ActionScript 2.0 :: Updating From Flash 6 To Flash 8?

May 2, 2007

Im updating my movie file from flash 6 to 8 and this part of code seems to have stopped working in the process:

var deg = 360
_root.bcar._x += FwdSpd*math.sin(deg);
_root.bcar._y -= FwdSpd*math.cos(deg);

If i replace 'deg' in lines 2 & 3 with 360 instead of using a variable it works, but i would like it to work using a variable to make life easier.

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// container dimensions
// is that even necessary?
movieW = 650;
movieH = 600;


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tellTarget ("/GLOBALS") {

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Frame 1:

mover = getProperty("scrollingobject", _x);

Frame 20:

mouseh = getProperty("/tracker", _x);
mousev = getProperty("/tracker", _y);
if (Number(mousev)>200 and Number(mousev)<280) {


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scoreLabel.text = this.score;

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private var lvl:Number = 0;
private var total:Number = 0;


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