ActionScript 2.0 :: Using Input Fields With Randomly Loaded .FLVs Or .SWFs?

Apr 7, 2011

I am making a movie quiz game, where a movie clip plays and the user must enter an answer into an Input Field.

My question is:

Can I write/include some actionscript that will allow the Enter/Answer button that I have coded to detect WHICH of my pool of 100 video questions is playing, so that I can assign the correct answer in the actionscript on my Enter/Answer button?

The Code: Frame 1 to load the .flvs randomly:

var videoArray:Array = new Array()


Something I can add to the code on my Enter button that will detect which random .flv is playing?

If not, is there a different logic I need to employ to create this? Perhaps creating independent swfs that contain the video and input field functions together? And if so, how/where will I establish a timer/scoring function?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple FLVs Loaded Properly?

Sep 2, 2011

On my main timeline i have some buttons. When you click a button you are diverted to the a frame label on the main timeline.
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Below is the code that gets initated when I click my button and am taken to that frame. My question is this, if i'm jumping between FLV's at every button click is the FLV that played first still playing and causing the entire main movie to slow down? Is there a better way to manage this? Do I have to unload the movie being played when i click? I'm trying to see if there an more efficient way to have smooth streaming from my flv. The flv that is getting initated is simply looping when it's done and servers a 'moving background'.
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2 Input Text Fields And 1 If Condition?

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the code from the form:


stop ();
name.tabIndex = 1;
street.tabIndex = 2;


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Professional :: Regarding Input Text Fields

Nov 11, 2010

This is about fill in the blanks in flash 8 as2. In this i used input text fields and three buttons.In first frame i used multiple input text fields and a submit button. After filling all the blanks we click on submit button then in the second frame we will show the result like if the blank is correct it should change the color to green and if it is wrong it should change to red.and in the frame i have check button when we click on it will display all the answers. And when we click on analyse button we have to display the answer which the user types and the correct answers.And my problem is when we click on submit there is no difference in the blanks color all are in black only.

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Sep 17, 2009

I ran over a problem with a video player that fades over a contact form. the problem is that the video player somehow disables the textfields of the form - even after the player fades away again.

I removed childs and set buttonMode=false for all the elements of the video player... ( when the player is closed ) --- but somehow it still disturbs the form after its gone.

The form works until the video player comes in

Here is the links: [URL] See how u can type in the text fields until the player appears...

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Jun 23, 2010

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Glyphs In Input Text Fields?

Oct 11, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Input Fields Won't Let Type Into Them?

Jan 8, 2011

I have a .swf file that loads all of it's images from an embedded file called assets.swf. Last night everything was working fine and then I tried to add a pre-loader. As soon as I did that I can no longer get the input fields to work properly. When you hover your mouse over them it changes to the text cursor but you can't type into the fields. I've tried giving them focus, setting a default value, made sure they have an instance name and nothing seems to work. They're not behind another movie clip and the font is being embedded like it should be.url..

All the other posts I could find about this issue says it has to do with embedding the font. The font I'm using is Tahoma and it's embedded in both of the input fields. Another post I read said the problem was related to masks. I'm not using masks on either of these fields. Anyone know what's going on? It was working fine before I added the pre-loader and removing the pre-loader doesn't seem to fix the problem when this was working fine before.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add The Value From Multiple Input Fields?

Apr 8, 2011

What I have is two buttons that when clicked they add an input text field and a third button that puts a text field and gives you the total value of the two input fields after the user inputs some numbers, the problem is that the buttons adding the input fields can be clicked multiple times and of course adding a new input field each time they are clicked and as you can imagine when I try to add the values I only get the result of the last two fields added.

How can I tweak my code so it adds-up the total value of all input fields on the stage?

button1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, addField);
button2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, addField2);
button3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, addTotal);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Clear Input Fields On Submit

Jan 13, 2011

I have this code al set up, but I would like for the input fields and check boxes to clear after submition. How do I do that?

submit.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_MouseClickHandler);
function fl_MouseClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void{  if (eMail.text ==


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set Only Uppercase For All Dynamic/input Fields

Feb 14, 2009

For an input field I need about 20 fonts to be embedded.

The size increases like hell, as expected. So I try to embed only the needed characters.

First thing I notice is I can only set that for the text field, I expected to be able to set the character range for every single font.

I set only Uppercase for all my dynamic/input fields but the size doesnt decrease and I can still see all characters.

So I suspect the way it works is strange and/or I just dont understand how it works.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Input Text Fields Don't Work

Jul 10, 2011

I'm creating a form that runs from an external AS file. The code works when placed on the main timeline but not in the AS file where I want it. Here's the code.

var myvar:TextField=new TextField();

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ActionScript 2.0 :: User Input Text Fields

Oct 14, 2003

I was wondering if anyone could please send me info user input text fields. I was wanting to set up a section in my flash site where the user

a) types in their name in first field
b) second field they type in their email address
c) third field they type in their email message and then hit a submitt button to make their message reach me!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: TextFormat And Input Text Fields?

Nov 24, 2004

I am trying to create a TextField, set its type property to "input," set its format via the TextFormat object, and allow the user to add a label to a movieclip.

Assume you have a button named b_add, and you assign it this code on the main timeline:

_root.b_add.onRelease = function () {_root.createTextField("myLabel", 10, -38, -15, 76, 29.7);
_root.myLabel.type = "input";
_root.myLabel.text = "insert label";
_root.myLabel.wordWrap = true;


The TextField that gets created loses all of its formatting once the user starts typing. It reverts to Time New Roman and doesn't wrap. Do I have something out of order? Should I approach the problem with another solution?

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