ActionScript 2.0 :: FLV Playback - Xml - Error "unable To Make Connection With Server Or Unable To Find Flv On Server"
Jul 16, 2011
I have a site that plays either .mp3 or .flv files depending on what is selected from the menu. Menu loads in from xml. I get "unable to make connection with server or unable to find flv on server" when I try to play the video. But the video and audio files are all in the same directory and the mp3 files play fine. I think I'm having a problem with the setMedia command. Here's the code that loads the video and audio files.
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Is the code I've been trying to use but it won't do what I want. I keep getting this error:
VideoError: 1000: Unable to make connection to server or to find FLV on server
The XML is being properly loaded. Everything else is working. I just need to know that when something is blank it will look at the DefaultPath. I don't seem to be able to get it to do that.
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VideoError: 1000: Unable to make connection to server or to find FLV on server
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VideoError: 1000: Unable to make connection to server or to find FLV on server
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>There was an error during model deployment for xxxxProgram.
>The server returned the following message:
>Unable to contact the RDS Server "Data Services on Tomcat (localhost)."
>Connection refused: connect
>Do you want to continue launching your Flex application?
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server = new LoadVars();
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I can see that the Administration API lists the API itself, but there is vague to no mention at all where to connect first? I recall spotting somewhere suffixing the RTMP URL with something like "_fcs_debug" or something, but you can see how this frustrates me - I really don't like to google stuff that is supposed to be in the documentation The application instance usually accepts connections from regular non-admin clients, with proper parameters, which are irrelevant for admins unless these are users too (double membership, you can say)
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Jul 28, 2010
have an error in the publication of a Live (Webcam) to a CDN (Level3).when "ns.publish (STREAM_NAME 'live')" 'it is returned an error"NetStream.Record.NoAccess 'Thank you to those who use AS3 application to connect to their CDN (Akamai, Level3 ...) oftell me if they encounter a problem.I use the same code has always been to publish a Live (Webcam) to serversstreaming (FMS RED5, etc ...) and can be summarized as follows:nc = new NetConnection ()nc.connect (HOST_URL)../..ns = new NetStream (nc)ns.publish (MON_STREAM 'live') this works on all versions FMS 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, etc. ..Since a migration of my FMS version 2.5 to 3.5 this code does not work anymore!the worst is that Flash Media Encoder (FME 3.0) it is operating properly.So is there a feature to broadcast a live publishing point on a CDN (LEVEL3)?The CDN turning on the fact that if it works with FME is that it is the code that raisesproblem ... without more information.The FMS version uses "special" of FMS, but until now I had no worries!In general the user CDN use hardware encoders ...
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Sep 19, 2008
When I downloaded a developer edition from Flash Media Server page (11 Oct 2011). I tried to follow the setup instruction in readme.htm which comes in the zip of Linux version.I logged in to terminal as root user and call './installFMS' and then the terminal show me:
ERROR: Your operating system is not supported by the Adobe Flash Media Server installer.
Does it mean Flash Media Server Developer Edition cannot work on OS X Lion (10.7)?
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Sep 2, 2010
I am trying to develop a server-side application(splitterApp) using FMS 3.5.2 which would accept an incoming stream from 3rd Party encoders and publish the stream using FCPublish method to an application(edgeApp) on our edge servers. The splitterApp contains 3 classes for performing the activity. So whenever a incoming stream is received by the splitterApp, the main.asc would create an object of type IncomingStream() and push into unPublished array. A timer based job then picks the unpublished stream from the array and invokes StreamController.PublishStream(). The StreamController.PublishStream() method then creates a new PublishedStream() initialised with incoming stream. The method thereafter calls PublishedStream.PublishStream() to initiate net connection to the edge server application(edgeApp). After successful net connection, I call " ("FCPublish", null,".
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I carefully read forums for phpmyadmin before posting here and none really had the answer. I am able to install phpmyadmin on stand alone versions of Apache, but unable to do so on the FMS version. I previously read this post [URL] and it doesn't seem to answer the question although it looks like part of the question may have been answered offline. The problem is that phpmyadmin installs and I know that PHP is running fine because I can run a couple of test scripts with no problem. However, when I go to login to phpmyadmin, I get the dialog box asking me "do you want to open or save this file" and the script itself never executes. I checked the the server log, and here's what's going on:
Based on the post noted above, I'm assuming this may have something to do with either POST variables or maybe proxying unknown requests, however the forum post didn't appear to resolve the problem. I also posted to that thread, but I wasn't sure it was still being monitored.
