ActionScript 3.0 :: Click Through A Transparent Area Of A Bitmap?
Sep 18, 2008
I am importing some graphics on the fly, and want to be ableto drag them around the stage, which all works great. My issue isthat if I add a large element, like a border around the edge of thestage, this covers up all the other items so that clicking on themis not possible. I can see them, but when I click, the large itemgets the event, even though visually, it is transparent. There arethings I could do if I was doing all the development of thegraphics in the IDE, but these items load at runtime, so it has towork with bitmap
So I have a BitmapData object that's 400x400, and is mostly transparent with a small area (up to 50x50) of color somewhere inside. That's drawn to a bitmap, and now I somehow need to generate a Sprite that is only the dimensions of the small colored area, and sits in the same place on the screen.The size and position of the colored area is variable, and the operation to create the new Sprite must be near-instantaneous, so no lengthy pixel comparison exercises.
i am loading a background bitmap into a sprite. after that i make this sprite draggable. now i would like to have a copy of this sprite where just the area with the non-transparent parts of the bitmap react to the click.
i know that i can determine if a pixel is transparent with the getPixel32() method, but it seems to be overkill to anylyze every pixel... or is it not?
I have objects that the user can click&drag. They're PNGs, mainly rectangular, no problem till here.But I then had to put an L-shaped object (a PNG with a lot of transparency), so i've made a movieclip with an shape with the same L shape than the png, and use it as its hitArea:
This works PERFECT, the mouse events respond as expected, and I can click on objects that are below/above the transparent area of the png/object.All objects are inside a Sprite called playgroundLayer1. The issue comes when I take the L-shaped object and put it on another Sprite (playgroundLayer2), that is above the playgroundLayer1.I this case, I can click&drag on the L, but no object below the transparent area of the L receives mouse events.
public static function cloneDpObj(target:DisplayObject):Bitmap { var duplicate:Bitmap;
to clone target displayObject (MovieClip or Sprite) and return Bitmap Object.
It can get bitmap from the target object, but it seem don't get all the area of the image.
By give the width and height of target object, but the target object in design was applied by Glow Effect, so my question can we get the all view of bitmapdata from a displayobject?
I would like to first add the xml to my flash. Fine I can do this.But I have a number of buttons, where when I click say CW1, i get the information from the XML file with a node of CW1. I have all the xml set up fine.As I have about eight different postcode types.
ST, CW, CH, TF, WV, WS, DE, SK, SY, and each of these may have numbers that follow, i.e ST1, ST2, ST3 and so forth.
So I can only assume that the postal area could be the main nodes, and the numbers inside the child nodes, am I right thus far.o how can i load the area of the xml file into my text area on mouse click, pulling the information relating.
How do I set an area to be transparent in ActionScript 3.0?At the moment I'm creating a subtitles area to sit over the player and it has the following code:[code]
On the opening of the map where it shows a transparent red spreading would you create the growing red transparent area over the map in the Pacific with transparent shape tween. Also any tutorials on doing this.
On the opening of the map where it shows a transparent red spreading would you create the growing red transparent area over the map in the Pacific with transparent shape tween. Also any tutorials on doing this.
I want to put a transparent area on my stage. When the mouse enters that area I want to be notified (so that I can do stuff).I expect to use some code like"addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseInRemote);" - but the qustion is "What do I add to my stage?"
I have a .jpg graphic in a movieclip on layer two (1024/768). This is used as a background.I have a .jpg scrolling movieclip on layer one. It is a very wide graphic used for displaying a panorama.I would like to be able to create, dynamically using actionscript, a transparent area on the layer two movieclip (create a window) to view the underlying movieclip.I believe this is possible using the Rectangle class in the flash.geom.rectangle but I can't figure out how to attach it to the layer two movieclip or how to make it transparent so shows the underlying scrolling graphic.
I'm trying to make a button symbol with a transparent hit area - surounded but a dynamically drawn border. Heres what I have. I have a simple AS script that uses goTo and lineTo (plus a randomizer to make sure the buttons are skewed and differnt everytime) to create a "sketchy box" as my button. My script resides in a movie clip withing the "over" state of a button symbol. Now the active hit area is ONLY the line elements. Question : How in the world, using only actionscript an I make a second, transparent area inside of the sketchy lines to make the whole button symble clickable?
I am making flash with mouse over its not working properly, 1) When mouse over the button not come the transperant area to entire pic 2) How can transparent area slowely to come mouse out
So I'm Bitmaping some heavy stuff to try bring down the [pre-render] and [render] which is quite high according to FlashBuilder's profiling. I thought this was going well until I realised that as soon as you change a MovieClip to a Bitmap, you lose the pixel based accuracy of the mouse move events (Over, Out, Move...), all your left with is the entire bounding box of the Bitmap, something which is less than desirable. I've got a game where many Bitmapped assets would be on top of each other in a scene, on the stage, arranged in various ways and need to have that pixel accuracy moving between each one and have exhausted my efforts as to how to achieve the same mouse move results with the Bitmapped guys as normal.
