ActionScript 2.0 :: Unable To Send To A Friend Ecard?

Nov 29, 2010

I want to create a flash ecard .The steps are:Chose a picture .Enter your name "myname"Send the picture to "friend"The "friend" should recive the ecard like this "Myname wish you a merry christmass!" and the picture.

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package  {
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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var parentMessage:String = "Hello";
var swf:MovieClip;
var l:Loader = new Loader();


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if (success)

[Code]...."doAlert", success) returns me [object Object], [object Object]. I also did"doAlert",, it returns me undefined.

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Nov 24, 2005

I am actually discovering Classes.I try to make a class that reads out an XML file and than converts it into arrays.the array is well created in the class file, but I can't send it back to the swf correctly: it only duplicates the first item of the array in an infinite loop, but when I trace it into the class the output displays it right..

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var myProduct:Product = new Product("gallery.xml");
this.onEnterFrame = function() {


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Compile Send Don't Send Error On CS3?

Mar 12, 2009

a week ago I bought the following monster template template:[URL] last changes to it were to the popup boxes that appear on the SERVICII page when you click those titles there. Right after those changes it compiled and published, everything ok, i did several other tasks in Photoshop then back to my flash and at the next recompile, Error - Send don't send Flash has to close. I reopened it and it keeps closing forced. I tried undoing my steps but nothing worked. I am desperate, the project is due completion on saturday and my source is messed up.

Can anyone tell me why I get that? Has anyone been in a similar situation.I am a flash newbie, I saw no errors in "Compiler Errors" or in "Output", just force closing the Flash CS3.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: FLV Playback - Xml - Error "unable To Make Connection With Server Or Unable To Find Flv On Server"

Jul 16, 2011

I have a site that plays either .mp3 or .flv files depending on what is selected from the menu. Menu loads in from xml. I get "unable to make connection with server or unable to find flv on server" when I try to play the video. But the video and audio files are all in the same directory and the mp3 files play fine. I think I'm having a problem with the setMedia command. Here's the code that loads the video and audio files.


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Unable To Import .MOV?

Nov 8, 2009

I have some .MOV files I'd like to import into Flash, but whenever I impot them Flash freezes up.
By the way, I use Flash 8 Professional.

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