ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Beneath Swf - Put An Movieclip On Bottom Layer Of Floating Window
Nov 8, 2007
I have some floating window that opens above my page. The problem is that I don't want buttons above to be trigerable. I tried to put an movieclip on bottom layer of floating window and tell him not to show hand cursor, but it looks as if my floating window is transparent. I could still push buttons below and cursor would change into hand. [URL] go to button "ostalo" and click any of galleries. Then go over reed floating window and you'll notice that you can push buttons underneath.
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Flash 8 - AS 2.0
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for(i=0; i<30; i++){
attachMovie("mcCircle", "mcCircle" + i, i, {_x:mx[i], _y:my[i]});
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Jan 19, 2005
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Sep 26, 2009
- When you click on a link in the bottom menu bar of my site, the new page opens at the bottom of that page (instead of the top).
As you can see (from the action script at the bottom of this post ), it's basically just turning on and off the visibility of the pages. So when you click on the Ethnography button, it makes that page visible and the page that you were on, not visible.
So when the button being clicked (the Ethnography button) makes the Ethnography page visible, the page location stays in the same place (aka - the bottom of the page). Is there a quick action script statement that I can add to the EventListener for the button that will tell it to open the new page at the top of the page?
Something like: window.scrollTo(0,0) ?
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Aug 18, 2009
how this can be achieved? It needs to work on all resolutions .. is there any parent/stage object available to find out the resolution of the system?
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Sep 26, 2009
I'm building a Flash website and have a question which should be really easy to answer.
- When you click on a link in the bottom menu bar of my site, the new page opens at the bottom of that page (instead of the top).
As you can see (from the action script at the bottom of this post ), it's basically just turning on and off the visibility of the pages. So when you click on the Ethnography button, it makes that page visible and the page that you were on, not visible.
So when the button being clicked (the Ethnography button) makes the Ethnography page visible, the page location stays in the same place (aka - the bottom of the page). Is there a quick action script statement that I can add to the EventListener for the button that will tell it to open the new page at the top of the page?
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Apr 11, 2010
My movie clip is not bottom aligned when window is resized. I noticed that everything works when I delete the line which tells the stage to not scale. PHP Code: //Stage.scaleMode = "noscale"; But I need to keep that line because I don't want my swf to scale. My question is how can I resolve the issue with the bottom align of my mc? I already have addListener but seems it does not work when the "noscale" line presents.
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May 28, 2003
show the actionscript commands how to make button or movie clip look like it were floating - moving slowly by itself independent of mouse movement in fix defined area; not all over the place.
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Aug 5, 2009
I'd like to make a movie clip float about, but stay in roughly the same spot? I'd imagine a simple bit of AS inside an onClipEvent (enterFrame) would work.
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Dec 10, 2005
i suppose the answer is simple to the experienced of you:how do i implement a close button into an swf ?i have a floating swf ( i know they are boring, but...) that slides in from the left and i need a button to close that floater.what would the action script look like ?
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