ActionScript 2.0 :: Attempting To Combine Letters And Number In Dynamic Text Box?

Sep 24, 2009

i have a dynamic text field where an array controls a dynamic text box where the keypad reps diff numbers ie kpad1, 2 and so on. When I try to use letters it doesnt work, im assuming there has to be a nNumb equivalent for usung letters?

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Set The Number Of Letters Shown In A Dynamic Text?

Mar 21, 2009

i use a dynamic text that gets from a database some text and i would like to be able to show not all of the text but for example the first 80 letters of this text..

How can this be done ? i am searching quite a lot to find something...

To make the picture more clear i have a big text in database that i load it in flash.

First i have to show a description of this text wicht is about 80 letters of this text in a dynamic text and when the user chooses to "read more >" it shows all the text i have load....

Can anyone give a tip or a tut so i can count the text and for the description to show only the number of letter i want??

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Foreign Letters In A Dynamic Text Box?

Feb 25, 2010

I have an app that generates text from the user's input (dynamic text box).The user is allowed to use Danish letters like '�' (the 'a' with the ring above / å). My problem is that the top of the ring above the 'a' is cut off by the upper part of the text box. So, I want the text in the dynamic text box to move down a little. But as we all know, dynamic text cannot be vertically aligned in the properties of the text box. So, what to do?

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Professional :: Not Seeing All Letters In Dynamic Text Fields?

Jun 11, 2010

I think that I have properly embedded the Verdana font (see image below). However, in my Flash game, dynamic text fields do not show certain letters, such as X and J. What am I missing?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Missing Letters In Dynamic Text Box?

Jul 9, 2010

I have just been upgraded from some previous version of flash to CS5. I have dynamic text fields that now do not show certain letters. For example "OK" shows up as "O" but "Ok" work. "SUPPLE" appears as "SPPLE". Some numbers fail to show up as well. When I trace the value of the text box all looks OK.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Combine Values In Dynamic Text Window?

Apr 6, 2005

Well, I'm making a program that has to write random names to the screen.I'm loading the names from an external .txt-file called nameDataFile.txt[code]...

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Flash CS5 :: Dynamic Text Field Strips Out Certain Letters

May 3, 2011

Using CS5, and certain letters simply won't show up in my dynamic text field. Not even a blank shows up, they just get stripped out. 'g' and 'v' are two of the letters, so the string 'v testing' shows up on the stage as 'testin'.

It doesn't seem to matter if I start with the string already in there, or add it dynamically. Here are the settings, but they don't really seem to matter either, I've experimented:

Classic Text
Dynamic Text
Anti-alias for animation
Single line

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Formatting Dynamic Text To Capital Letters?

Feb 10, 2006

Does anyone know if it's possible to reformat dynamically loaded text into only capital letters?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Combine Dynamic Text From A PHP File Into A Flash Movie?

Aug 10, 2007

I�m trying to combine dynamic text from a PHP file into a Flash movie. The plan is to have a sequence of 4 different strings displayed in the dynamic text boxes delayed by using setInterval (or a better delay mechanism if anyone can suggest one). If I do this:

var txtData = new LoadVars();
txtData.onLoad = function(success){
var Delay = setInterval(txtDelay, 10000);


I get �undefined� in the Flash text fields. The variables in the PHP text file are v1 thru v4 and c1 thru c4. If, after LoadVars, the specific variables are identified like this:

Verse.text = txtData.v1
Chapter.text = txtData.c1

The correct text displays. That says the LoadVars is working correctly, right? But for scrolling through the sequence I�ve tried various methods � do/while, for, if � with degrees of failure ranging from massive to total.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sadd Sound To Particular Letters In Dynamic Text Box In Flash8?

Oct 24, 2007

i add sound to Particular letters in dynamic text box in flash8.

i am having a input box in which i entering some text. If the text is "HI" and i am displaying it in the dynamic output box when a button is clicked. now i need the sound to be played when the mouse goes over the letter "i". i can change the letters. similarly i need for the letter "A" also.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Timer - When It Reaches To The Number 10 It Changes The Text In A Dynamic Text Box?

Mar 13, 2010

i am trying to create a timer that when it reaches to the number 10 it changes the text in a dynamic text box, i have got the timer counting but when it gets to 10 it doesnt do is my code:

cooltimer.text = "0";
var myTimer:Timer=new Timer(1000,0);[code]....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Number From Input Text To Dynamic Text?

