ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] Transparent Button - Floating Text With Button Capabilities
Nov 23, 2003
I really need to make a transparent button, so it needs to just look like floating text but with button capabilities. But I was confused about a couple things: Initially I was using the "FPushButtonSymbol" but was unable to make it transparent, although I tried like this:
This left some shadow though So, I utlized a post from, which said to just make a square and then do Insert->Convert to Symbol and make it a button symbol. When I converted into a symbol, I also exported it for use with ActionScript. So I have been making instances of my new button (TermButt).... But can I still use generic button functionality like labeling, text fonts/colors, button size:
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Nov 23, 2003
I really need to make a transparent button, so it needs to just look like floating text but with button capabilities. But I was confused about a couple things: Initially I was using the "FPushButtonSymbol" but was unable to make it transparent, although I tried like this:
This left some shadow though So, I utlized a post from [URL], which said to just make a square and then do Insert->Convert to Symbol and make it a button symbol. When I converted into a symbol, I also exported it for use with ActionScript. So I have been making instances of my new button (TermButt).... But can I still use generic button functionality like labeling, text fonts/colors, button size:
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Mar 10, 2010
I would like to find out, how can i make that only a selection is made a button, for example I have a picture (.PNG format) with a transparent background, and the image in the PNG is what i want to be a button, but when i convert the PNG to a button then even the transparent part becomes a button. how can I have only the pic as a button.
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May 28, 2003
show the actionscript commands how to make button or movie clip look like it were floating - moving slowly by itself independent of mouse movement in fix defined area; not all over the place.
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Dec 10, 2005
i suppose the answer is simple to the experienced of you:how do i implement a close button into an swf ?i have a floating swf ( i know they are boring, but...) that slides in from the left and i need a button to close that floater.what would the action script look like ?
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Aug 4, 2005
i have seen floating flash movies and also flash movies with transparent backs to them
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Nov 8, 2007
I have some floating window that opens above my page. The problem is that I don't want buttons above to be trigerable. I tried to put an movieclip on bottom layer of floating window and tell him not to show hand cursor, but it looks as if my floating window is transparent. I could still push buttons below and cursor would change into hand. [URL] go to button "ostalo" and click any of galleries. Then go over reed floating window and you'll notice that you can push buttons underneath.
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Mar 7, 2010
I want to take a static text field, convert it into a button, and use it as a button. I need it static, because I changed orientation, and I do not know how to do that otherwise. The problem is, even though I converted it to a Button symbol, it does not work when I test the movie. It works fine with "Enable simple buttons", but when I test it, the button is not there, no change in mouse cursor, no reaction at all.So this is what I did:
Made text. // static, not selectable, Orientation: vertical left to right, / //rotated; Two filters: Drop Shadow and Glow;
Converted text field to Button - Symbol (scrollBT)
Editing the Button,I put the same content (the static text field) in all four frames: No luck, not working. without the Hit frame filled (which I think doesn't really make a difference): No luck, not working.Tried again, converting the static text field in the button into a Graphic Symbol: No luck, not working.Tried again, and put some differences in the frames for "ON" and "OVER" etc.: No luck, not working.Tried again, duplicating a similar, working button, edited it, and: No luck, not working.
To the button itself and the AS: The button will be a scroll-button for a text field, with different scroll speeds on rollover and press, but nothing else. The code for that I have (I think). It's something like (and please excuse my incorrect syntax here, but I'm typing from memory; still, I use the Script-Assistant and my syntax is apparently correct; it's also working with other buttons):
on {rollOver} {
function (scroll) {
textfieldtxt.scroll - = 1;}[code]....
I'm at the end of my wits. The only difference I can tell from other (working) buttons I did the same way, is that the scrollBt does not do anything except scrolling, while all of the others have frame actions (gotoAndplay etc.) associated with them.
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Feb 20, 2012
How can I change the text of a button instance without affect the other button text? I belive an AS aproach would solve it but I don't know how to do it.
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Jan 31, 2011
Getting this little button to properly highlight in it's "over" state when it is behind another object with transparency.[url]...
