Flash :: Created A Banner For A Friend Using The GetURL Command?
Feb 3, 2010
I wasn't quite sure where to put this. I created a banner for a friend in flash using actionscript 2 and the getURL command. When I go to embed it in HTML, the movie shows up and when you hover over it, it appears to link but when clicked it does not link. When I go directly to the .swf file it links, but not when I embed it. Is there anything special I have to add to my HTML to make the link work?
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Jul 7, 2009
Are there known issues regarding the getURL command in Firefox 3.5?I made a very simple flash movie with some getURL commands and they work in IE7 and IE8 but not in Firefox 3.5.[code]I just tested in Opera (9.24) and it doesn't work either...
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Nov 23, 2004
it is possible of use string on the geturl(); command?
like this:
on (release) {
getURL(main.main2.toString(), _self);
_root.text = search;
is there any workaround so that the url will become dynamic? The links is stored in xml file.
ex of the links are :
Basically the this and that html files contains swf that have alot of frames
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Aug 4, 2008
.I downloaded this OS X dock template:Url...I got the pictures all changed to what I want, but I can't figure out how to insert the getURL command to make each icon hyperlink to a new webpage.I know it's in ActionScript 2.0, and that the pictures are movie clips.I know things have to be buttons to hyperlink in flash, but will I lose the OS X effect if I make that change?If someone could walk me through setting this up to have hyperlinking icons, that would be fantastic. Using Macromedia Flash Pro 8.Adobe Flash CS3 Pro is also an option.
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Nov 23, 2004
It is possible of use string on the geturl(); command?[code]...
is there any workaround so that the url will become dynamic? The links is stored in xml file.[code]...
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Jul 10, 2010
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2. What is up with Google chrome and flash?
3. Is there a better way of embedding flash?
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Jan 3, 2012
is it possible to use relative paths e.g. ../website/home.html rather than [URL] with the getURL command?
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Jan 23, 2009
i have that header for my navigation here: [url] However I cannot get the getURL command to function properly. You can test it out by clicking on a key meta word (right hand side) than clicking on "home" to take you back.As you will see it does not work.The site is built around Joomla—it's pretty basic and I didn't care for any of the navigational options so I built a flash menu.
edit I can get this to work when I "cmd-return" out of flash and test the .swf - but online it's a no go.
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Jun 1, 2010
When i open my page like this : www.mypage.com, the buttons work fine, and when i click them, they go to the wanted url...
But if i open my page like this : http://mypage.com, the buttons still play the over animation, but when i click them, nothing happens..
This is my actionscript code :
on (release){
getURL("http://www.mysite.com/link.php", "_self");
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private function handleGetApi(success:Object, fail:Object):void
if (success)
ExternalInterface.call("doAlert", success) returns me [object Object], [object Object]. I also did ExternalInterface.call("doAlert", success.name), it returns me undefined.
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processArgs.push("rc"); //Remote control
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Mar 14, 2009
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Apr 6, 2012
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I have a user who is visiting the app.
I have a button that the user clicks for the purpose of inviting a friend to the app.I understand that this can be done via the js sdk: http[url].....However I am already using the facebook_as3_api, and I would prefer to avoid using multiple facebook api's. Does the facebook_as3_api have a way of doing this, and if not, why not?
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Apr 11, 2010
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May 19, 2011
I may be mistaken, but it appears that Facebook only supports friend-selector dialogs within a request/invite form. I take that to mean that since our app is just allowing the user to arrange a subset of friends for display within the app (no message to the friend), we must use something that isn't available from Facebook. It would be nice to know if I'm wrong, but important to have some clear pointers on how to get a friend ID back from the dialog without an invite or request getting sent to the friend.
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Oct 13, 2009
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Nov 25, 2009
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Mar 30, 2012
I'm new to Adobe Flash and especially new to Actionscript. Could somebody give an example and explain how to make and "Ignore *this* command if..." style command. Here's what I want to achieve:I have made a button (I may have done it in an odd way but it works) that moves when the mouse hovers over it and then moves back when the mouse moves away. I plan to put the finished product into Dreamweaver and have tried what I've done so far and it works. The problem is that if I move the mouse away before the first animation of the button has finished. It doesn't reach the *Mouse Out* command and then just sticks/stops in the bit where I have put a *stop* command.Basically, what I want is a way to ignore a command if something happens earlier on (such as the cursor being moved away).I've tried to explain the best I can without actually screenshotting it and copying commands.
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Feb 20, 2009
I want to add getURL() to flash xml gallery images.
at present my script is loading external images fine. but i need to give images hyperlink. [code]...
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Dec 27, 2009
I'm making a sort of portfolio movie using flash which I intended to use for directing to different locations in the Web concerning me; my already uploaded flash movies, sites, creations, projects, etc.
It quickly seems all my work till now might have been for nought: when I click on a link in my published flash so far, it displays this message:
"Adobe Flash Player has stopped a potentially unsafe operation.
The following local application:
(swf path)
has tried to communicate with this Internet-enabled location:
(link target)
To let this application communicate with the Internet, click Settings. You must restart the application after changing your settings."
As you can probably understand, I cannot expect visitors to my site to manually configure their player for every single of the tens of links I have in my movie. Is there any way I can convince Flash Player that my links are not potentially unsafe?? I am using Flash CS3 and AS2.
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Jun 15, 2010
If I made a homepage with an embedded .swf which had buttons that linked to other html pages on my website using the getUrl() function, would those links be spiderable by google? Or should I also put in text links outside of the .swf (which would ruin the design a bit)?
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