov 23, 2004

it is possible of use string on the geturl(); command?

like this:

on (release) {
getURL(main.main2.toString(), _self);
_root.text = search;

is there any workaround so that the url will become dynamic? The links is stored in xml file.
ex of the links are :


Basically the this and that html files contains swf that have alot of frames

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Error: Error #2101: The String passed to URLVariables.decode() must be a URL-encoded query string containing name/value pairs.

Is there a method for string URL Encoding?

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Jan 23, 2003

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The problem is when asp (probably php too) reads this string, it reads it like this


Now this sucks, is there a way to encrypt my flash string so asp will read the string corectly? I know asp is url encoding the flash string, but this bit of info does not seem to help.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Parse Out Url String Using The String Object In Flash?

Jan 13, 2005

I'm creating a CMS(Content Management System) tool so that users can change text and the changes be reflected in a text window in flash . The text that the user enters in the CMS tool will be stored in the database.

In flash I want to parse the string that I get from the database and look for URL strings that start with http "" and parse out that substring.

For example the string could be "Please vist my site at". I would want to parse out the

If I find this url string I want to pre-pend the a href tag <a> and append the closing </a> tag to the string so that this link will be clickable from the textfield.

Does flash have an object that deals with Regular Expressions? I've looked at the String object in flash but not sure how to achieve this task

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CS3 GetURL Is Blocked By Flash Player

Dec 27, 2009

I'm making a sort of portfolio movie using flash which I intended to use for directing to different locations in the Web concerning me; my already uploaded flash movies, sites, creations, projects, etc.

It quickly seems all my work till now might have been for nought: when I click on a link in my published flash so far, it displays this message:

"Adobe Flash Player has stopped a potentially unsafe operation.

The following local application:

(swf path)

has tried to communicate with this Internet-enabled location:

(link target)

To let this application communicate with the Internet, click Settings. You must restart the application after changing your settings."

As you can probably understand, I cannot expect visitors to my site to manually configure their player for every single of the tens of links I have in my movie. Is there any way I can convince Flash Player that my links are not potentially unsafe?? I am using Flash CS3 and AS2.

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Seo - Is Flash's Geturl(...) Spiderable By Google

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Php :: Flash Using GetUrl To POST Variables?

Jun 26, 2011

I have been tyring to figure this out for a while now and no luck. I have some AS2 code below which works:

var sendText = "../Flash/uploadVoteandFeed.php?";


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Flash 9 :: GetURL On Keyframe - One Works The Other Does Not?

Aug 13, 2008

I have 2 'getURL' functions on one keyframe, one a text (converted) button, the other an image. They are both next to one-another however only the text (converted) one works. The top bit of code is the text (converted) button:

bt_url.onRelease = function (){
bt_ethicaltrading = function (){

The code for each is exactly the same, I have checked instance names, tried different url's and even created an invisible button for the image based one. I have also tried putting the buttons on the same layer.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: PHP Value To Flash Button GetURL

Sep 1, 2008

What I want to do is take the value of $MyState in the php code below..

PHP Code:

$MyState = $_GET['MyState'];


I know that I need to do something with Loadvars, but all of the tutorials I've tried aren't working. how to get this php value into my flash file button's getURL?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing Variables From Flash To PHP With GetURL

Mar 28, 2011

I am just trying to pass some variables from flash to php with getURL
getURL("CompSummary.php?url3=" + url3, "_self");
URL33 keeps coming back as undefined

However I printed out url3 using dynamic text in the flash movie just to check it and it does indeed exist, and is defined. I also tried creating a string and passing that to getURL
var path = "CompSummary.php?url3=" + url3;
getURL(path, "_self");
still no luck.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: GetURL From Flash 3.0 To XML Photo Gallery?

Jul 11, 2011

I'm using a template to redo my site, since im too lazy to redesign my own. What I would like is when the full size image is loaded, there is the ability to click on the image and it will open up a URL in a seperate window. Just not having luck with it.Anyway, here is the script that I would like to have Flash load the URL added from the XML file.The MC that the photo loads into is "flashmo_photo_area"

ActionScript Code:
// Copyright
// Developed by Min Thu


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash's Own GetURL-with-javascript Not Working?

Mar 8, 2007

I'm trying to use getURL to open a new window that will have a specified size.I downloaded Macromedia's own tutorial/sample code for how to do this using javascript and cannot get it to work.

Here's their code:

on (release) {
getURL("javascript:openNewWindow('','thewin','height=400,width=400 ,toolbar=no,scr ollbars=yes') ");


Nothing happens when I click their button. I tried changing the target, still nothing. I also tried it in Safari and in Firefox with FF's popup blocker turned off. Nothing.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: GetURL Not Work In Flash Player 8

May 2, 2007

I use getURL to trigger new page, it works in flash player 7 (publish setting -> flash player version 7) but not works in flash player 8 (publish setting -> flash player version 8). Here is the code :


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Opening New Window From Flash Using GetURL?

