ActionScript 3.0 :: Html Text And Floating Image?
Aug 2, 2011
I would need to float an image (which will be the same height as one line of text) in a dynamic textield, and when the textfield is resized, the image should follow like its part of the text.(red picture is the image)Putting and img tag inside htmlText doesnt do anything.The best I could think so far (using TextLineMetrics or similar) is to leave a space, (or these dots (......) so that text doesnt collapse), and calculate where the last word before these dots is exactly from the top left of the textfield and place a movieclip on this position.
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feedback.htmlText = "<img src='Logo_small.png'</img>"
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Oct 5, 2010
Using Flash 10, I'm looking for a way to bypass the normal behaviour of images in HTML text, where the images can only float (in CSS terms) to the left or right with text wrapping around them.
Take the following code (where Squiggle is a 100x100 symbol):
ActionScript Code:
var html:XML = <xml>
<img src="Squiggle" id="squiggle" />
<p>This is some pretty amazing text, ya'll!</p>
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<body><![CDATA[Please <a href=""><u>contact us</u></a> for any questions, comments or suggestions. We look forward to hearing from you.
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Things I have tried: Variatons of the file. PNG, JPG, GIF Moved the file into the same folder as the XML file
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This left some shadow though So, I utlized a post from, which said to just make a square and then do Insert->Convert to Symbol and make it a button symbol. When I converted into a symbol, I also exported it for use with ActionScript. So I have been making instances of my new button (TermButt).... But can I still use generic button functionality like labeling, text fonts/colors, button size:
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Feb 20, 2011
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<img src="images/logo.jpg"/> <object classid="homelogo"><embed src="images/logo.swf"></embed><object>
bit it did not work. how can i overlap a flash file on top on an image at a specific location?
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<s:TextArea id="myHelp" editable="false" width="100%" height="100%">
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Oct 24, 2011
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1) append HTML text to textArea text1 I can load text like:
But I have no idea how to appen new text !
2) add an image to textArea All this in the the new TLF :
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Sep 13, 2009
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May 8, 2009
I have a text field component that I am dynamically populating with text. The words appear one letter at a time in a teleprinter style fashion. I also have rendered certain words with HTML to make style changes within the text.Now all this works fine, except because the HTML text is larger than the body of the other text, I am losing theteleprintereffect at the bottom of the text field. In other words, after a set amount has been printed, users are not seeing the letters printed out one at a time, but instead just get a printed line of text appear from beneath the visible section of the text window.
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Apr 8, 2003
I want to import an html file that contains just plain tet inside of a dynamic text box. The things that I have tried jus tmake the html file pop-up as a new page, but i want the information inside of that textbox.
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Oct 26, 2010
I'm trying to use a dynamic text field to pull in html text that contains a bulleted list. Easy enough, that works. But the bullets dont take on the color assigned to the field. I've tried putting it in the html text and also using NewTextFormat and neither work. Can someone help me. This should be a simple fix, but I can't find it... I just want my text and bullets to both be white.
Simple code below. Using html text inside the flash document and having a dynamic field on the screen named txt. Code should turn text and bullets green, but it doesn't work, only text turns green
this.txt.html = true;
var my_fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();my_fmt.color = 0x00FF00; // hex value for green
this.txt.htmlText = "<P> This is the first paragraph</P><BR><UL><LI>Bullet 1</LI><LI><BR>Bullet 2</LI><LI><BR>Bullet 3</LI><LI><BR>Bullet 4</LI><LI><BR>Bullet 5</LI></UL>";this.txt.setTextFormat(my_fmt);
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Feb 12, 2011
I am trying to implement htmlText for a text component as the returned string is in html format (with the html tags etc). If I put a text=.... i get the full text, but with the tags (which i want converted to html). So i use htmlText=.... and it formats it fine, but cuts half the text from the variable. The text im supposed to get back has tons of html tags, and maybe its cutting it somewhere because of the tag its not able to escape... How do i fix this?
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Apr 8, 2009
I am using a dynamic text field to show html formatted text from .txt files. I have set the html property both in the properties panel and in AS, and it mostly works. All html formatting show up just fine, except for when "&" is used. Flash CS3 documentation indicates that & is supported, so.? All text after the & does not appear: the only text loaded is that that comes before it. I am using CS3, AS2, publishing in Flash Player 9. Sorry if this problem has been addressed elsewhere, but I've had no luck with my searches.
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