Professional :: Flash Button Effect - Transparent Area On Mouseout

Apr 2, 2012

I am making flash with mouse over its not working properly,
1) When mouse over the button not come the transperant area to entire pic
2) How can transparent area slowely to come mouse out

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Actionscript 3 :: Get BitmapData From A DisplayObject Included Transparent Area, And Effect Area

Aug 5, 2011

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public static function cloneDpObj(target:DisplayObject):Bitmap
var duplicate:Bitmap;


to clone target displayObject (MovieClip or Sprite) and return Bitmap Object.

It can get bitmap from the target object, but it seem don't get all the area of the image.

By give the width and height of target object, but the target object in design was applied by Glow Effect, so my question can we get the all view of bitmapdata from a displayobject?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: FMX: MouseOut On Transparent Windowless?

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I'm having some trouble with a drop-down menu I made. I found a cool script on this board that worked perfectly for me, but the problem is that the implementation needs to be in midst of HTML - so that it works seamlessly. What I'm doing is using this to replace a clunky DHTML style menu, and it works great, except for one thing...When I use this in a TRANSPARENT WINDOWLESS environment, the menu won't collapse back

It works fine if I use Opaque or Windowed, but Transparent just kills me. Unfortunately, this needs to be transparent, because it's going to be implemented like this:


I found the script for this menu here on the Kirupa Forum, and it works well, except for this one particular quirk. I've uploaded the file, and it's attached. As well, I've copied the script for it below:

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) {;
if (this._currentframe == 10) {


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Professional :: Close Button On Transparent FLV For Embedding

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Is it that I have to place the FLV (alpha enabled) within a movieclip? and add a button there?

2) Also I need to start this content in the webpage using a mouse over over a button.

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Professional :: Creating A Button Headline With Transparent Font?

Feb 19, 2012

I'm making a graphic button for a news app that allows the user to click on a headline.The button is composed of font and a rectangular shape in the back of the text. I want the text to be 100% transparent, and create the effect that you can see in  the titles of this movie poster:
does anyone know how to do this? doing it the way you would think...which is just to make the text  100% transparant doesnt work because the the background shape of the button (about 65% transparent) is in the way.

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Professional :: Animated Hit Area Into A Button?

Aug 23, 2010

I have an 800x800px button within a 800x800 stage, in the up state only 200px of the button are visible, the others 600px remains out of the stage, the over state is a movie clip with a spring-like animation that brings the button to the left to a viewable area of 600 pixels (while now only 200px are left out of the stage). the down state is very the same than the over (without animation, so no changes in size at all).
The problem here is how i set my hit area: if I set it to be the size of the up state then the button works the way it's supposed to work but if i move the mouse just i little to the left (just out of the hit area, remember, same size as the up state) then is considered not to be on the over state so i come back to my initial 200px button. By the way if i set the hit area to match the size of the button once it has completed it animation on over state (600px of viewable button) I fix this issue but then I will click the button even when I'm out of the UP state.It's possible to place a movie clip inside the hit area so that it always mach the motion of the movie clip inside the over state?[URL]This is an early prototype of the site but you'll see what i mean, my buttons are the numbered tabs, when you roll over there you'll see they become animated but i planning to make this animation much more exaggerated and then is when the problem come...

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Does anyone know how to define the stage area so that the mouse effect only occurs in this 300x250 space? Perhaps the only way to get around this is to create a 300x250 hidden button and somehow make the mouse effect occur on rollover. If that is the case, then does anyone know how to do that?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Click Through A Transparent Area Of A Bitmap?

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I am importing some graphics on the fly, and want to be ableto drag them around the stage, which all works great. My issue isthat if I add a large element, like a border around the edge of thestage, this covers up all the other items so that clicking on themis not possible. I can see them, but when I click, the large itemgets the event, even though visually, it is transparent. There arethings I could do if I was doing all the development of thegraphics in the IDE, but these items load at runtime, so it has towork with bitmap

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Text Area Transparent?