Feb 12, 2002

I have the following problem trying to open a new window from flash:

getURL(url, new_window, "POST")

What happened was that the first time I clicked the button, it opens a new window; but subsequent clicks seem to do nothing... No "post" is done and that window doesn't get refreshed.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Button In Flash With A GetURL?

Feb 10, 2010

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Flash :: Created A Banner For A Friend Using The GetURL Command?

Feb 3, 2010

I wasn't quite sure where to put this. I created a banner for a friend in flash using actionscript 2 and the getURL command. When I go to embed it in HTML, the movie shows up and when you hover over it, it appears to link but when clicked it does not link. When I go directly to the .swf file it links, but not when I embed it. Is there anything special I have to add to my HTML to make the link work?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Defining A GetURL From An External XML File Into Flash

Feb 25, 2011

I'm stuck with defining a getURL function while loading an external XML file.
I have a Flash AS2.0 file and I've made it CMS driven. The content for everything in the SWF file is loaded from an XML file which resides on the same server. I've defined all other XML variables and I'm able to successfully parse them inside a holder MC I have in my Flash file. Some of the many variables I have are name, caption, thumbnail img, large img, etc... I've also defined the XML file with a 'Link' that points to a URL relative to each image it loads.
I'm unable to define the function in Flash to retrieve the URL from 'Link' parsing value stored in my XML file.
I tried defining a function called getLink in actions layer of my Flash file:

getLink = function () {
The ID is loaded in the beginning of the Flash file - based on the number of values available in XML file. All other functions work, except this getURL function.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: GetURL - Launch A URL That Loads Up Another Flash Movie

Jun 6, 2008

At the end of my movie I want to launch a URL that loads up another Flash movie. In the past I would use something like getURL("[URL]"); how to perform this task in Actionscript 3?

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Flash :: Use A Question Mark In Actionscript 2.0 With GetURL Function?

Feb 20, 2012

Actionsctipt code:


This works absolutely fine in Internet Explorer but in Chrome in the question mark is obviously made into "%3F". how I can stop this from happening and still keep it compatible with IE and other popular browsers?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash/Firefox Bug GetURL Loads Old Movie?

Mar 14, 2006

I have an interesting (and rather embarrasing) error occuring only in Firefox on If you watch the presentation in Explorer, this is the proper chain of events:[URL]..I oversee this site and unfortunately we did not find this bug until after linking up this content to our home page.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mailbutton In Flash (getURL) - Sends Mail?

Mar 23, 2002

How to make a button that sends mail. sumthin like getURL(mailto.... or sumthin?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: GetURL And Variables - Flash Movie To Begin At Particular Frame

Aug 18, 2009

I have 2 buttons in a flash movie with the following codes. They open a new URL that also contains a flash movie and it sends the variable "nFrame" and a value.

on (release) {

on (release) {

When the new URL opens I want the flash movie to begin at a particular frame depending on what variable "nFrame" is equal to. I tried placing this code in the first frame to do it but it didn't work, the movie just loops and loops and doesn't stop at any frame.

if(nFrame=1) {
} else {

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ActionScript 2.0 :: GetURL - Flash Header To Load A Page Into An Iframe

Mar 1, 2010

I have this code on my button in a flash header to load a page into an iframe:

getURL("home.html", "mainframe")

And I have this code in my html document defining the iframe: Code:

<iframe id="mainframe" src="home.html" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" style="overflow:visible; width:100%; display:none"></iframe>

The problem is, this works fine in google Chrome, but not in mozilla firefox or IE. So that eliminates the idea of it being a coding error on my part. Is there another way to do this that all three browsers will support?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: GetUrl With Javascript Breaks When Publishing For Flash Player 8

Sep 28, 2006

I want to use getUrl to display a javascript alert. I've found an example that works perfectly, by using getUrl("javascript:alert('hello world')"); But that example is published for Flash Player 6, and the rest of my movie requires FP8. And if I go to publish settings, and select Flash Player 8 as target, the javascript is no longer executed.

It's not about the getUrl changes in Flash Player 9, I've also tested with Flash Player 8. If you want to try for yourself, the example I'm talking about is from [URL]..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Target Html Frame From Flash GetURL Flash8

Mar 18, 2007

Note: I rarely join forums or post threads, however, given the living hell i went through to figure this problem out I thought i would go ahead and post this for all others having my problem (in hope that you find this link and it solves your problem). Aim: using frames, I want to create a flash menu in the left frame, the buttons in the left frame should open up the target page into the (main) right frame. [in other words a normal frame based website that has a flash menu as the navigation for the site] Problem: When using getURL to open the page in the frame i.e. on (release) {


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