ActionScript 2.0 :: Using Manual JS Active Content Fix But Now How To Append The .swf
Mar 29, 2011
I am using this method to fix the Active Content issue,[URL]but now I have come across a situation when I have to append the end of the .swf. EG: Active content fix script. It does not use the extension .swf
<script type="text/javascript" >
'codebase', ',0,0,0',
'width', '764',
I need to add .swf?<%response.write qs%>" to the images/footer_graphic_1_about, because I am passing a variable through the .swf.
Eg: images/footer_graphic_1_about.swf?intro=no
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<script type="text/javascript" >
'codebase', ',0,0,0',
'width', '764',
'height', '141',
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#Layer1 {
position: absolute;
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Sep 22, 2009
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The Action Script 3 asks "if the albums are already in memory" start the "animation" if not, start loading.
if (theAlbumArray.length < albumArray.length){
LoadAnAlbum(); // starts loading art
stage.addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, fillBuffer);
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Jan 29, 2010
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Jan 7, 2003
Are there scripts available to automatically animate texts in flash to avoid manual animating such as these:
http:[url]....Are there also other automated scripts related to text?
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Sep 1, 2009
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for (var i:Number = 0; i < xmlData.object_count; i++){
//create movie clips
var boxContainer_mc:boxContainer = new boxContainer();
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Feb 4, 2011
I'm writing an XML preferences file for an Adobe AIR project, and I'd really like to include XML comments. How does one append a comment to XML? The following doesn't work (the file just ends up with a blank line where the comment should be):
ActionScript Code:
var prefs:XML = new XML();
prefs.ignoreComments = false;
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Sep 5, 2010
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It's inside a for loop, using i as the integer. It works great doing...dg.dataProvider = obj.ResultSet.Result But that won't work for me, because I need to add to the dataprovider more than once. I'm getting results in batches of 10, and I need to add each batch to the dataProvider when it's received. I also tried to to do...
var dgDP:dataProvider = new dataProvider(); But for some reason Flex doesn't recognize it...
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Oct 26, 2011
I need to append 4 letters to my variable name when referencing it to get either spanish or english XML data. I am trying to reuse my functions without writing an if statement.
like so:
//two options for
var spa_my_videos:XMLList;
var eng_my_videos:XMLList;
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Jan 24, 2006
Is there a way to append an object that has already been created:
userobject = {uname:username,[username].age}
What if I wanted to add a phone property?
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Dec 19, 2011
Below is code that has a timer countdown that reads off of the computer. Below in bold is code to read "if it reaches the date, go to and play frame (2).
Below is code that is manual input - I had set up a dynamic txt field in flash named it : raffle_tix_remain When loaded on to the host I can manulally update the xml code and the change will take effect. raffle_tix_remain.text = root.loaderInfo.parameters.raffle_tix_remain;
My question: Since the raffle_tix_remain is a manual input from a user to xml Is there a way to tell flash once it refreshes and "raffle_ tix_ remain" goes to (0)zero gotoAndPlay(2); and let it play like a "sold out" sign i guess that would be a if else statement.
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