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Oct 23, 2010
I'm trying to achieve something quite specific. I have a few transparent PNGs that will be dynamically generated and will be arbitrary shapes. I want these to form a sort of "hotspot" on mouseover, but I obviously don't want the mouseover to comprise the transparent bit - simplest analogy I can think of a is a single jigsaw puzzle piece.Is there any way to do this in AS3? Would I just load the PNG and flash automatically discards the transparent pixels?
If not the PNG, I can get the "jigsaw piece" in raw RGB pixel values as an XML doc. Could I maybe use the bitmap class to "populate" a bitmap using these raw values which I can then use as a movieclip with button enabled?
edit: from reading around elsewhere, a "map" analogy seems far more apt.
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Jun 15, 2010
I have rendered out a FLV with alpha enabled and using wmode options correctly, i am able to get my flash content embed on top of my pages, over the content.
1) I need the embedded flash content to have a close button, otherwise what i am seeing is a flash movie playing on without an option to close. Tried a button with on (release){getURL("java script:window.opener=self;self.close();");}
Is it that I have to place the FLV (alpha enabled) within a movieclip? and add a button there?
2) Also I need to start this content in the webpage using a mouse over over a button.
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Feb 15, 2010
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Aug 7, 2009
I imported a image file and made it into a button. So in flash8, is there any way to add an actionscript or anything to make the image transparent when I mouseover the button?
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Feb 19, 2012
I'm making a graphic button for a news app that allows the user to click on a headline.The button is composed of font and a rectangular shape in the back of the text. I want the text to be 100% transparent, and create the effect that you can see in the titles of this movie poster:
does anyone know how to do this? doing it the way you would think...which is just to make the text 100% transparant doesnt work because the the background shape of the button (about 65% transparent) is in the way.
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Oct 17, 2007
I'm trying to make a button symbol with a transparent hit area - surounded but a dynamically drawn border. Heres what I have. I have a simple AS script that uses goTo and lineTo (plus a randomizer to make sure the buttons are skewed and differnt everytime) to create a "sketchy box" as my button. My script resides in a movie clip withing the "over" state of a button symbol. Now the active hit area is ONLY the line elements. Question : How in the world, using only actionscript an I make a second, transparent area inside of the sketchy lines to make the whole button symble clickable?
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Apr 13, 2007
I'm trying to figure out how to make a configurable wrapper or container file that I can simply pass variables such as
It seems simple enough, and I'm half way there ( I can get external movies to load ) however the transparent button is over my head ( read: I'm a complete noob ).[code]...
I've tried hardcoding a url into getURL as well but it doesnt' seem to be recognizing that there's even a button there.. is that because there's a new movie being loaded?
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Apr 2, 2012
I am making flash with mouse over its not working properly,
1) When mouse over the button not come the transperant area to entire pic
2) How can transparent area slowely to come mouse out
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Mar 26, 2010
I have a flash banner and css menu to use.I tried flash with wmode as transparent for flash banner which makes the css menu to come over the flash banner.but the button which is there in flash is not working in IE 7 and it's lower version.
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Mar 11, 2010
If I have say 7 buttons, each containing text that changes color on rollover using the "Up" "Over" and "Down" keyframes in the buttons' timeline. Is there a simple way to get the button's text to change color when clicked, stay that way, and then change back to the original color once one of the other 6 buttons are clicked?
The only thing I can come up with is writing pages of code for each button that changes the color of every other button regardless of whether it was active.
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Nov 8, 2009
I'm designing an interface for a class, and the buttons that I am using all have multiple functions.For example, when the story button is clicked, I need the mc to stop playing and change to text (in the same window/screen, just no mc playing). The mc is 31 frames long, but if there's a way to just make it loop continuously until told not to, Currently, my code looks like this:
function story(event:MouseEvent):void { gotoAndStop(32);}credits_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,credits);[code]...
When I click the button, the mc does not stop playing and the text does not show up.