Aug 11, 2005

is there a way to make a Text Area transparent?, I'm using this code:

_level0.taDescription.depthChild0._alpha = 0;

and works, but then, I'm loading that SWF in another SWF and I loose the alpha property?

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Sep 17, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detecting/omitting Transparent Area In Bitmap?

May 29, 2009

i am loading a background bitmap into a sprite. after that i make this sprite draggable. now i would like to have a copy of this sprite where just the area with the non-transparent parts of the bitmap react to the click.

i know that i can determine if a pixel is transparent with the getPixel32() method, but it seems to be overkill to anylyze every pixel... or is it not?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A Transparent 'mouse Responsive' Area?

Nov 29, 2010

I want to put a transparent area on my stage.  When the mouse enters that area I want to be notified (so that I can do stuff).I expect to use some code like"addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseInRemote);" - but the qustion is "What do I add to my stage?"

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Creating Transparent Area On Movieclip

Aug 1, 2007

I have a .jpg graphic in a movieclip on layer two (1024/768). This is used as a background.I have a .jpg scrolling movieclip on layer one. It is a very wide graphic used for displaying a panorama.I would like to be able to create, dynamically using actionscript, a transparent area on the layer two movieclip (create a window) to view the underlying movieclip.I believe this is possible using the Rectangle class in the flash.geom.rectangle but I can't figure out how to attach it to the layer two movieclip or how to make it transparent so shows the underlying scrolling graphic.

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Professional :: Transparent Background Is Not Working With Vmode Transparent?

Oct 17, 2010

I imported a video into flash and have a transparent photoshop layer to create an iPod skin. The video works fine, but I cannot get the "stage" to be transparent so that you do not see the flash background color behind the iPod skin.
I've read in the forums and have followed the instructions here from Adobe. If you look at my code, I have


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mouseout Not Recognized When Cursor Go Off Button

May 31, 2010

I have created a button for fade-in and fade-out, when cursor goes over that button, one of its element fades-in and when cursor goes out it fades-out. But if I quickly moves the cursor over and out that button, most of the time it gets stuck on fade-in ( it doesn't fade-out as cursor quickly goes out of that movie-clip area).

I am using following AS :
// fade-in element
} on(mouseOut){
// fade-out element

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Click&drag On The L - No Object The Transparent Area Of The L Receives Mouse Events?

Aug 25, 2009

I have objects that the user can click&drag. They're PNGs, mainly rectangular, no problem till here.But I then had to put an L-shaped object (a PNG with a lot of transparency), so i've made a movieclip with an shape with the same L shape than the png, and use it as its hitArea:

shape.visible= false;
shape.mouseEnabled= false;
obj.hitArea= shape;

This works PERFECT, the mouse events respond as expected, and I can click on objects that are below/above the transparent area of the png/object.All objects are inside a Sprite called playgroundLayer1. The issue comes when I take the L-shaped object and put it on another Sprite (playgroundLayer2), that is above the playgroundLayer1.I this case, I can click&drag on the L, but no object below the transparent area of the L receives mouse events.

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Professional :: Using Script To Add A Button Effect?

Jan 12, 2011

is it possible to ad a "button effect" (different state for "normal" and "hover") to an existing button without having to do it graphically but only with a script?
i ask this because i have a flash-gallery with hundrets of thumbinails in converted to buttons that recall a javascript to open the full image (lightbox) and it would be nice to add each button a nice "hover" effect (maybe they should look dark and become normal brightness when hovered) but i don't want to edit each single button ..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tween Class With Button Mouseover / Mouseout

Apr 3, 2009

I've got the following movie online to look at:(disregard background, temporary image)URL...I have 3 icons (will be 4, the photos at the bottom of the movie).When hovering over a button, it should rise up around 50px, and on mouse out, it should drop back down to its original position.If you look at the movie, it does that, however, if you move around the images a bit you'll see that at some points it picks up 2 photos/buttons at a time (since they're overlapping a bit I imagine), but the BIG problem is that sometimes, when picking up both images, they do not return to their original position when mousing OUT as they should, they remain suspended as if they are stuck at the end of the onmouseover function and can't come back down.[code]

