ActionScript 2.0 :: Swapping A Dynamic Movieclip's Depth Beneath A Static Set Of Graphics?

Jun 7, 2006

Flash 8 - AS 2.0

Ok kiddies. I've been toying with AS and trig. and have a little wiggly worm that half-heartedly responds to the mouse just as I want. It's created by looping 30 times through a for loop and using attachmovie() like this.

for(i=0; i<30; i++){
attachMovie("mcCircle", "mcCircle" + i, i, {_x:mx[i], _y:my[i]});

As you can see for their depths I have used the increment of the for loop. So I have 30 clips with depths from 0 to 29. On the other hand, the graphics which have been statically placed on the stage have these depths.



What I need is to place the mcCircle clips underneath some of the objects on the stage. Imparticularly, the menu bar at the top of the stage and the logo at the bottom while staying on top of the background. I just want it to look like it's going behind these two graphics. I've tried a number of things and have ran out of ideas. By the way - the bottom of frame 27 of the actions layer has the code that is outputting the depths in the Output panel in Flash.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swapping Depth Of MovieClips?

Aug 30, 2010

How do you go about swapping depths in AS3? I've got a movieClip (allContent_mc) that contains a bunch of other movieClips(mc1, mc2, etc.) that expand in size when clicked on. However, when they are expanded I need to make sure that the one being viewed is on top. The control to expand each clip lives within each clip itself. Ideally, when the expand code (below) is executed, I'd like to make sure the clip's depth supersedes all others. I'm keeping all the clips together in one larger clip because the larger clip is living inside a scrollPane component. Pretty sure I'm just not defining the path to the clip correctly.

ActionScript Code:
function goOpen(e:MouseEvent):void{
this.setChildIndex (square_mc , this.numChildren - 1 );[code]...........

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and character3

I've tried with some codes but they doesn't work.

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public static function makeRect( obj:DisplayObject, ...
var g:Graphics;
if(obj is Sprite){


//1119: Access of possibly undefined property graphics through a reference with static type flash.display:Graphics.

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function populateBasket(){
trace("B4 REMOVE:" + basketRows.loader.container.getDepth());


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I am drawing some lines in my program using

graphics.lineTo(xx, yy);

The program has a background image over which these lines are drawn.The problem which I am facing is that the image overshadows the lines and the lines are not visible to the user.Since these lines do not have an id, I am not sure as to how I can assign a depth to them?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swapping Depth Of Movie Inside Of Movie?

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I have a movie "keyB" which contains many other movies "d", "e", "f"..."keyB" has a mouse event listener so when I click on "keyB" it tells me which movie inside of "keyB" I have just clicked on - d, e or f.d, e and f are the same movie from the library but with different names and are all on the same frame in the timeline.d, e and f are overlapping and I want whichever one was clicked on to come to the front.Here's what I've tried without any success:

ActionScript Code:
keyB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, tellKey);
function tellKey(event:Event):void


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Static Variable Of Class Gets Reset When Depth Of Caller Is Increased

Jul 22, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movie Clip Depth Control ... 1118: Implicit Coercion Of A Value With Static Type Object

Feb 23, 2011

I have about 85 movie clips on stage and they all have startDrag with MOUSE_DOWN.
here is the thing I need the active one to come forward to the top of all others.
I tried using:
setChildIndex(e.currentTarget, 85)
on the mouse over function but its not working its giving me an error
1118: Implicit coercion of a value with static type Object to a possibly unrelated type flash.display:DisplayObject.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swapping Display List Position For Dynamic Movie Clips

Jun 17, 2011

I have a difficult question to explain. I have a class file that loads an external XML file, parses the main nodes into an array, then creates a movie clip instance for each of the main nodes and creates text fields inside of the movie clip instance based on the child nodes in the XML.

Each movie clip instance that is added dynamically has a movie clip embedded in it that acts as a tab. I update the dynamic text of this embedded movie clip based on the name of each main XML node.

Now where I am getting stuck is that I have attached an event listener to each tab movie clip that is inside of each dynamically created movie clip. What I want to do is when the user clicks this tab have that movie clip move to the top of the display list on top of all the other dynamically created movie clips. My problem is that I don't know how to get the references correct.

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I hope that makes sense. My main question is how do I use the swapChildren or setChild functions when the movie clip clicked is located within the movie clip I want to change in the display list as well as the fact that this movie clip was created dynamically.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Nested MovieClip Not Swapping?

Jan 10, 2011

Hi. I'm teaching myself flash, and to that end I'm making a simple top-down shooting game. My (current) problem is this:

All of the basic enemies and allies are currently represented by a simple MovieClip consisting of a circle (the 'body', also used for hit detection) and a named Weapon instance. 'Weapon' is a class linked to another simple MovieClip. The Weapon class serves as an abstract base class for a variety of 'real' weapons (Rifle, Laser, etc), each of which has a matching ActionScript (3) file and MovieClip. All the weapon MovieClips are visually unique.

Ok, with me so far? Well, I want my little soldiers to be able to change weapon, so I've created a function "swapWeapon(newWeapon:Weapon)". This sets the soldier's Weapon instance to the 'newWeapon' variable. This is where it gets confusing: the functions and code of the new weapon (eg, bullet speed and accuracy) all transfer correctly, but the appearance remains the same (the default 'Weapon' MovieClip).

