ActionScript 2.0 :: Check An Array For A Blank Index And Removing It?

May 15, 2007

I was wondering how to check an array for a blank index and removing it.

Right now I have this:
function cleanArray (it)


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Actionscript 3 :: After Shuffling Array - Variable = Array[index] Gives 0, Trace(array[index]) Gives Correct Number

Aug 16, 2011

I think it would be simplest to explain it like this:


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Flash :: Get The Specific Array Index Based On Value Inside The Index's Object?

Jun 22, 2011

So, for sending to individual streams we have to reference the connected netStream we want to send to in some way like this:


and I have to determine which peer I'm sending to by their ID such as "peerID1234"

I know that you can check the peerID of the stream by doing:


how can I make my send stream function know to use the array index where the peerID is?

so basically it could be like:

sendStream.peerStreams[where peerStreams[]["farID"] == peerID].send("MyFunction",param1,param2);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Removing / Not Displaying Blank Space

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my goal, which eludes me at the moment, is to display some variables (using a dynamic text box) along with some static text, to output in the following manner:[code]and so on.. but i want to be able have text areas somehow link to eachother, so if theres a large amount of variable, theres no overlap, or if theres only a small variable content, theres no 'blank' area.

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Actionscript 3 :: Check A Value Is Not Blank Or Null

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Which while ok, does get a bit messy when used everywhere. Is there a better, neater way to write this? I was thinking of this


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Removing Punctuation From A String In A Fill-in-the-blank Quiz?

Apr 16, 2010

I'm creating a fill-in-the-blank quiz in AS 2.0 and would like to make the comparison between the correct and submitted answer a little less harsh during the comparison. The quiz actually consists of memorizing a sentence or two from say a poem and I'd like to not include any errors of punctuation due to a misplaced or missed comma, exclamation pt or period. as long as the spelling is good then the user should get the correct answer. Below is a little snippet:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check If Certain Fields Have Been Left Blank?

Sep 15, 2004

ok I dont get it... I have a simple contact form, and a basic if/else to check if certain fields have been left blank... if they have frame two displays an error message, if filled in then it posts the vars and goes to frame three thanking the user. For some reason this code ALWAYS returns false:

on (release) {
if (name eq "" or address eq "" or city eq "" or state eq "" or zip eq "" or phone eq "" or email eq "" or projects eq "") {


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Removing Printed Name And Replace With Logo On Main Index Page

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Array, Shuffle A Part Of An Array Using Start And End Index Is Not Working Properly?

Feb 15, 2011

I have used a method to shuffle a part of a Array, but i noticed that it does not work very well.When i run this method I sometimes get empty array values.So if you would try the example below and test it out some times you would get a right result but sometimes a wrong result.For example when i run this i get in my trace output:

a,b,c,d,g,,e,f (here after the g it goes wrong)
a,b,c,f,g,d,e (here it  goes right)
a,b,c,d,,g,f,e (here it goes wrong)[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scope Within Package - Trace Always Shows A Blank Array Before Push And An Array With One Object In It After The Push

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Anything I do to customerCheck treats it as if it were a new array. This is especially obvious when using customerCheck.push in addCharToCheck() -- the trace always shows a blank array before push and an array with one object in it after the push... then next time it does the same. I know I'm making some sort of fundamental error regarding the scope of the array within the class but I just cannot find any good information on how to fix it! Moving to AS3 (been coding it for all of about 3 weeks) is a nightmare so far, and it seems to be the 'easy' stuff that causes me problems

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Way To Get Array Index

Sep 25, 2009

Is there a way to get the index of an array?

For instance, if I have an array:

buttons = Array("abc","def","ghi");

If I wanted to get the index dynamically of the string "ghi", could I do that with a certain function or piece of code?

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AS3 :: Way To Array Index Naming

Mar 11, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get The Index Of An Array?

Sep 25, 2009

Is there a way to get the index of an array?

For instance, if I have an array:

buttons = Array("abc","def","ghi");

If I wanted to get the index dynamically of the string "ghi", could I do that with a certain function or piece of code?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting An Array's Index?

Jan 18, 2011

I have a game map made of tiles, each tile is stored in an array called _tiles.The very each tile has a "plantable" parameter, which determines whether or not something can be placed on it.Then i loop through the array and check the position of each its elements against the mosue cursor, so I know which tile am I hovering with my mouse.

And it works pretty good. The problem is that even though I know what is the position of the tile I'm having the cursor on, I still lack the knowledge of what index is that tile. I simply can't tell where exactly in the array is placed this tile. I just know its position. The reason why I want to know the index of it, is because it's the only way for me to set a proper flag, namely whether it's plantable or not. Here's the code:

ActionScript Code:
for(var j:int = 0; j < _tiles.length; j++)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Way To Specify Index Of Array

May 18, 2005

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Any Way To Specify Array Index?

May 18, 2005

Is there a way I could specify the index of a array using this short code:
var myArray = new Array("teste");
How would I go about giving a custom index name instead of it being myArray[0]? I could do it the long way like posted below, but I was wondering the there was a way to shorten this:
var myArray = new Array();
myArray[myCustomIndex] = "testing";

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Index Of Array In For-each Loop?

