ActionScript 2.0 :: Center A Swf On A Background Swf?
Jan 14, 2009
I have a background swf that will be stretched to fill up the browser...
After that i want to create an empty movieclip and load an external swf inside...
I don't get this movieclip centered on the screen...
I have this code on my first frame:
function stageResize() {
scale_mc._width = Stage.width;
scale_mc._height = Stage.height;
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I am quite new to AS3 and I have never worked with classes, so I am encountering a couple of problems.
I'd like to center a movieclip, have it so that it doesn't scale. And then I'd like to add a background color that stays there no matter how I scale the browser.
Can someone please explain me this in babysteps? Since I don't know how to implement a class and make it work with my fla.
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i got the resize function to work properly, but when it first loads it is not centered properly
for some reason it recognizes the resize code by not the initial code
here is the code im using (note: im using the full background code from noponies):
Code: Select allimport com.display.FullBrowserBg;
var newBrowserBg:FullBrowserBg = new FullBrowserBg("images/stuccoBG.jpg", false);
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Jan 22, 2010
am not much a coder but am learning i just wana know how i can center my flash site/content/background on browser resize
i found a tutorials about that exactly the only problem was am using AS2 and the tutorials is for damn AS3 so please if you know one for AS2 then direct me or if you got som code u wana share dont hesitate 2 post it 4 me
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Mar 23, 2009
My flash movie is 1440x900 but the area where all the important stuff happens in within 1024x768, i am trying to keep the middle in the center regardless of browers size or aspect ratio.
I can center the page but it doesn't work as i need it to. If the browers is small (1024x768) the swf is justified against the left edge, but not keeping the middle in the middle of the brower.
[URL] is an example of exactly what i am trying to achieve.
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I've found a few tutorials on how to do this, but so far I just get a white background instead of transparent. I've tried choosing "Transparent - Windowless" under Window Mode on the HTML tab in Publish Settings. And I've tried selecting the movie from within DW and clicking the parameter button and adding a "wmode" parameter with "transparent" as its value.
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Dec 10, 2008
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Nov 19, 2010
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When I drag and drop instances of the tree symbol onto the background, the trees are stationary and do not scroll with the background.I do not want to have to implement code to make the trees scroll when the background does.I was wondering if there was a way to simply attach the trees to the background so that if the background moves, the trees move with it and appear to be part of the background as if they were drawn into it.It is convenient for me to be able to drag and drop as many trees as i need to block certain routes on the background from the player.I tried writing code to make the trees move but it was only working for the very last tree that I added to the scene.
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May 15, 2009
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Jul 24, 2009
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Dec 11, 2007
I have a series of background MCs, all different coloured gradients (pretty!), and a series of corresponding buttons elsewhere on the stage. On a press of each button I would like the corresponding background MC to come to the top of the pile of backgrounds, then fade in above the previous background. The background that was previously on top, needs to stay next-to-top.If the corresponding background is already at the top of the pile, then nothing needs to happen.
At the moment I am using swapDepths(1) which brings the target to the top no problem, but it may also send the previous top layer MC way down the pile.This is what I'm doing at the moment:
on (release) {
if (_root.BG.colour2.getDepth()<=0) {
_root.BG.colour2._alpha = 0;[code].....
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Apr 20, 2009
I'm having trouble centering the stage on screen, its locked to the top left of my window and nothing will make it move. I remember accidentally pressing something on the keyboard just before this happened, but don't know how to get my stage center again. The hand tool does nothing.
Oh and its only happened in this fla, other fla's are fine.
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Jul 28, 2009
I have been looking all over the place for what seems like should be a really easy thing to accomplish.I have a swf that is 1060x630px and I would like to center it on the page... at the moment it just sits in the far left corner of the screen when I export it to html. My knowledge of html is minimal but I am guessing that this needs to be done in dreamweaver.
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Jul 13, 2008
As you can see in my code, I'm trying to adjust on the fly the x and y properties so that the movieclip gives the impression to rotate from its center and not from its corner at 0,0
var myclip:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
myclip.buttonMode = true;;
but it doesn't work and the clip does not rotate well
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Jun 4, 2009
Just upgraded to Flash CS4. Published .swf/.html files... Trying to get the .swf to display in the center (horizontally) of the .html page / browser window. Previously I used <div align="center"><object>...</object></div> but that no longer works! It displays centered from within Dreamweaver but not in any browsers I've tried. Can't for the life of me figure out why!!
I noticed Flash CS4 now spits out a whole lotta code in the generated .html file and I'm assuming the source of the problem is somewhere within.The only workaround I've found so far is to publish just the .swf and manually embed it into a new .html page... but then I no longer have all the (detection) code.
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Nov 9, 2009
Is it possible to center an swf in the html or php file, when the swf has a width larger than the browsers width?
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Apr 14, 2010
created in flash. The issue i am having is when an image is loaded it always appears on the left handside attached to the top left point of the stage. Is there anyway i can get these images to load in the centre of the stage? This is the AS that is attached to my flash document.
Actionscript Code:
function initGallery() { function loadXML(loaded) { if (loaded) { xmlNode = this.firstChild; total = xmlNode.childNodes.length;
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May 20, 2010
I am using the following script in AS3 in order to rotate an MC around its center:[code]Works great, only rather than a CLICK, I would like the mouse to cause the MC to rotate in response to the mouse's movement up and down the y-axis of the MC I want to rotate. How can I write a script so that the mouse location in relation to the y-axis of a specific MC will trigger something?
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Sep 14, 2010
I'm using myship.height =+=1 to change objects height but it changes height from top of picture rather than the center. How do I change it so its origin is central and grows outwards rather than downwards if that makes sense.
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Aug 22, 2009
I have been using Flash for a while Flash 8 and now Flash 9 I dont know too much about the program, someone wrote the program for me and I update it. When ever I publish the Site to upload to my server I have to go into the HTML file and insert <center> twice to get the site to be center on the web.It is not a big deal to edit the HTML file but every time I do it I figure there must be some button i dont have checked in Flash to just do it automatically.Seems like with such a huge and powerful program that must be an option that I am missing.
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Nov 25, 2009
I have created a movieclip with programming and added a image via xml loader. I am scaling it down using tweenlite. But it scales as if the registration point is on the top left of the image. Do you know how to change it so it scales from the center?
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Mar 23, 2010
How do you center a swf file? And where would you place it in the html after publishing your file?
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Apr 20, 2010
Ok so I have many images all the same size in different keyframes in the same layer... I want to align them all to the stage at once... rather then each individually... how do i do this
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