ActionScript 2.0 :: Align An Mc To The Bottom Regardless Their Window Size?
Jan 19, 2005
Ive got my flash movie set to 100% width & height, while the stage is set to no scale. Is it possible for me to align an mc to the bottom regardless their window size? Just to clarify if firefox is larger than the stage, can i align this mc ( like a footer ) to the bottom of the ussers screen.
My movie clip is not bottom aligned when window is resized. I noticed that everything works when I delete the line which tells the stage to not scale. PHP Code: //Stage.scaleMode = "noscale"; But I need to keep that line because I don't want my swf to scale. My question is how can I resolve the issue with the bottom align of my mc? I already have addListener but seems it does not work when the "noscale" line presents.
I'm planning to provide the visitors of my website an option to toggle between their normal window and an optional fullscreen window. I just don't know how to align a simple movieclip to the left bottom of my fullscreen window (margin 20px). I can't use static parameters because it has to be adjusted to everyone's personal screen resolution. Does anyone know how to fix this?
I want to put a movieclip with tools at the bottom of the window in the center with tools icons, it should have fixed posiiton so that user can scroll the main window having it always on prompt. I think I need the browser window size properties to do somenthing as this. Is there a way to get them?
I'm having a small problem with aligning movieclips. I have 2 movieclips.
For examples sake let's call them
black_box red_box
I need red_box to align to the bottom left of black_box. Now the code I'm using works when black_box lays on the 0 axis for both x and y. But since the positioning of these movieclips are dynamic I'm having problems.
I'm almost sure I just need to add in the current x and y values into the equation but I simply can't figure it out
Code: Stage.align = "BC"; Stage.scaleMode = "noScale"; var $stage:Object = new Object();[code].........
To make everything align to the bottom of the .swf when it scales, as most of my MC's won't need to scale. The bottom part stays pretty much on it, imagine a desk, with lots of stuff on it, then as you resize, the background extends, which is why it aligns bottom.There is then a bar at the top and a bar at the bottom. the bottom bar is fine, it is naturally aligned to the bottom, so it doesn't need to be told to do anything.The top bar is giving me some grief though. I've tried all sorts of code to try and make it sit up the top, but it just doesn't want to.
Any way to bottom-left align components? An <HBox .../> nested in a <Canvas .../> doesn't work because the elements in the HBox are top-aligned instead of bottom aligned.
For example, I'd like my components to be aligned like this: +-------------+ <-- container | components | | | V | | V +--+ | | +-+ | | | | +-+ +--+ | +-------------+
The following code blocks create a movie clip 20px high and align it to the bottom of the stage (I add 100px to stageHeight because by default it traces 300 instead of 400). Regardless, both code blocks work when tested in Flash.In HTML however, only the first code block works.The second code block produces a blank HTML page. The second block is so that I can change the footer's height and still have it sit at the bottom of the stage...Considering "footerY" traces 380px, I have no idea how the two code blocks are so different that one HTML page makes the clip visible and the other doesn't.
Code: var footerHeight:uint = 20; // var footerY:uint = (stage.stageHeight + 100) - footerHeight; // trace(footerY);
I am trying to make it so that when the window is resized, a color bar resized to be the width of the stage and the moves to the bottom of the window. The width resize works fine, but item disappears out of view when i include the new y location. I've set up a trace and everything seems to be fine. What am i doing wrong?
I have my movie embedded with 100% width 100% height in order to take up the entire browser window. Now what I would like is a MC to automatically align itself so that it stays at the bottom edge of the browser and adjusts itself whenever the browser window is resized.
Basically I have a textfield that will have a fixed width and wrap the text, which will be passed to it dynamically. Since the text will be dynamic,there's no guarantee of how many lines the text will take up.Directly underneath that textfield i have another text field that will also take dynamic text. Think of it as a title and a I'll have something like this:
Code: var title:TextField = new TextField(); var subtitle:TextField = new TextField(); title.wordWrap = true;
and probably others that I'm forgetting. Getting it to work with a single line of text isn't really a problem, but as soon as the text begins to wrap to multiple lines, everything i've tried seems to fall apart.
I have a dynamic text box for multiple questions in a text. We would like to get the text box to align bottom (so the text is always at the bottom of the box no matter how much text is in the varriable). Is there a way to do this?
I am still very young to the fullscreen flash phase.. thats why I have a quick question:How do I align my elements (movieclips) to follow the bottom or the right/left side of the website?
i made a function for replacing a text letter by letter. You've probably seen this effect of putting in place of a text a random one, with the length of the new text and then replacing the random text, letter by letter with the new one. It worked fine but I had to do some adjustments, because I needed to vertically align the text to the bottom, and I had the newline character in the text which gave me some issues with the aligning. Since I did this adjustments, string.length returns undefined even if trace(string) shows the correct text in the output window. On the other hand length(string) gives me the right answer. I also use the charAt function which also returns undefined, even if the trace function shows the correct text.