Jan 29, 2009

Consider an array with x number of elements (of type Object) where some of the elements might be undefined.I use a for-each loop to access all the elements of the array that is not undefined (since it simply skips the undefined elements).But I also want the index of that particular element.The only option I can see is to use indexOf(). But it feels a bit like looking for water on the other side of the river so to speak.

When looping through long arrays each frame, is there a change indexOf() might slow it down? or does the for-each loop somehow know what index it's dealing with?

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Oct 30, 2009

I am working with a set of external XML data, and putting it into arrays. I have set up images and text on a page using XML data, which, when clicked on, will populate a popup window with XML data from the same index. For some reason, when I trace the index of the array, it comes up as -1.
itemNameTops1_txt.text = nme_array[0];
itemPriceTops1_txt.text = price_array[0];


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting An Array Item By Index #?

Jun 15, 2011

I have a tricky problem in that I have an array that has been populated with strings ("item1", "item2", etc). However, at a certain point I need to pull one randomly out of the group, via a random number function. The issue is I cannot reference the items in the array by a number, I get an error. So when I try to get myArray(5) it doesn't work.
How can I work around this so I can grab a random item in my string array?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Push Value In Index 0 In Array?

Jan 18, 2012

I am creating a row which have 8 thumbnails in it, I save these in a array, When user drag row right to left then first Movieclip shift to last position, then i splice array 0 index and push to last position.. it  works fine but when i drag it left to right then I need to cut last index of array and i need to push on first position, but it is overwrite the last value of array and after push the value(myrow[0]=thumb) array showing it's length 7 before it was 8. What is the right way to push value at 0 index value

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Actionscript 3 :: Array Remove By Index?

Apr 10, 2012

I have an array 'cat', 'dog', 'budgie'

and want to remove the item by index.

At the moment I have

function removeit(myindex) {
animals[myindex] = animals.pop()

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Actionscript 3 :: How To Reset An Array Index

Feb 1, 2010

I got a problem with processing an array in actionScript. I removed the last element of an array through array.pop(). After that I would like to put this removed display-object back to the beginning of the array: array.unshift(object). The object is now the first element of the array but it got still its old label (number of the last element). Therefor I can't update the position (graphically) of the display object. Is it possible to "reindex" the array?

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Actionscript 3 :: Know The Index Of An Item In The Array?

Mar 30, 2010

var arr1:Array = new Array();

then arr1 and its elements get passed to other functions is there a way to know the index of an item in the array?

GetParentArrayIndex(item2) would give me 1;

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Actionscript :: Get Index Of Object In An Array?

Jan 29, 2012

I'm building a plugin and I'm using actionscript to save the selection of an object in an illustrator document and then reference it later.

var arrObj:Array=new Array();

If I select now the same object in the document and check if its in the array it returns a -1 for the index value.

var id:int=arrObj.indexOf(app.activeDocument.selection[0]);
trace (id); //-1

Why is the selection not considered the same object as in that of the array?

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Actionscript 3 :: Undefined Index In Array?

Mar 29, 2012

I have my grid-array in my flash game that has a set sized index in it, and through some code it sometimes checks outside of the Array index. Is there a way I can check to see if a index slot is undefined/existent

Gives me a TypeError #1010
public function fnPopulate(X:int, Y:int, Grid:Array){
if (Grid[ X + 1 ][ Y + 1 ] != null || Grid[ X + 1 ][ Y + 1 ] != undefined ) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get Index Of A Multidimensional Array?

Jun 30, 2009

I have an MD array:

var fitb:Array = new Array("question1","question2",[["answer1","t1"],["answer2","t2"],["answer3","t3"],["answer1","t4"]]);

It's for a quiz program. Question1 is the first part of the sentence, the answers words that are shuffled and question2 is the last part. So basically they have to align parts of a sentence in the correct order.

Everything is groovy, but I can't figure out how to check if the words are in the correct order. The current [2][0][1] position is my test for embedding the answers, but when it's shuffled it seems to ruin everything.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add To Array Without Creating New Index?

Feb 3, 2010

How can I add to an array without creating empty values.. the indexes are id'
So I cannot use push..

Or is there a way to remove associative array indexes? I cannot get it to work with splice...

ActionScript Code:
var test:Array = new Array(1,2,3);
trace('before splice:' + test.length);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Referencing Array Index?

Aug 25, 2011

I have three placeholder images, the contents of which are populated by an array ("galleryArray").These three placeholders are titled "placeholderLeft", "placeholderCentre" and "placeholderRight".

the contents of "placeholderLeft" will be: "galleryArray[n-1]"
the contents of "placeholderCentre" will be: "galleryArray[n]"
the contents of "placeholderRight" will be: "galleryArray[n+1]"


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Index Of Current Array?

Dec 29, 2011

I have a sprite loaded as an array, and that array has an event listener for a function. say that function is called funct1. in funct1, i want to be able to grab the index of the array and load it into a variable for future functions and what not. how would i go about this?

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