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Oct 11, 2011
When I downloaded a developer edition from Flash Media Server page (11 Oct 2011). I tried to follow the setup instruction in readme.htm which comes in the zip of Linux version.
I logged in to terminal as root user and call './installFMS' and then the terminal show me:
ERROR: Your operating system is not supported by the Adobe Flash Media Server installer.
Does it mean Flash Media Server Developer Edition cannot work on OS X Lion (10.7)?
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Aug 11, 2010
I am developing video chat application. I am able to play published video stream. But I am unable to hear sound which is published along with the video. The video is visible but sound is not comming.What is going wrong.
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Sep 2, 2010
We installed FMS on a new server - a cloud environment - and set the fms.ini for the correct dedicated IP but we're unable to see the start screen or access any videos.where the IP would need to be added to point to the wwwroot directory?
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Oct 17, 2011
Are there an updated set of Flash UI Components for working with FMS 4.5? I'm not able to locate an extension or even a legacy set of components.
The older component set
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Jul 7, 2009
I am a newbie to Flash and ActionScript 3.0 platform. I don't know whether this is the correct place to post this kind of queries/problems/issues here. Till now, I had posted only basic flash issues here in this forum. I feel this is the most powerful issue which created head-ache to me till now. I spent nearly 4 hours working with this issue. But, I don't find any solution even in google.I have created a swf file, which when gets executed, gets data from backend database and displays as items in Combo-box. In swf file, if we select an item from Combo-box, collects data from database and gets back to flash and displays them as items in Combo-box. Each item has a specific image(.jpg file)associated,which gets displayed on stage of flash file(.swf file) upon selected from combo-box.
I am calling/invoking the flash file, When I click on a Button/select a tab created within my Java application.But,when the button gets clicked/tab gets selected, Combo-box is visible in flash file, but with no elements when we try to click upon it and the following error is getting displayed in a dialog-box:Title of the error is: An action-script error has occured.[URL]
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Jan 11, 2010
We have two servers - one stores the media files and runs FMS. The other creates dynamic webpages. I have edited the 'dynamic stream' SMIL example on the media server, to include a full URL:
If I open the standard FMS index page, the 'dynamic stream' example works fine. However, if I copy that code over to a page on my webpage server (linking back to the media server of course), I get a 'connection error'. The weird part though is that if I limit the 'switches' in the SMIL file to just one video, it works again, eg:
It makes no difference which file I choose, as long as there is just one.I am using the same video player that all the examples use (FMS 3.5), so my thought is that something in that player is causing a cross domain security exception when it has more than one stream to choose from. I tried disabling the firewall, so it's not that, and I updated server.xml to point to a custom crossdomain.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM ""><cross-domain-policy><allow-access-from domain="*" /></cross-domain-policy>
But that doesn't seem to have had any effect.
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Aug 12, 2009
i have installed flash media server 3.5 vista and using FLASH 10right now in Flash Media Server page I am only able to play HTTP sample,RTMP file is not working , i check the sample folder >> and open HelloWorld >> that shows error :: Error #2044: Unhandled NetStatusEvent:. level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failedat HelloWorld/connectHandler()what should i do now need ur help urgent
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Jul 5, 2010
What is best way to set up my application. I currently have a working app but the work flow doesn't feel right at all. Here are the basic steps involved:
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Oct 12, 2009
I'm running FMIS and I'm getting a connection error in my video player while connected to a wireless network. Works like a charm when I have a hardwire connection.
Is it just because I'm on a terribly slow network? are there some firewall settings on the network that need to be opened for rtmp streaming?
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Aug 27, 2010
I have FMS 3.5 installed on a Windows 2003 server, service pack 2. I access the server via remote desktop on my computer and when I use the Sample Video Player, I can get the sample rtmp videos working on the server and also on my own personal computer, but when I try and play the samples in the video player on any other computer, I get a Connection Error. I've verified the ports are all working. I've also checked the admin console and when I connect with both the server and my own computer I get 2 connections. When I try from an outside computer, no connection is shown. So it's not even getting to FMS to even register. What else might I be missing?
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