ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing XML String Into Flash

Feb 14, 2007

I am working on designing a "flyer" type of advertisement at the moment... and I have pretty much everything working... everything except for this, that is. I need to be able to pass a string into flash that would basically be XML into flash. I know how to pass strings in, but where this has many "'s and /'s. "FlashVars" looks like this as an example...

<param name="FlashVars" value="items=<?xml version="1.0"?>
<flyer><flyer-item index="1" shortDescription="small car" longDescription="a small car" price="1000" image="[URL]" />
<flyer-item index="2" shortDescription="car" longDescription="a car" price="2000" image="[URL]" />
<flyer-item index="3" shortDescription="big car" longDescription="a big car" price="3000" image="[URL]" /></flyer>" />

I also have this in my embed tag and for some reason, this is what I get on my page when I try to load it up...Big Empty White Space
" /> " quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="550" height="400" name="temp" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="[URL]" />
It's like the XML is terminating the string or something.

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' <EMBED src="Film1.swf''"
inside as3


Then Film1.swf can't grab no more the userName parameter.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing HTTP Query String To Flash Query String?

Aug 26, 2010

I am successfully Passing HTTP Query String to Flash Query String.Resuming:inside html

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' <EMBED src="Film1.swf''"


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Bowl_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, BowlClick);
function BowlClick(evt:MouseEvent){
var nextMovie:String = "nameOfNextMovie";
this.parent.parent newMovieLoader (nextMovie);

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I can then access it and get to to trace from anywhere like this:[code]However...I need to to go into something being converted to a this...txt.load("xml/january/1.xml");Where the Janauary is replaced with the global variable. However, everything inside the quotations is being converted to strictly text, so that txt.load("xml/monthvariable/1.xml");Literally looks for the "monthvariable" folder instead of the January Folder. How can I put a variable into a string like this, so the variable is actually the variable and not the strict text?

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String for XML:
private var xmlData:String="<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" +
"<chart chartBottomMargin='5' lowerLimit='0' upperLimit='100' lowerLimitDisplay='Low' " +


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Mar 21, 2007

i am trying to load different xml that get generated through .net when I am trying to pass varibels i am getting undefined. Can someone give me a heads up on what i might be doing wrong. from what I have read and learned I can pull via-

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<param name="pid" value='<% =Request.QueryString["pid"] %>'>

However I am getting undefined.

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var bgimage:String = new String();
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myTextLoader.dataFormat=URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIAB LES;


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Mar 17, 2010

I'm fed up of having to import the tweener class every time I create a tween, so I want to create a global function that I can call which will import them for me, as well as executing a tween.

So something like this:


_global.globalTweener = function(mcToTween,tweenDeets){
import caurina.transitions.Tweener;


The problem I'm having is that I can't pass the parameters as a string... Do I need to convert it into code first?

Edit: I know I could pass each parameter individually, but I want to avoid doing this, as the diversity of the tweens I need to do is great, and it would will mean passing about 100,000,000 variables to the tween... okay maybe not that many, but probably about 20 variables which would probably take longer than the inital hassle of importing the class.

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Oct 1, 2010

Ayumilove sent:

//Within class
super.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("your custom message or data"));
super.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(CustomEvent.AYUMILOVE_EVENT));


each instance will have to have it's own event, how should i pass each instance its custom event?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing String Data Out Into HTML Form?

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//---My Data---\var flashOut:String = new String();flashOut = "Product Code: ABC1234  Typeface: 3 FontColour: Silver YourInscription: Hello."//---My Submit Button---


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Variable To FLVPlayback Via Query String

Jan 23, 2009

Here's the html that I'm trying to pass the flv name to the FLV component

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Oct 17, 2010

I thought this would be a simple one, but i am stumped.  So I resulted to using this less than optimal solution, just to get it working...

if (lobby.gamemap.selectedItem.label == "Map1") map.AddMap(new Map1)
else if (lobby.gamemap.selectedItem.label == "Map2") map.AddMap(new Map2)
//Map1 and Map2 are movie clips in my fla library, with linkage Map1 and Map2


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Set A MovieClip Return Value By Passing A String Argument

Oct 3, 2009

I'm trying to figure out how to set a MovieClip return value by passing a string argument and using that string to define the child of a given movieclip. I'm doing something wrong because I keep getting null traced instead of home_mc.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A MovieClip Instance By Passing A String?

Dec 23, 2009

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Assuming i have the string with the class name of the movieclip like this[code]...

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I am trying to pass a string of images into an array and then load each image dynamically into a seperate bmp. The code is as follows:

ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
[Code] .....

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I hope someone can help me with my dilemma. I have built a video player in ActionScript 3.0 which consists of a FLA file which has the video player on it and a separate AS file that contains all my ActionScript 3.0 code for the video player. I have moves (FLV & MP4 files) stored on my Flash Media Server 3.0 server. If I hard code the name of the movie in the AS file and publish the FLA file, it creates an SWF file that will actually play the movie on the FMS3 server. That lets me know the video player works.


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//some import statements
public class changes extends MovieClip{


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