This, [URL], is a FLA which shows this operation, and you can see how it works here, [URL]. When it loads up, both items on stage are drawn Shapes, encapsulated in MovieClips, both that get a glow, if you hover over them. If you click the stage at all, the purple guy gets turned into a Bitmap and now, his 'hit area', when it comes to MouseEvents is his whole bounding box and you can only get through to the back green item at the edge slivers.
I'm also tracing the pixel which the mouse is over, so I can clearly tell when the mouse is over a transparent area, it's 0, but how can I tell the event to forward itself on down the chain to the green MovieClip?
Below is how it's now pretty much working for me,
var bitmap:Bitmap = this['bitmap']; var shouldMouseOver:Boolean = bitmap.bitmapData.getPixel(event.localX - bitmap.x, event.localY - bitmap.y); if(shouldMouseOver)
I shut off mouseEnabled for my item, when I know it's wrong, then I search for another item that properly fits the bill and if there is one, send an Event to that and break. If that one's also wrong, it'll do the same again, but each time taking themselves out of the loop.
This does work exactly how I want it to, but I'd always prefer to keep things like globalToLocal and looping, and reading from arrays for not frequently updated methods like listeners to MOUSE_MOVE. Is there a more efficient way to do this?
what i want to do is to preload some images, then multipy them on my scene ( the files are transparent png containing clouds ) the problem is that when i copy the bitmap data to create a new cloud, i loose transparency, and i can't get WHY here's my code
I am trying to use the bitmapData.setPixels method to set certain pixels in the bitmap transparent.But no matter what I do, it always seems to set the pixel(s) black (non-transparent).Here is my code:
[AS] bmpd = new ImageFromLibrary(0, 0); bmpd.setPixel(0, 0, 0x00000000); [/AS]
What I have is a bitmap as render cache for a sprite, and there're many of them present on the stage. I expected that they would react like sprites with mouse-click event, but they didn't. They're like rectangles all around, matter what the original sprite look like, And I tried put bitmap cache into sprite container and use sprite's hitArea property like [code]...
I am trying to distort a bitmap, I mean, I have this bitmap in the main stage and I want to drag a section to. I don't know, maybe drag the eye of the character in the picture but I want all the bitmap to react or at least the closest region of the point I am dragging. Is that possible? I know the drawTriangles() that is been use to gave this 3D effect, but I need something different.
I need to be able to detect a fill area for something similar to a coloring book picture. The user will click inside the area that needs to be filled. The image is user created bitmap content and so the fill area must be detected at runtime. Posting Flex 4 code for review:
<fx:Script> <![CDATA[ protected function myImage_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
btw stack exchange says my rep needs to be 15 for me to vote up the great answers the commenters have provided. i have 14 at this moment...
I am using the floodfill method to colour-in sections of a bitmap image. That part is easy enough but the issue comes in with the way I am adding an effect to the colour fill routine.
To add the effect, first a copy of the bitmap data is created and floodfill is used on that instead of the original bitmap. Then the method is used to set the alpha value of everything apart from the filled-in section to 0 and the result is saved in another bitmapdata. After that, a 1 px radius circle sprite is added to the stage and is being tweened to the image dimensions and its mask is set to the sprite which contains the result of the compare operation.
This works perfectly except for the fact that the fill sprite has to be tweened to the complete image dimensions irrespective of how small the area is being coloured-in since I am not able to find a way to get the dimensions of the fill area. I am doing an bitmap image update at the end of the tween and I have to disable user interaction till the tween is complete to avoid the errors which come in if another fill-in operation is started before the base image has been updated. If I could somehow get the dimensions of the fill area then the time during which I have to disable the user interaction will go down considerably.
What I have is an "expandable" navbar swf. The swf expands over the page content, so I have set the swf's "wmode" to "transparent" (z-index is also set so the swf is above page content, in case that matters).Everything looks great, but I cannot click any of the links on the page below the navbar swf. I can see them, but I can't click them.
Is there a way to make the transparent area from an png image not to register when I add with a mouse event to that image? What is happening is the rectangle around the symbol is effected by the mouse event.
I would like to make a flash movie with a picture, where when the user holds down the mouse button, part of another picture will emerge in that general area (like a magnifying glass looking into another dimension).
Technically, my idea was to make a flash file with two images, and then code the mouse to be able to make the top picture transparent in a circle-like area around the cursor, while the mouse button is down.
But how to do that? I am using Flash CS4, but I don't really care if the solution is in AS2, or AS3, as long as it works
I found an old post from January that suggested saving the original image as an SWF via Illustrator. I tried it, but my clip is still registering clicks in transparent areas.
Here's a link. [URL]
All I'm trying to do is allow the drawing to be dragged around the screen, but I don't want it to be clickable in the transparent areas where the green background shows through.
how to eliminate the pale cast that the transparent areas are making? The background to the drawing shows totally transparent in Photoshop, but the boundaries of the movie are visible because the supposedly transparent areas of the movie are slightly masking the background.