ActionScript 2.0 :: Ability To Download Icons From Site?
Mar 14, 2007
I'm trying to give users the ability to download icons from my site. Thus, when the user clicks an icon, I need aim to launch and have that particular icon downloaded for the user to use. I know how to launch aim from Flash, but I'm uncertain how to launch aim and have icons from my sited downloaded directly to the users aim screen name.
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I use the function and it works well.
However, the file is downloaded and saved to the hard drive using only the flash player. The browser is not aware of the download, and thus, if I want to show the progress of the download I'd have to make some progress bar myself. I know how to do it, but it would become really tedious and take too much UI space.
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1) Is it still possible to export FLV from QuickTime, etc.?
2) If possible, which installed file or files provides this capability?
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import fl.transitions.Tween;
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Jan 26, 2010
I have code that growsUp and growsDown an object using a rollOver and rollOut.
I want to remove the ability to click on this object whilst it is either growing up or growing down.
Here is my code:
var rewind:Boolean = false;
//on rollOver, makes the Guitar either grow up or down, respectively
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Aug 4, 2010
I have a section on a site that my client wants the ability to add her own links within. So basically she wants the ability to content manage that section of the SWF.
I know how to do this using XML but I'm not comfortable presenting it that way to my client. Is their a clean and easy-to-use way for my client to add her own links into the SWF? She has no HTML experience so that's why I'm hoping there's a simple way to allow her to do this. Is it possible to build an HTML page that has 2 input fields and a submit button. The first input field would be for the link name and the second would be for the link path. Then submitting that data would update the SWF file? (I'm sure that I'm over simplying this but I thought I would throw that out there)
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Sep 28, 2007
I have an app that allows you to save data into a database and gives you the ability to edit that data at a later date. Let's say the user saves
"Up to 90% off retail price"
Everything works fine, the % gets saved in the table etc. The problem is when they return to Flash it now reads
"Up to 90 off retail price"
All I'm doing is taking the value of the variable and sticking inside a text box, I can't see why Flash is having trouble reading that value into a text box. I am making this data into an html ready textbox.
The % can be in any of the array element values
listValues[10], etc....
Property Values Array
editedPropertyHighlights = new Array(listValues[10], listValues[11], listValues[12], listValues[13]);
for (i=0; i<editedPropertyHighlights.length; i++) {
_root.base_front.display_txt_6.html = true;
_root.base_front.display_txt_6.htmlText += "<li>"+editedPropertyHighlights[i]+"</li>";
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Aug 29, 2002
if your using mx why not just take advantage of the ability to load external mp3s. if not you would have to have something like php to send the track name and info to the music player to tell it what to open.
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Feb 9, 2011
I need to remove any ability for the visitor to rewind the video, I need a button that will only come up at the end of the video that will be a link to another page.Is this something I would build from scratch? Does anyone know of a way I can satisfy these requirements with an existing player?
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Aug 4, 2009
I want to display the grid control in Flex ( version 3 . with a marker/(or)icon (which acts like a button) in each colum header of the grid.2. on click of the button i want o popup a textaread to capture some comments.3. on close of the popup i wan to then change th markericon in a way highliting it which would indicate that some comments(footnotes) are present for this column. I am very new to flex looking at the data grid control at this point. I understand that the standard features can be easily plugged in by msxml. Do i need to write some complex action script for above feature listed?
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