Dec 5, 2009

I'm having trouble passing a number from an input text box to a dynamic text box after a button is clicked.
In timeline I have two frames labeled: 1) inf, which starts with an input text box and a button, and 2) closing, which receives data from inf section.
INF SECTION has an input text box (age_txt) and a button (inf_bt).
var userAge:Number;age_txt.text; 
inf_bt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoPg1);
function gotoPg1 (evt:MouseEvent): void{age_txt.text=String(userAge);// user


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Input Number Is A NaN In The Dynamic Text Box?

Jul 6, 2010

I have one input box in which you enter a number. That number must be sum plus 5 and the result should appear in a dynamic text box when you press a button.To change the "number" text string you entered in the input box to a real number that Flash understand as a NUMBER I placed "parseInt" and "Number" before the name of my instance objects. This is the action of the button:

Actionscript Code:
enter_btn.onRelease = function(){number_output= parseInt(Number (number_input)[code]....

The problem is that the only result I get is NaN (Not a Number). I have realize (thru traces) that the input number is read as:

Actionscript Code:

And that is why Flash tells me that the input number is a NaN in the dynamic text box (As I suppose).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Display Number On Dynamic Text Field?

May 6, 2009

I am creating a dynamic text field and "next" button. When the movie is played, the number "1" will be displayed on dynamic text field. When the "next" button is pressed, the dynamic text field will display 2 and so on...

It is like 1...2...3...4...5...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Text Field Only Showing The Number 2?

Oct 11, 2010

I'm writing a scrolling shooter game and have a dynamic text field that holds the game score.  Running inside an ENTER_FRAME event listener, it updates every frame.  By tracing the variable "score" I get the correct numbers showing up in the output tab, but on screen, I only see the number 2. It doesn't matter what position in the number it is (ie: 20, or 10372, or 521), only that digit will show up.  If there is no number 2 in the score, the field only shows the word "Score: "
The variable is declared as such:
var score:int = 0;
The text field is called scoreCard and is set to "Classic Text" and Dynamic Text" and it is 638 pixles wide (almost the entire width of the stage).
Here is the code for updating the scoreCard:
scoreCard.text = 'Score: ' + score;
The trace was simply put in to see if the score was being tallied up correctly, which it is.
I have also tried eliminating 'Score: ' and simply used:
scoreCard.text = score.toString();
and gotten the same results.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Displaying Number In Dynamic Text Box Without Rounding?

Apr 8, 2011

I'm using AS3 and trying to place the number value read from an SO into 2 dynamic text boxes. I'm using a couple of test numbers (2.25 and 1.25). Oddly when I run the following script, I am having difficulty getting my test numbers to appear in the 2 text boxes (T1, T2). (Before the numbers stopped displaying altogether, they were rounding up and seemed to be 10x greater than they actually are, without my doing anything like this.) Note: The script also displays text boxes (T3, T4, T5 and T6) with messages like "above average" based on the scores-not sure if these displays are correct, since I can't view the 2 numbers that the displays are based on.Here's the code. I must be doing something wrong:

Btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler);function mouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {  var so:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("G1", "/"); // using "/" as a local path should work to pick up the


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Actionscript 3 :: Passing A Number To Dynamic Text Field?

Jan 14, 2010

On my stage I have a dynamic text field (instance name = lives).

In my actionscript I have created a number variable called livesnum. And then beneath that I'm setting the textfields value to be the livesnum variable but I get the following error:

1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type Number to an unrelated type String.

My actionscript is as follows :

var livesnum:Number = 4; //Amount of lives
lives.text = livesnum;

How would I achieve setting the textfield as the numeric value of the variable?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text: Counting The Number Of Lines?

Jan 1, 2006

is it possible to count the number of lines in a dynamic textfield?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Text Display Number Variable

Jun 15, 2009

What I got.


I apparently can't pass the score to the textBox.

1. How do I convert the variable to a string?

2. How do I update the textBox? I thought I saw some special method somewhere but I'm not sure where.

3. What is the best way of updating the 'score' variable.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Displaying Frame Number In A Dynamic Text Box?

Apr 4, 2005

I need to display the frame number of the Movie Clip into a dynamic text box. What is the actionscript command to do that, if there is one of course.

