Flex :: Passing Values Between Functions
Jul 2, 2009
is there any way to locally define a variable in a function and then pass it to the oher function. I mean to say is it possible the pass a local value from one function to other function.
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I currently have a basic application where we have multiple buttons, which have functions activated by "click" event listeners on those buttons. The issue is that each button does more or less the same function; just the data that is loaded for each button is different. How do I make it so I'm able to recycle the same function? In Javascript or AS3 something along these lines would be done...
<s:Button id="btn_1" x="378" y="601" label="Button 1" click="photoSwap(event,"image1.jpg")"/>
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But that's obviously not how it works. I've tried trouble shooting the issue but haven't been able to find anything. It works when I have each button having its own function, but that seems really silly and shouldn't need to be done.
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import First;
import Second;
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Alert.show(thisString1, "Conflict: Multiple Projects", 3, this, conflictAnswer);
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but it didn't work.
EDIt: After reading the first respond, i've come up with this:
answers[0] = cPositions[i][0];
answers[1] = cPositions[i][1];[code]..........
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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private var xmlURL:String = "xml/Button1.xml";
After buttone 2 is pressed is
private var xmlURL:String = "xml/Button2.xml";
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Aug 17, 2010
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For example:
myFunc = function (p1, p2) {}
myFunc = function (ab) {}
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package com.plaidfox {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
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Dec 31, 2002
i have a music jukebox, with ten buttons. in the first keyframe, of the main timeline, a put a function that will be used for every button to load the mp3 to play. The problem, is that when i pass the arguments on each button to call the function, the "filme" and "som" arguments are lost.
here is the function:
function carregaSom(filme, som, url, msg1, msg2, tempoComeco){
_root.createEmptyMovieClip(filme, 1)
som=new Sound(filme);
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Oct 16, 2007
I am building a flash photo gallery that is fed by an XML file, now I am fine with all of the XML things in flash, my problem comes when creating the thumbnail images onRelease event. Here is my code:
_global.counter = 0;
for (_global.counter = 0; _global.counter<itemArray.length; _global.counter++) {
//populate thumbnail array with URLS
The problem is that when I release the mouse button I get a variable undefined error in the output window. I have researched and have found that my problem is that I can't pass a variable from the main function to the onRelease function.
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Oct 19, 2009
I am using AS2 and passing some values from flash to php, flash files is on page file1.php values are passing fine, it pass values when user click button. When button is pressed
{ var myVal:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
myVal.flieName = "fileid1";
myVal.send("file1.php", "_parent", "POST"); }
When it pass the values, it refresh the page and Flash File is also refreshed and Flash file start from frame 1 and all the values on flash becomes default in other words when user click "file1.php" is submitted, so the page is refreshed What is the solution, that after passing values the page remains or flash remains as it is (not refresh the contents).
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Mar 24, 2010
i have done a template for an elearning project. in that iam loading a swf with in another swf when click on a lesson button. the second swf will load a xml file. I want chang the xml file name while loading the second swf within the first swfto pass the variable or a value while loading a swf within a swf. i got struct up.. iam in pressure
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Jun 30, 2009
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I have following code in AS 3.0
var button = root.loaderInfo.parameters.button;
if(button == null)
But unfortunately it is not working. I created a dynamic text field, where I want to display the value of the variable I am passing, but I dont know why it is not updated, when I type the value in the address bar.
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Sep 10, 2009
How can I pass in RGB values to a ColorTransform object? I set the red, green, and blue multipliers but I'm not getting the desired results.The movieclip is grayscale originally and then i do this and all i get is black (it should be yellow):[code]I adjusted each color's offset to 0 and I still had the same results. Do I need to convert to hex values?
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Oct 19, 2009
I am using AS2 and passing some values from flash to php,flash files is on page file1.php values are passing fine , it pass values when user click button
when button is pressed {
var myVal:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
myVal.flieName = "fileid1 ";
myVal.send("file1.php", "_parent", "POST");
Problem : when it pass the values , it refresh the page and Flash File is also refreshed and Flash file start from frame 1 and all the values on flash becomes default in other words when user click "file1.php" is sumbitted , so the page is refreshedWhat is the solution , that after passing values the page remains or flash reamins as it is ( not refresh the contents )
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May 21, 2010
What I'm trying to do is this: "profilename" is the name of the attribute in the XML file I want to pull from. The XML file looks like this:
I'm trying to pull from the profilename attribute in the test.xml file, so I'm wondering if it's possible to pass in a value/argument in the addEventListener function as I defined above. Is this possible at all to do? I hope my explanation makes sense.
View 2 Replies
Feb 8, 2011
Passing Values From One Class To Another.
This this not seems a difficult tusk to understand.
I can able to connect classes to each other. But the thing is that, when I am going to construct some logic to load and hold xml data and only fetch the correct child object from it, I stumped.
Here is the starter:
I connect loadXML.as to Main.fla from Properties Panel.
ActionScript Code:
package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
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Jun 23, 2011
i'm trying to make a mobile app in flash,for that i have created a class of Thumbstick(which is linked wid theMC Thumbstick ) which will allow us to move the object Floty which is also linked wid the class Floty.
ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.TouchEvent;
1119: Access of possibly undefined property _degrees1 through a reference with static type Class.
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Aug 5, 2002
I need to know how to get my graphical PHP counter's value from PHP into flash 5.
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Nov 17, 2005
I have a movie clip called form with 3 input boxes in it, I then pass these variables to a PHP page that emails them out to a specific email address, all well and good and this works fine.
However, I need to add a yes/no query to the form using radiobuttons, what I can't figure out is how to actually grab the variable for the radiobutton in the PHP, I had originally believed that the variable would just be the groupname of the radiobuttons however this doesn't work.
I suspect the radiobuttons variable isn't actually being passed to the script at all
For the record I'm using MX2004, AS2.0 and the submitting code on my submit button is:
on (release) {
form.loadVariables("/testarea51/email.php", "POST");
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Jul 12, 2006
I'm trying to call a php file from a MovieClip, only problem is I need to pass some data to the php file for it to generate the appropriate HTML.I've tried getURL() with POST and GET values but the values I need to send aren't on the _root timeline so it doesn't pass the values I need.What would be ideal is some way of calling the php and passing in values of your choice.
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Apr 18, 2007
Setup: 2 iframes (one has a php-generated list, the other my swf)
So this is what I want to do: Clicking on an item in the list has to pass info to the SWF file without reloading it. I think I heard / read that this is possible with JavaScript.
Thing is, it needs to be quick... hence the "JavaScript / no reload" approach. Otherwise I was thinking to just have the PHP-iframe reload itself when clicked and create something like a server-side cookie (a tiny text file with the choice) and have the SWF check for that file.
That would mean I could avoid using JavaScript (simply for security / compatiblity reasons) but it would be slower responding sind I wouldn't want to let the SWF check more often than once every 10 seconds or so (server load, etc).
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Sep 24, 2007
I'm making a Flash invitation to a party, and I want to send it via e-mail.So I want to pass a variable to Flash in the URL like this:
Flash contains a list of people invited to the party. So when Flash reads nameID = 23 it shows the name linked to # 23.E.g. "Dear Thomas, please come to my party bla bla bla..."This way I only have to change the nameID in the e-mails I send.
HTML Code:
<param name="movie" value="invitation.swf" />
With this:
HTML Code:
<param name="movie" value="invitation.swf?nameID=23" />
But it is hard coded and I don't know any javascript. make a script, that takes the nameID from the URL and puts it behind the "invitation.swf" in the index.html file?
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