My guess would be it's to do with the fact that I'm swapping a MovieClip instance for different (sub-) class of MovieClip. But that's as far as my knowledge of flash takes me

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Box Depth

Dec 16, 2009

i have some movie clips on my stage and a dynamic text box... when i look for depth of objects i get informations that the text depth is lower then the mc that should be behind the text... i have tryed to change the depth of text like ActionScript Code: //thisText is instance name of dynmaic text


i can easy change movie clip depth...but doesnt work for text?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling Depth And Scale In Dynamic Constructs

Jan 26, 2009

I'm just starting to program in AS3 and use it in frames on the main timeline vs OOP. Can you point me at some reference that would cover:-

1) If it is possible to scale a dynamically constructed object over a few frames in the time-line. I draw an object/shape on frame 10 and scale it up from frame 10 to frame 20, for example.

2) If I can control the depth of the dynamically constructed object. I draw an object on frame 10 and on frames 11 through 20 I have some line already drawn on another layer that I want to appear above or below the dynamically drawn shape. I can easily do both of these in AS1 but don't seem to see similar constructs in AS3?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Depth To The Dynamic Loading Movie Clips

Nov 30, 2006

In my stage im loading many dynamic the same tim i have the static movieClips too..while i'm loading these dynamic movieClips, thats overlapping the static movieclips on the screen.. actually i need the static movieclips at the topmost position. is there any option to do like?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Way To Set Movieclip's Depth

Aug 11, 2011

I m looking for method similat to MovieClip.swapDepths(depth).what is the method in as3, i have movieclips i wanne update those deths

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set Depth For A Movieclip

Nov 13, 2005

How can I set the depth for a movieclip.Actually I want my popup to always come on the top and there is some problem using swapdepth.Would it help setting the depth of movieclip to be something like 10000??

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AS2 - Giving A Movieclip A Specific Depth

Feb 15, 2011

I want to give a movieclip a specific depth number, but i cant found a method for this.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Depth Of MovieClip?

Jul 13, 2011

Im trying to change the depth or index of a movieclip when its click. And bring it to the top of everything. The problem is that the movie clip is not added by addChild, but nested in a frame.
so if i try and use any of these:

anyMC.parent.setChildIndex(anyMC, anyMC.parent.numChildren-1);
or public function bringMCToFront($mc:MovieClip){    $mc.parent.setChildIndex($mc, $mc.parent.numChildren-1);}
by it gives me this error: Error #1065: Variable setChildIndex is not defined.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movieclip Depth, Changing On The Fly?

Feb 5, 2012

Im trying to keep all my movieclips onto 1 layer/mother mc to speed up the flash display engine
I have these takable items(movieclips) that respawn after a while.
Initially i build the level starting with all the takable items before adding all the players/npc's. This way the player and npc's walk over the objects if they are not taken.
After an items respawns though, i have to re add them to the main mc and then they appear to be over the npc's and they seem to be moving under a carpet of stuff.
Its a nice 3d effect but totally unwanted in this scenario.
Is there a way to make sure that items are added as child before a certain clip (like the player). I tried using addchildat but this gives me a index error now and then. I dont really understand how the depths are worked out by flash.
I was thinking of storing the original depth of an item movieclip and then on restore, addchild at at its old depth. Or is there a more sensible way?
Also: can two movieclips occupy the same index/depth level? or are the incemented or something?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Put A Movieclip In Front Of Depth?

Sep 3, 2008

I have 4 movieclips on my "layer1". Everytime my mouse is onRollOver of a movieclip, I just want THIS movieclip coming to the FRONT, that's to say the Highest Depth.

(in Visual Basic, "ZOrder(0)" is simple.. but harder in ActionScript.. lol )

I've found some many examples "around" this, but did'nt success to adapt the code to my simple needs !

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Keep A MovieClip At The Lowest Depth?

Oct 26, 2009

Is it possible to keep a movieClip at the lowest depth and stack other movieClips on top. I have a container movieClip that I add a movieClip called floorTile. I want floorTile to always be at level 0 no matter what. Then when I click on another movieClip, I want this to be added on top of the floorTile.

ActionScript Code:
//create a container to hold the floor tile and textures
var myContainer:MovieClip = new MovieClip()


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change The Depth Of Movieclip?

Apr 20, 2010

the question is a bit more involed. I have a dynamic text box, which I've put inside a movieclip. I hae a number of movieclips that I bring in using attachMovie, but my movieclip which contains my text box is underneath all the other movieclips.

I would like to know how I can tell my movie to display above all the other?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Arrangement Of MovieClip In Z Depth

Jan 8, 2004

I have a slide show of images for my banner that is loaded through the use of a component in my library. The component merely swaps images with a fade out/in as a transition. Now, that is working fine, the thing that I am having a problem with is that I cannot place an graphic/text on top of the component. I what the banner to be in the background. What do I have to add to the component to insure that it will always load in the back, not infront of the text, graphic, etc...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movieclip Depth Management?

Apr 24, 2010

I started with some AS2 pageflip code that I've been modifying because I needed the code in AS3, and I wanted to make some changes to it. At anyrate, I'm having a problem with the depth of two movieclips created. The code first creates a page using the makePage function, and then creates a shade for that page (makeShade function).When running the code, the page appears on top of the shade. When using getChildIndex, the page's index = 11, and the shade's index = 14.

The complete code is super long so I've attached the code that has the shade and page below:

//create left-aligned page-sized solid fill
function makePage(targ, xQuadrant) {
//trace ("in make page");


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Depth Of Movieclip With It?

Feb 8, 2011

If i wanted to change the depth of a movieclip using AS3

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