ActionScript 3.0 :: Handle The Timeout Event?

Mar 28, 2010

I'm running a recursive function which in the worst case senario is of factorial order. (i.e: runs itself n! times)As soon as n exceeds 7 in these worst case senario's the function times out (Error #1502). I want to handle this error event so that the user can be presented with an error that the problem is too complex.I don't want to extend the timeout period as 15 seconds is reasonable.

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var tempURLRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest (path);
tempURLRequest.idleTimeout = 2000;
But it doesn't work. Thus: How can I set/change/get the timeout for URLRequests? I need this since I start many parallel URLRequests and on slow connections I get an IOError URL not found error due to the long time they are on stack (I assume).

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k and kk = 0-9
n and nn = 0-999

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start the videos, then they will quit and jump back to screen #1 after 30 seconds or so.

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It works fine the first time around. Though when I activate the flash again by hovering over the .showFlash element again - it doesn't work.

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protected function fatalErrorOccuredInfo(event:FaultEvent):void
// get the operation


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Working Around 15-second Timeout Limit?

Jun 11, 2010

I have a highly intensive benchmark/testing chore and I'm getting the 15-second timeout error despite my best efforts to keep my script running.Basically I'm making about 1.2 million remote procedure calls (RPCs) over a socket and want to check the results of these rpcs.Once the calls have all been sent, my flash movie moves to frame 7 which initializes a bunch of variables that I need for my RPC checking loop.Frame 8 does all the work. The first thing it does is stop the playhead for my main movie. Then it sets up a timer to wait for minute or two until any straggling RPC responses come in. [It's been my experience that these are likely to straggle in for several minutes when I'm really pushing the server hard.

If the timer gets too high, the checkResponse function returns and the playhead moves to frame 9 which checks to see if I've checked all the RPCs. If not, the playhead returns to from 8 which skips the timer this time and starts checking immediately.The output I'm getting ends up like this:

elapsed time:4985
elapsed time:4985


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Clear The Timeout Set With The First Function?

Aug 7, 2006

I want to clear the Timeout set with the first function if this certain button is pressed. This is basically what I have so far, but it isn't working

ActionScript Code:
//set the Timeout
setTimeout(function ():Void {
//load movie


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Timeout Function - Pause For 8 Seconds?

Mar 25, 2010

I have a movieClip that is basically a slide show.It is controlled by AS that is on its own timeline. It moves forward on its timeline, then a few frames later, I have it pause for 8 seconds with:

Actionscript Code:
stop();setTimeout (function() {play();}, 8000);

It then resumes playing and,a few more frames later,I have it jump to a different random slide. This all works fine. There are other frames on the MAIN timeline that do not contain this moveiClip. The problem is, if I go to one of those other frames in the main timeline, the above movieClip function is somehow still active, and after the 8 seconds it sends the play command. In this case, it causes the MAIN timeline to start playing.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Timeout For Image Loader?

Nov 29, 2008

By default settings, when given a bad URL is given (either 404, server not found, etc.), flash.display.Loader stops trying to load an image and contentLoaderInfo throws IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR after approx. 20 seconds. Is it possible to change the socket timeout or read timeout so that it throws an exception in, say, 5

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Script Is Not Executed - Standard-TimeOut?

Nov 27, 2009

I have a problem with a script, that is debugged without mistakes, but is not executed anyway. The Script consists of the movie with a keyframethat creates a new Instance for an Object that again creates a series of new Instances for another Object (array) that controls an associated Movieclip.The Error: A Script was executed longer than the Standard-Time-Out of 15 Seconds.

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Professional :: Can Timeout A Movie If No Cursor Is Present?

Sep 3, 2010

Flash MX (not 2004), Actionscript is pre 2.0 I believe.I have a drop down menu.When I roll over the button, a movie plays (the menu).An invisible button sits around that menu and the button itself, and when rolled over, the movie collapses.My issue was that when I dragged the cursor quickly off of the button, the menu wouldn't close.I got a helpful response from kglad saying to bump my framerate up.I did, and the problem happened less, but was still present.I bumped it all the way up to 120fps and the problem is still present, but the occurance has decreased significantly.So then I got to thinking: Is there a way to have the movie (the drop down menu) timeout and collapse if the pointer isn't present?I've heard of movies timing out if there is no click, but I'm wondering if there's a way to do the same thing when there's no cursor.I guess I could also have the menu collapse if there's no click after a while, but that seems awkward.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Exceeding Default Timeout Period

Sep 6, 2010

I have written a complictaed bit of code that has exceeded the default timeout period.Can I change this default?Is there a good way of identifying which part of the code is taking all of the time, so that I can focus my improvement efforts?

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