Media Server :: Unable To Publish To CDN Level3

Jul 28, 2010

have an error in the publication of a Live (Webcam) to a CDN (Level3).when "ns.publish (STREAM_NAME 'live')" 'it is returned an error"NetStream.Record.NoAccess  'Thank you to those who use AS3 application to connect to their CDN (Akamai, Level3 ...) oftell me if they encounter a problem.I use the same code has always been to publish a Live (Webcam) to serversstreaming (FMS RED5, etc ...) and can be summarized as follows:nc = new NetConnection ()nc.connect (HOST_URL)../..ns = new NetStream (nc)ns.publish (MON_STREAM 'live') this works on all versions FMS 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, etc. ..Since a migration of my FMS version 2.5 to 3.5 this code does not work anymore!the worst is that Flash Media Encoder (FME 3.0) it is operating properly.So is there a feature to broadcast a live publishing point on a CDN (LEVEL3)?The CDN turning on the fact that if it works with FME is that it is the code that raisesproblem ... without more information.The FMS version uses "special" of FMS, but until now I had no worries!In general the user CDN use hardware encoders ...

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Oct 13, 2011

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May 31, 2011

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1- can i separate voice and song in my microphone? if yes do you have an exemple? because the sound o f voice is ok but song in background not good

2- else can mix my original song mp4 to camera and microphone? and publish record all with fms?

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Jul 3, 2011

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1- FMS
2- Apache webserver

i have made the subcriber and i works well .but i need to build the publisher to allow users to broadcast thier stream from thier cameras.i have tested a publisher which was build using actionscript and it didn't work untill i have installed the fms on my localhost , but i need a publisher which any user can use in his web browser .

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"To serve streams over a cellular network, one of the streams must be audio-only. For more information, see HTTP Live Streaming Overview.To publish an audio-only stream, enter the following in the Flash Media Encoder Stream field:livestream%i?adbe-live-event=liveevent&adbe-audio-stream-name=livestream1_audio_only&adbe-audio-stream-src=livestream1If the encoder specifies individual query strings for each stream, use individual stream names instead of the variable %i:livestream1?adbe-live-event=liveevent&adbe-audio-stream-name=livestream1_audio_onlylivestream2?adbe-live-event=liveevent&adbe-audio-stream-name=livestream2_audio_onlyTo generate a set-level variant playlist when using an audio-only stream, specify the audio codec of the audio-nly stream. Specify the audio and the video codec of the streams that contain audio and video.For more information about using the Set-level F4M/M3U8 File Generator, see Publish and play live multi-bitrate streams over HTTP.

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Nov 15, 2011

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application.onAppStart = function()
trace("app start : " +;


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Media Server :: Publish Live Stream(H.264) To FMS(NetStream.Buffer.Empty)?

Feb 27, 2011

I am developing a C++ program to connect FMS via RTMP, and then publish a live stream I can't use FMLE here because I need collect the H.264 NALU from somewhere and forward them to the FMS.I write a demo app, which parses H.264 encoded FLV file, and send the VideoTag in the FLV as RTMP Message content for publishing.Finally, I make it run and I can see some frames of video!But the problem is: The video does not play smoothly and it just updates some frames.
Then I looked at the NetStream event and found that:Everytime when there is a NetStream.Buffer.Full event, the frame in the video is updated and display correctly But immediately there is another NetStream.Buffer.Empty event followed and the video is frozen.

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Media Server :: NetStream Publish Record - Video Has No Image Only Voice

Jun 27, 2011

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="[URL]" layout="absolute" creationComplete="init();">
<mx:Script> <![CDATA[
import mx.controls.Alert;
import mx.core.mx_internal;
[Code] .....
So, I play the record video , but there is no image , just voice

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Securely Publish Live Stream To Adobe Flash Media Server?

Feb 7, 2011

I want to make sure that only authenticated users are publishing streams to my Adobe Flash Media Server.

Ideally I would like to limit the IPs which are allowed to publish streams to the server.

I read about the Adobe Authentication Plugin, but apparently it is broken since it works only for Adobe Flash Media Live Enconder. It doesn't secure the server for other encoders that publish streams.

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Media Server :: Unable To Record Into FMS 3.5?

Jun 17, 2010

i have fms installed on a server, say server1. my flash files (swf) which allows user to record audio is on server 2. in the swf file, the connection is set as follows: nc.connect("rtmp://server1/test");
im able to view flash videos on server2 which streams from server1. however, i cannot upload any recording to the above directory. does the recording goes to the application or webroot folder? do i need to set any authentication to connect to server1(fms) from server2(swf)??

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Media Server :: Getting 'Unable To Connect' Errors

Jan 27, 2011

I have been trying to get my live feed up and running for friends but they are unale to view it. I have FMS 4 with FMLE 3.2 on Win7. Under the fms url i have 'rtmp://localhost/live' and Stream name is 'livestream' I can view the stream just fine from my computer on which i am running both FMS and FMLE. but when i put the html file on my website, my friends just see the empty swfplayer. You can view it at[URL]. I was trying to figure out what the problem was so i copied the swf code 6 times with different settings but nothing worked. on my computer, only the first swf player works and im guessing that is because its localhost.

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Sep 19, 2008

When I downloaded a developer edition from Flash Media Server page (11 Oct 2011). I tried to follow the setup instruction in readme.htm which comes in the zip of Linux version.I logged in to terminal as root user and call './installFMS' and then the terminal show me:
ERROR: Your operating system is not supported by the Adobe Flash Media Server installer.
Does it mean Flash Media Server Developer Edition cannot work on OS X Lion (10.7)?

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Media Server :: Unable To Call OnFCPublish Method

Sep 2, 2010

I am trying to develop a server-side application(splitterApp) using FMS 3.5.2 which would accept an incoming stream from 3rd Party encoders and publish the stream using FCPublish method to an application(edgeApp) on our edge servers. The splitterApp contains 3 classes for performing the activity. So whenever a incoming stream is received by the splitterApp, the main.asc would create an object of type IncomingStream() and push into unPublished array. A timer based job then picks the unpublished stream from the array and invokes StreamController.PublishStream(). The StreamController.PublishStream() method then creates a new PublishedStream() initialised with incoming stream. The method thereafter calls PublishedStream.PublishStream() to initiate net connection to the edge server application(edgeApp). After successful net connection, I call " ("FCPublish", null,".

The edgeApp accepts the publish and therefore performs:


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