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Professional :: Can't Get Transparent Background In Adobe Flash Professional CS4

Jul 29, 2010

I'm wanting to create a moving object that will be exported into a tv commercial. Object has already been created in Adobe Illustrator, and now will be dropped into flash for adding movement. The destination commercial will be created in Sony Vegas, with the settings of (Australian) PAL television (25 fps, 576x720 pixels, lower field first).Thus keeping it simple, I want to set Adobe flash with the same output format, meaning that the canvas will have to be 576x720 pixels at 25 fps.  So far this seems to have worked okay.Now I'm wanting to get rid of the canvas colour, just like I have here in this photoshop screen shot.
Judging by the colour palette in Flash Professional, it looks like it can't be done.  I've checked "transparent palette" through yahoo and google, and had no results.  The adobe documentation only details how to remove a background in Photoshop.

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Professional :: Changing Color On MouseOver And Back On MouseOut

Dec 22, 2011

AS3 page with text links that change to a new color on mouse_over and change back on mouse_out. Sometimes the links do not change back and all remain colored after mouse-out. I have never been able to simulate the problem on my several computers at several locations but have seen it happen on the clients computers. Is there a known issue perhaps with Flash/AS3/Flash Player Version# that might cause this?

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Professional :: Button Rollover Effect With ClickTag?

Jul 18, 2011

I am making a Flash ad for my company.  I am a beginner/intermediate Flash user.  I need to add a clickTag, which is done.  The issue is that I want the button to "shimmer" when it is rolled over.  I cannot figure out how to make this work with the clickTag having to be the topmost layer in the file.

This is what I have so far:
shinyButton.onRollOver = function() {;};clicktag_but.onPress = function(){  getURL(_root.clickTAG, "_blank");};


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Animation Loop - Mouseclick / Mouseout Conflict With Button

Feb 12, 2011

Basically I have a animation loop movie clip and a button layed over top that controls that animation. When hovering overtop the button, the movieclip's saturation changes by moving up a frame in the timeline. When clicked it is supposed to move the position of the movie clip. The problem is I can't have a mouseclick handler and mouseout handler (goes back to frame one) on the same button. I can't create the animation as a button because I NEED the animation to keep playing uninterrupted. I just need the saturation to change and I don't know any other way to do it other than create multiple key frames.

button_11.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame_26);
function fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame_26(event:MouseEvent):void {
} button_11.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, fl_MouseOverHandler_4);
function fl_MouseOverHandler_4(event:MouseEvent):void {
} button_11.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, fl_MouseOutHandler_2);
function fl_MouseOutHandler_2(event:MouseEvent):void {

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button MovieClips Loops - MouseOut Event Listeners

Apr 20, 2009

I have a button that is a movie clip that is set up with animations triggered with MOUSE_OVER and MOUSE_OUT event listeners. The glitch is that once the mouse is over the button ... each ensuing pixel that the mouse is moved, loops the animation again. That probably didn't make a whole lot of sense, so I posted the file on my test site [URL]. You have to drag your mouse slowly across the button to see this. The bottom part of the button works as I'd expect. When you roll over the text at the bottom of the button, everything functions as it should. The looping problem starts when you roll over the image portion of the button. For some reason it considers each consecutive pixel rolled over to be a new event and consequently triggers the "over" animation again.

The code I have is below. I've commented out the MOUSE_OUT function for now. There is also a screenshot at the above link of my Layers palette for the button clip in question. I put a "stop" label at each frame that has an action so you see the actions used.
oneBedButton_mc.buttonMode = true;
oneBedButton_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, overEffect);
//oneBedButton_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, outEffect);
function overEffect (e:MouseEvent) {
function outEffect (e:MouseEvent) {

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