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Actionscript 3 :: Multiple Dynamic Text Score Display - Modifying Each Text One After Another And Incrementing The Score By A Certain Number

Feb 23, 2011

I have a result screen that shows bonus points and such. I want each text field to increment one after another and also have it increment by a certain amount each frame. Result Screen pops up. First is the player score check the player score, is it more than the score we want to display if the player score is greater than the player display score by 100 increase the player display score by 100 if the player score is greater than the player display score by 10 increase the player display score by 10 else increase the player display score by 1 when finished move to the next score...and so on. I have thought of using timers to move from one score to the next, but not being in an Event.ENTER_FRAME it only does one if then moves to the next one.

Also the if statement for incrementing the score looks ridiculous and I'm thinking there has to be a better way to do it. I was thinking of making it a separate function but then I wouldn't know what to return, or how to return it so it looks like its increasing and not just showing the total number instantly. I'll try to expand on it a little more.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Show Number Of Mouse Clicks In Dynamic Text Box?

Feb 4, 2009

I need to show the amount of times the counter has been moved along the board, ie how many turns the player has.

the dynamic text box is called 'moves' and the counter is a button which is pressed for each move. Therefore, it would need to be added to the onRelease function.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Limit Number Of Characters In Dynamic Text Box Isn't Working?

Jul 8, 2009

I am trying to limit then number of characters in a dynamic text box, but its just not working. I am loading the text from an external xml file and thought that this might be the problem, but to be honest it shouldnt be really... I have put this code inside the movie clip:

ActionScript Code:
this.title_mc.alpha = 0;
this.q_mc.alpha = 0;
this.a_mc.alpha = 0;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check If A Dynamic Text Field Has A Number Or String In It?

Aug 27, 2009

I've tried the following code to check if a dynamic text field has a number or string in it. My problem is that after adding the new if statement (first one) it's the only one that will execute so I don't even know if it's checking whether it's a number or not.

ActionScript Code:
doneBut.onRelease = function() {[code].....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Load To Variable Number Of Dynamic Text Boxes?

May 9, 2010

I have a loop that cycles through all children of an extremely small XML file, and I need to set the label and the link for each box. I started with a fixed number of dynamic text boxes, and loaded them because I knew the count, but I'd rather loop through them as I read the XML. Here is how it is now:

for (var aNode:XMLNode = rootNode.firstChild; aNode != null; aNode = aNode.nextSibling) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change The Number In A Dynamic Text When Press A Button?

Dec 7, 2011

I wrote a code that's suppose to change the number in a dynamic text when I press a button,<br>What did I do wrong?

Object(root).pageNum.text = Object(root).currentNum;
Object(root).arrowLeft.addEventListener(MouseEvent .CLICK, arrowLeftClick);
function arrowLeftClick (e:MouseEvent):void{

now it's only showing me the number 1.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Current And Number Of Total Frames In Dynamic Text

Feb 1, 2005

At the moment I'm making a presentation for school in Flash MX 2004. I want some kind of progression bar in the presentation. This is how I have it in my mind:


2 is the current frame and 15 is the total number of frames. I know I have to do this with the use of ActionScript in combination with dynamic text labels. How can I read out the current frame number and the total number of frames?

The names of the dynamic text labels are:

"cFrame" and "tFrames"

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AS3 :: Flex Combine / Merge Dynamic Objects

Nov 16, 2010

I have 2 dynamic objects and I want to build one to contain all the properties:[code]and I need to obtain a third object that looks like that {prop1: val1, prop2:val2, prop3:val3a, prop4:val4};Basically I need a way to iterate through the object properties and to add new properties to the third object. I have to mention I'm quite new to AS3/Flash/Flex.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pulls An XML Feed From A Site - Display A Number In A Dynamic Text Box

May 19, 2011

I have an AS3 file that pulls an XML feed from a site. All the file does is display a number in a dynamic text box. On my desktop it works fine the feed is parsed in the output window and in the dynamic text box, joy! I upload the file to the CMS we are using and, no joy all I get is 'Loading' in the window. I get Loading because I input that in the tf so it wouldn't be blank.

So the question is, is there a fundamental flaw in my code or is it more likely to be the CMS? Im hoping it is the code, otherwise it is back to the drawing board.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Slider To Display A Number In A Dynamic Text Field As It Is Dragged?

Nov 4, 2011

I'm trying to get a slider to display a number in a Dynamic text field as it is dragged. I think this is the only time I can say it would be easier in AS3!
Sooo, I made the slider and the code to move it, but I cant get the number to pass into it. My trace command fires but I get some static numbers in the text box. I'm just so confused, is it my var, or the math operator, or just syntax?

code as I screwed it up ....

on (press) {
startDrag("", false, 0, 0, 200, 0);
var xmin : Number = min(0);


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