ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader - Set Timeout To Disappear Submenu

May 28, 2003

1) Is it possible (and how) to set some timeOut for disappearing of a submenu - I have built a menu with sub-menus. On roll over of the main menu, it is appear the submenu. When the mouse is over the submenu, it is OK - it is visible. I need to set some timeOut on it, so if the mouse is outside, submenu to wait (timeOut) before disappearing, if the mouse is not back again on it.

2) I had made a (flash) movie clip, and now I need to insert a preloader. For this purpose I have created another layer and (at the first frame) I set the preloader. Then I have shifted all other clip's layers one frame forward. So... The preloader runs well, and after it is finished, my (old) clip starts. Here is the problem - Now the clip's quality is very bad. More exactly it has rough edges.

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Here is my code:

function loadHomeBar(xmlFileName:String) {
var homeSideBar:XML = new XML();
homeSideBar.ignoreWhite = true;


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subnavData = new Array(
{"title":"OVERVIEW", "func":this.changeSlide, "param":this.showServices, "hasChild":true},
{"title":"CREATIVE DIRECTION", "func":this.changeSlide, "param":this.showBranding,


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tempURLRequest.idleTimeout = 2000;
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Object.registerClass ("item1",src.button);
Object.registerClass ("item2",src.button);
Object.registerClass ("item3",src.button);
Object.registerClass ("item4",src.button);


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k and kk = 0-9
n and nn = 0-999

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Here is the link to the site: [URL]

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function goCollections(e:MouseEvent):void {


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Mar 15, 2011

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It works fine the first time around. Though when I activate the flash again by hovering over the .showFlash element again - it doesn't work.

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May 15, 2011

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protected function fatalErrorOccuredInfo(event:FaultEvent):void
// get the operation


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Submenu Buttons Won't Work?

Jan 8, 2009

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portfolio_mc.onRollOver = function() {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Menu And Submenu Highlighting?

Nov 25, 2009

How can I make sure a menu button name appears in a different colour when it is selected and stays that colour until the user navigates to another page?Example: My menu buttons have a dark brown font. I have changed the font colour to red on the 'down' state of the button setting. This means the users clicks on a menu, e.g. Gallery and the Gallery button turns red briefly. However, it doesn't stay red which is what I want.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Working Around 15-second Timeout Limit?

Jun 11, 2010

I have a highly intensive benchmark/testing chore and I'm getting the 15-second timeout error despite my best efforts to keep my script running.Basically I'm making about 1.2 million remote procedure calls (RPCs) over a socket and want to check the results of these rpcs.Once the calls have all been sent, my flash movie moves to frame 7 which initializes a bunch of variables that I need for my RPC checking loop.Frame 8 does all the work. The first thing it does is stop the playhead for my main movie. Then it sets up a timer to wait for minute or two until any straggling RPC responses come in. [It's been my experience that these are likely to straggle in for several minutes when I'm really pushing the server hard.

If the timer gets too high, the checkResponse function returns and the playhead moves to frame 9 which checks to see if I've checked all the RPCs. If not, the playhead returns to from 8 which skips the timer this time and starts checking immediately.The output I'm getting ends up like this:

elapsed time:4985
elapsed time:4985


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Why Won't Submenu Movieclip Play

Mar 23, 2011

I have a menu that starts with doors opening. Then inside there I have movieclips for each drop down menu I have. This is the code i have for the submenus to play:



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I want to clear the Timeout set with the first function if this certain button is pressed. This is basically what I have so far, but it isn't working

ActionScript Code:
//set the Timeout
setTimeout(function ():Void {
//load movie


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May 15, 2008

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/*some variables*/
var holder_mc:MovieClip;
var menuArray:Array = new Array();
var subMenuArray:Array = new Array();


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