ActionScript 2.0 :: Swapping Depth Depending On Y Position?
Feb 17, 2009
I'm wondering what codes I should use to get some movieclips get their depths swapped depending on their y position. The one with highest y is on top and etc.I have 3 movieclips named:
and character3
I've tried with some codes but they doesn't work.
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Aug 30, 2010
How do you go about swapping depths in AS3? I've got a movieClip (allContent_mc) that contains a bunch of other movieClips(mc1, mc2, etc.) that expand in size when clicked on. However, when they are expanded I need to make sure that the one being viewed is on top. The control to expand each clip lives within each clip itself. Ideally, when the expand code (below) is executed, I'd like to make sure the clip's depth supersedes all others. I'm keeping all the clips together in one larger clip because the larger clip is living inside a scrollPane component. Pretty sure I'm just not defining the path to the clip correctly.
ActionScript Code:
function goOpen(e:MouseEvent):void{
this.setChildIndex (square_mc , this.numChildren - 1 );[code]...........
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Jan 21, 2004
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Jun 7, 2006
Flash 8 - AS 2.0
Ok kiddies. I've been toying with AS and trig. and have a little wiggly worm that half-heartedly responds to the mouse just as I want. It's created by looping 30 times through a for loop and using attachmovie() like this.
for(i=0; i<30; i++){
attachMovie("mcCircle", "mcCircle" + i, i, {_x:mx[i], _y:my[i]});
As you can see for their depths I have used the increment of the for loop. So I have 30 clips with depths from 0 to 29. On the other hand, the graphics which have been statically placed on the stage have these depths.
What I need is to place the mcCircle clips underneath some of the objects on the stage. Imparticularly, the menu bar at the top of the stage and the logo at the bottom while staying on top of the background. I just want it to look like it's going behind these two graphics. I've tried a number of things and have ran out of ideas. By the way - the bottom of frame 27 of the actions layer has the code that is outputting the depths in the Output panel in Flash.
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Jan 18, 2010
I have a movie "keyB" which contains many other movies "d", "e", "f"..."keyB" has a mouse event listener so when I click on "keyB" it tells me which movie inside of "keyB" I have just clicked on - d, e or f.d, e and f are the same movie from the library but with different names and are all on the same frame in the timeline.d, e and f are overlapping and I want whichever one was clicked on to come to the front.Here's what I've tried without any success:
ActionScript Code:
keyB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, tellKey);
function tellKey(event:Event):void
View 6 Replies
Jun 17, 2011
I have a difficult question to explain. I have a class file that loads an external XML file, parses the main nodes into an array, then creates a movie clip instance for each of the main nodes and creates text fields inside of the movie clip instance based on the child nodes in the XML.
Each movie clip instance that is added dynamically has a movie clip embedded in it that acts as a tab. I update the dynamic text of this embedded movie clip based on the name of each main XML node.
Now where I am getting stuck is that I have attached an event listener to each tab movie clip that is inside of each dynamically created movie clip. What I want to do is when the user clicks this tab have that movie clip move to the top of the display list on top of all the other dynamically created movie clips. My problem is that I don't know how to get the references correct.
When I create the movie clips dynamically I store the objects in an array. The problem appears to be that the event is fired for a movie clip inside of the dynamic movie clip so I don't know how to reference the parent movie clip. Maybe it is something else but I don't know how to make reference to the main movie clips that I want to swap.
I hope that makes sense. My main question is how do I use the swapChildren or setChild functions when the movie clip clicked is located within the movie clip I want to change in the display list as well as the fact that this movie clip was created dynamically.
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Oct 25, 2006
I've used the random motion tutorial, and got that working. Now i'd like things to resize themselves depending on where they are on the screen.. For example, if its at the very top, its 75% and if its at the bottom, 125%.
minsize = 75;
maxsize = 125;
dancerSize = _y;
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Sep 14, 2011
I'm trying to make a movie clip move left or right depending if you move the cursor to the right or left on th screen. The clip is long and it have a lot of thumbnails and when it reaches the end of the stage has to stop. I have achieved this, but when the mc comes to the side of the stage it is getting slower and slower and I need it to move with a constant speed.
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Jun 8, 2004
I know this can't be to hard too achieve, but my actionscript skills aren't quite up to it yet.
- I have 5 frames within a MC.
- In this MC there is text saying "center", "left", "right", "up", "down" on each frame.
- All I want to be able to do is make the MC change to frame 3 "right" when my mouse moves to the right of the MC.
I know the script below is wrong, but would it go something like, this. Would I have to use angle and math or is there a simpler way to achieve this?
onClipEvent (mouseMove)
get x position
get y position[code]......
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Jun 22, 2005
I'm looking to a menu that scrolls vertically depending on the mouse position.I know that voetsjoeba has a cool scroller that does this, but loads XML and such. I'm just looking to scroll an MC up and down with easing depending on the mouse position.I like the way that the new XML thumbnail gallery that Kirupa put up scolls along the bottom, how about something like that?
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Oct 6, 2009
I have a button symbol on my stage that I want to change size depending on where the mouse is on stage. ie: the y position of the mouse will make the x and y scale change (the symbol should get smaller as the mouse moves up the page and larger as it moves down - as if it is getting closer or further away).
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Nov 16, 2009
In a preview post, without success, I was trying to do an Elastic Menu in AS3.The problem creating the menu with differents elements and submenus is resolved.Now, I need to relocate the menu elements dinamicly through TweenLite.For that, I use this method named posicionar();
private function posicionar():void {
for (i=0; i<tamArray-1; i++) {
var elemento=itemArray[i+1];
As I say in the commented codeline, the Tween doesn't get the right destination.