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Jan 1, 2010
I have a Flash-based SWFUpload upload button in a HTML page. I am trying to style that button. SWFUpload provides a Javascript setup interface to the Flash button's settings. I don't have Flash myself, so I have to work with the pre-compiled SWF file.
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Oct 12, 2008
I am a Flash novice who has worked through a couple of the standard introductory books on Flash in Actionscript 3 and some of the online tutorials. However I cannot work out how to do the following: A button A (I know how to design buttons including invisible ones) is on the stage. A user clicks on this button which then causes a text to appear at another location of the stage. This text includes an invisible button B. The text tells the user to click on it with the result that the text, including the invisible button B, disappears but if the user reclicks button A then the text with button B should appear again.
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Mar 16, 2011
Having a problem with a little animation involving balloons floating in and then floating out again when a condition is met. There are two ways they can float in or out: from left to right, or completely randomly. I actually like it as coming in (left to right) and going out (random) but it's essentially up to the user.
Since I moved my Array sort code into the function that basically deals with telling the balloons to float off though, I've been having problems. Sometimes one or a couple of the balloons will not float off and I'm kind of boggled as to why. Because it works fine IF the Array sort part is outside this function, I'm wondering whether, when the for loop at the bottom starts running, the Array is still being sorted and that's why some balloons get left behind.
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Dec 5, 2011
I have a flash object which dimension and position are as same as the HTML button. The button is under the flash object. I want when the flash is clicked and hovered, the button has the styles as if it is clicked and hovered at the same time. I am trying to call:"mouseEventHandle", elementId, eventName); in flash to pass event to JS. And in JS(coffeescript): window.mouseEventHandle = (elementId, eventName) -> id = '#' + elementId switch event when "down" then console.log("down") when "up" then console.log("up") when "enter" then console.log("enter") else console.log("leave") # leave the function is responsible for styling the HTML button. The question is how to style the button under in JS? Or is there other way to achieve the goal?
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Apr 5, 2004
im trying to do it as dynamic as possible. I have a few buttons on the main interface, and the text for the buttons are loading from a txt file on the CD. What i want to do is have a variable in the txt file "y" or "n" so that if the button is not needed then i can hide it. I have got a dynamic text box on the root, to pick up the y or n and then what i want is if the text box says "y" then the button is visible if it says "n" then button is not. Here is the code i have so far.
myLoadVars = new LoadVars();
myLoadVars.onLoad = function() {
//to load the text[code].....
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Dec 17, 2004
I have a menu with five nav buttons (atcually MovieClips). Each has three frame labels: "on", "stay", and "off". The rollover and rollout animations play flawlessly, but I'm at a loss as to how to give each button a sticky "active" state. I'd like the button to stay in it's active state until another button is clicked, then I would like it to play it's "off" animation. Each MC has this code:
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Mar 25, 2010
I would like to make a flash movie with a picture, where when the user holds down the mouse button, part of another picture will emerge in that general area (like a magnifying glass looking into another dimension).
Technically, my idea was to make a flash file with two images, and then code the mouse to be able to make the top picture transparent in a circle-like area around the cursor, while the mouse button is down.
But how to do that? I am using Flash CS4, but I don't really care if the solution is in AS2, or AS3, as long as it works
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Aug 2, 2011
I would need to float an image (which will be the same height as one line of text) in a dynamic textield, and when the textfield is resized, the image should follow like its part of the text.(red picture is the image)Putting and img tag inside htmlText doesnt do anything.The best I could think so far (using TextLineMetrics or similar) is to leave a space, (or these dots (......) so that text doesnt collapse), and calculate where the last word before these dots is exactly from the top left of the textfield and place a movieclip on this position.
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Oct 2, 2005
I've done a search and can't seem to find the right actionscript to add to a movieclip to make it appear as though it was just floating in place. Nothing complicated just a small random floating action where it's almost as though the letter is just sitting there in 0 gravity. Just slight enough movement to give it a little bit of interest.
I could make keyframes in a movieclip that would do this, but I'd like it to be a little bit more random than that. Plus, actionscripting the effect would lowere the file size.
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