ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing Variables Between Functions?
Oct 16, 2007
I am building a flash photo gallery that is fed by an XML file, now I am fine with all of the XML things in flash, my problem comes when creating the thumbnail images onRelease event. Here is my code:
_global.counter = 0;
for (_global.counter = 0; _global.counter<itemArray.length; _global.counter++) {
//populate thumbnail array with URLS
The problem is that when I release the mouse button I get a variable undefined error in the output window. I have researched and have found that my problem is that I can't pass a variable from the main function to the onRelease function.
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[Code] .....
Much shorter, and easier to understand. Also, less repetition of the same blocks of code over and over...
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Nov 16, 2005
I can't figure this out.
function createTextBoxes() {
for (var n=0; n<caption_obj.textXML.length; n++){[code].....
The XML portion is working fine. What I'd like to be able to do is access the created text fields outside of the function. For example:
This works fine when it's inside of the function, but outside of it, it won't. Basically I need to time the captions to things that are happening in an animation. The animations are also tween driven, so it would be something like obj_mc.tween("_x", 200,2,"linear", 5,fadeOutCaption1); with fadeOutCaption1 being a function that fades out the first caption and brings in the second. If there is a better/more effecient way of doing this let me know.I also can't seem to apply any styles to the text field. Do I need to create an array or object with ["captions"+n] and then pull from that?
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Sep 9, 2009
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Actionscript from main movie
chosenImage.onPress = function() {[code]......
I've also seen where I could possibly pass a variable through ASP.NET, but am experiencing the same errors when trying to pass the variable. I suppose I could embed the popup.swf file in a new .aspx page, that would probably be acceptable.
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Jul 21, 2010
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Sep 6, 2010
I'm trying to develop a site map, which draws a tick over the sections of my app that have been completed. I've figured out how to draw the tick and how to pass variables from root to the MovieClip that the function is in.
To make the tick appear only after an mc has been watched, I tried setting a variable equal to 1 ino the last frame of the MovieClip, and telling the function to run if that variable was 1.
I'm not getting compiler errors, but I'm also not getting the tick. And I'm definitely completing the Movie
Here's what I've got so far: In root
var xcoord = 125;
var ycoord = 300;
var WaterComplete = 0;
In WaterMovie
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Nov 25, 2008
I am trying to pass value and string from AS3 main.swf to AS3 child.swf loaded in it. But, Nothing is working and i can't get the value from one to another. As Beginner in AS3, i was working for a long time and
still i face these problems and no output yet.
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Nov 17, 2010
I am having some trouble in passing variables from AS3 to PHP. I am using flash and php both in the same file [try.php]. I've stuck with this for two days.. Here's what I have done. header.fla [Actionscript in the timeline]
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Sep 4, 2010
Creating a flash project where users can visit the site, and turn off/on objects in a house (ie. lights, tv, computer, etc.) The next user who will visit the house in the website, will see what lights or house appliances were left on. Flash variables are passed to PHP, and those variables are saved in an XML file. (For testing to see what is being saved to the XML file, on each click --vars.xml opens.) In the vars.xml file, I see that the house objects that were last turned on--are saved in the XML file- But in the SWF file, only one of the objects that are listed in the XML are turned ON. Only the last object that was clicked on would show ON--not all the objects in the XML file.)
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.text.*;
public class House extends MovieClip {
[Code] .....
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Nov 19, 2010
I am having some trouble in passing variables from AS3 to PHP. I am using flash and php both in the same file [try.php].
I've stuck with this for four days.. Here's what I have done.
header.fla [Actionscript in the timeline]
import flash.display.Sprite;
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Sep 4, 2005
I am using FLASHVARS to pass a variable (Status) from ASP to Flash.This piece of Flash (named Header), calls another SWF (named InOutPencil) using this command:[code]My problem occurs when I try to use the Variable 'Status' in the InOutPencil SWF (below).[code]I need a way of passing the value of the variable 'Status' from Header to InOutPencil.
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Feb 24, 2006
I need to pass the following php information into flash...
defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );
$link = "<img src ="$mosConfig_live_site/images/comprofiler/tn";
$link_gallery = "<img src ="$mosConfig_live_site/images/comprofiler/";
This php script displays the top 20 users from a database based on their hit count. The script passes their avatar (image), username and link, as well as total hits.
I wanted to create a flash file with one movieclip that would parse the php file and display the results in an i++ fashion, so that I could make changes to only one mc instead of 20, when needed.
I have tried making a dynamic text field an mc, and assigning the loadvars object to that mc... but can't get any information to display... and I know the php file works like a charm.
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Nov 21, 2007
in my main movie, i have done a survey, see my previous thread which collects data from a series of radioButton groups. i can display this data using dynamic text boxes no problem, however i also wish to display this data in a separate swf which has been loaded into the main movie via a movieclip using
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Aug 31, 2008
i got this working in AS2 and PHP, but i can't use the VAR option on the dynamic text ... so how would i do this in AS3 ?
here's the simple code
using AS2 and PHP 5.2.6
ActionScript Code:
// create an object to store the variables
varReceiver = new LoadVars();
// load the variables from the text file
and the PHP Code in info.php
PHP Code:
<?php$fName = "nuno";$lname = "mira";$age = 24;// echo or print the variablesecho ("&fName=$fName&lName=$lName&age=$age&");?>
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