I have an image that doesn't fill the <mx:Image> tag because it's not the exact dimensions (it is too short) and I have maintainAspectRatio set to true:
The <mx:Image> tag has a fixed width and height (it's 100% of the tile size--this is in an ItemRenderer). How do I get the image to sit on the bottom of the <mx:Image> tag?
I have run into a new problem in trying to get my flash site to expand properly. I am trying to make it liquid-like by anchoring things to the right side. I don't want it to just scale, as it alters the dimensions or shows a border. The problem is that I have an animation ( a wave that moves in from the right and then back out to cover/reveal the pages). The problem is that I can't seems to get that animation to work with the anchoring techniques i've read, as it is a tween and not a contained movie object alone (I need the tween so that I can control the wave coming when the user clicks a button)
Does anyone know how to align objects (movieclips) to the stage, let's says I have a logo and menu positionned on left side and collection of pictures in middle of stage.
I want that after the browser window is resized, the objects are still in the same places but moves dynamically to left side without hiding to user view.
I am trying to build a flash that auto-adjust its size to the browser window size, while leaving the content of the flash itself top-centered in the screen.I have found this solution [URL].. on How to keep centered stuff in this exact case so i am pretty confident i will be able to adjust that script to do what i want.
Now my problem is that if i put my content inside the movie-clip (centerrectangle) with all the animation require, link and other stuff, the movieclip (center rectangle ) never have the exact same center, thus making the script go wild trying to always adjust the location to the variable size of the movie clip.
I am trying to build a flash that auto-adjust its size to the browser window size, while leaving the content of the flash itself top-centered in the screen.
I have found this solution [url].. on How to keep centered stuff in this exact case so i am pretty confident i will be able to adjust that script to do what i want.
Now my problem is that if i put my content inside the movie-clip (centerrectangle) with all the animation require, link and other stuff, the movieclip (center rectangle ) never have the exact same center, thus making the script go wild trying to always adjust the location to the variable size of the movie clip...
I need it to stay exactly at the same position whatever the size of the movie-clip. [code]...
I'm building a small Flex UI component that displays a colored square next to a label of text. I want to be able to specify a size for the square and internally adjust the label's properties such that the line height matches the square and the text is vertically centered with respect to the square.
At the moment, I'm using mx.controls.Label for the text. Setting the fontSize style to the square's size does not work, the label then becomes too big. After tracing a couple of values in the debugger, I found that
the line height of the internal text field (sum of the ascent and descent properties of the TextFieldMetrics object obtained through getTextFieldMetircs()) seems to end up about 120% of what I specify a s font size.there's a default "leading" of 2 pixels that I can not change directly at the Label level, this adds to the overall height of the internal text field (getTextFieldMetrics().height)the height of the Label component then is an additional 5 pixels larger than that, I don't know where those come from.
Im looking to make the flash file dynamic so that when someone changes the window size the flash file expands with it and some of the items contained move also.
I'm doing some tests and I'm trying to create a simple presentation. It's not something I'll be using online. I just want it to present some things at school. Since I don't know the resolution of the monitor at school, I wanted something I could max the window and rest with the content (stage) centered. At start, everything was working fine but sudenly the stage started to be aligned to top left when exported and windows maximized. Here's my code:
The bkg.swf is an external background I'm using... it ajusts it's size to fill all the window automaticaly. When I first wrote this code, it was working fine. Than I added some objects and MC's to the stage and now whenever I export the file it's aligned to the top left of my window.
I am working on a FLASH website that loads 3 flash movies (header, content and menu). The menu movie is displayed at the bottom. I am looking for a way to display the menu always at the bottom of the browser window (the visible bottom). This way, if the screen resolution of the user is too small, the user won't have to scroll to see the menu. I know it can be done. On this page, you can see that the copyright character is always displayed the bottom right of the browser window.[URL]
I'm making a flex 3.5a/air2 application and I've made a popup window but I can't seem to get its bottom corners rounded. Setting cornerRadius seems to only affect the top corners. There doesn't seem to be a roundedBottomCorners property like there is for panels, and adding a controlbar with a cornerRadius also has no effect.
- When you click on a link in the bottom menu bar of my site, the new page opens at the bottom of that page (instead of the top).
As you can see (from the action script at the bottom of this post ), it's basically just turning on and off the visibility of the pages. So when you click on the Ethnography button, it makes that page visible and the page that you were on, not visible.
So when the button being clicked (the Ethnography button) makes the Ethnography page visible, the page location stays in the same place (aka - the bottom of the page). Is there a quick action script statement that I can add to the EventListener for the button that will tell it to open the new page at the top of the page?