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Sep 14, 2011
I'm trying to make a movie clip move left or right depending if you move the cursor to the right or left on the screen. The clip is long and it have a lot of thumbnails and when it reaches the end of the stage has to stop. I have achieved this, but when the mc comes to the side of the stage it is getting slower and slower and I need it to move with a constant speed.
This is the code:
var x_down:Number = 2900;
var end:Number = -((x_down)/.8 + 50);
var key:Number;
var c_key:Number;
var start1: Tween = new Tween( padre_mc, "x", Regular.easeInOut, padre_mc.x, (padre_mc.x + 280), 1, true);
[Code] .....
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Jun 8, 2004
I know this can't be to hard too achieve, but my actionscript skills aren't quite up to it yet.
- I have 5 frames within a MC.
- In this MC there is text saying "center", "left", "right", "up", "down" on each frame.
- All I want to be able to do is make the MC change to frame 3 "right" when my mouse moves to the right of the MC.
onClipEvent (mouseMove)
get x position
get y position
if statement x= > -180 and y=> 0 (something like that)
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Jun 4, 2009
I would like to place a video object above one movieClip instance ("mc"), but below another movieClip instance ("mc_top").
I instantiated the _root.flashVid object by dragging a "New Video..." from the Library to the stage, and giving it the instance name "flashVid".
I create mc, then paint a blue box, then I create mc_top, and paint a yellow box. The flashVid instance is on the Stage (_root) from the beginning. Now how do I get the flashVid above "mc" but below "mc_top"?
// Create movieclips and paint boxes.
var mc:MovieClip = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("test",
mc.beginFill(0x0000ff, 50);
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Jun 5, 2010
I have created an animation which has frames with the head drawn in the various positions it needs to be in to look in all directions. Each frame is unique as it shows the head look up down sideways etc.What I need to do now is to make the movie clip play certain frames depending on the mouse position.I am having some trouble with the logic of how to do thisIs the best way to detect the mouse position then tell the movie clip to gotoandstop a certain frame depending on the mouse position?
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Jun 19, 2010
I'd like to make sort of gallery with previous/next buttons. And on each image you'd have circles/link over important parts of the image.So each image wold have these circles on different locations. Question: how can I make that dynamically? And that it's not to complicated for the editor of the site? One way would be to write in XML x and y positions.
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Jun 1, 2003
I have an empty mc called "attachmcextra".Into this empty mc is attached another mc called "mcnote" that contains a texto box named "loadnote". So it`s path would be:_root.attachextra.mcnote.loadnoteThe following code is set to the mc "attachextra":
onClipEvent (load) {
//set inicial position
this.posY = 20;
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Jan 30, 2007
I am trying to simulate a 3D navigation which changes the movement depending of the x and y mouse position.url...Does anyone know where I can find a tutorial step by step for it or something similar?
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Nov 5, 2003
I'm making a game...and I want to change my background image depending on where the character is. I thought I would make a MovieClip...with all the different background images on different keyframes. My question is....can I use AttachMovie, and if do I reference the particular frame that I want to...? I've never used AttachMovie before, and wasn't sure of the syntax...and how to reference go to a particular frame.
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Feb 22, 2012
If you don't add an asset (text field, mc, btn etc) to the stage / create the object dynamically, is it possible for the asset to move x,y position or alter it's properties depending on the user environment? If so, what environments can cause this? IE what browsers, op. systems, player versions etc?
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Feb 2, 2010
I've written the following method (in actionscript 3, it's a flash application) which returns what transformation type is required for the current mouse position in relation to a given element position.
An element can be moved, scaled and rotated. This method returns if any of these transformations are applicable with the given coordinates[code]...
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Jun 9, 2005
Does anyone know what I can do to change the claudio scroller so that it will scroll ease depending on the vertical mouse position?
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Oct 9, 2007
I have recently followed a tutorial to make a movieclip in flash that makes buttons spin around a point depending on the mouse position. I have made my own version off this and would like to use it in a full flash website that i am making at the moment.
The only problem that i am having is with aligning this clip and as it is made up of script i cant physicly drag it to were i want it. I understand how to alighn this with x/y positioning but when i preview the flash in a web browser it is positioned correctly but then when i 'full screen' the browser this clip jumps about 4 inches down the page.
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Nov 3, 2005
i need to combine these two scripte (first one creates array to play movie clips in a order fro left to right of the screen depending on position ) each script works corectly if used on there own. but i want to combine them
var videos:Array = new Array("mc1", "mc2", "mc3", "mc4");
var busy:Boolean = false;
for(var i = 0; i<videos.length; i++)[code]....
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Mar 29, 2005
i have a dynamic text field that loads a variable into it (just a simple text file). this text file will be updated on occasion. i also have a movie clip to be positioned below the text field, however i want the movie clip to change position depending on how much text is in the text field so there isnt a large gap and so they dont overlap. is this possible? i tried the following actionscript to adjust the size of the text field depending on the amount of text. textField2.autosize = "center"; however i have no idea how to get the y position of the movie clip to adjust accordingly.
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May 11, 2004
putting a movieclip into highest depth without knowing which clip is in the highest depth
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Jul 3, 2008
I'm trying to get this script running. It's to make a menu consisting of 5 buttons next to each other. When one of the buttons is clicked, it swaps position and color with the most left of the sequence. The gap created by the transition is either filled with a simple swap, or having all the buttons left of the gap slide to the right.So I figured I'd arrange all the buttons in an array. Here's my script
#include ""
function setup() {
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Nov 16, 2009
I am currently working on a project of a commercial flash box thing for their website.I have a thing where I need a bunch of images to wipe in this certain way. They are in mc's, and just sitting there, while I have squares moving on top of them doing the wiping. I need to know how to swap these image mc's out when it hits a certain frame e.g. frame 70.
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