ActionScript 2.0 :: Convert Array Of Paths To XML Structure

Feb 16, 2009

i am looking for a source code which can convert array of pathes to XML structure, for example:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Convert The XML Paths To Flash Paths

Mar 5, 2007

Does anyone know if there is some kind of program that can convert the XML paths to Flash paths. Hmm...what I'm after is some little program that basically lets me open up an XML file, point on a node or attribute and the program will the flashpath to this node/attribute, where the path is something like: his.firstchild.childnode[2].attribute.jadajada

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IDE :: Convert One Text Structure To Another

Jul 19, 2009

I'm trying to convert this text structure:


How to do this? I know how to transpose the values, but I don't understand how to obtain the needed structure.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert One Text Structure Into Another

Aug 26, 2009

I'm trying to convert this text structure (data.txt in the attachment):


Let say I have one *.txt file (data.txt in the attachment). These data inside are exported from Excel as tab delimited.

Using the browse, I'm loading (opening) this file in already prepared textArea in Air and the result looks like in the first box (first txt structure).

Below this textArea, I have another one textArea where I want to see the converted (transposed) data from the above textArea (second txt structure in the first post) after pressing a button. As you can see above (second box), ("comp" 4) line must be added above every group.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert One Text Structure Into Another?

Aug 16, 2009

I'm trying to convert this text structure (data.txt in the attachment)[code]...

Below this textArea, I have another one textArea where I want to see the converted (transposed) data from the above textArea (second txt structure in the first post) after pressing a button. As you can see above (second box), ("comp" 4) line must be added above every group.

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IDE :: Convert Text (data) To Xml Structure Format?

May 27, 2009

This is my first post in this forum and I'll try to best explain my problem. I'm working on a AS3(AIR) application, i.e., some text transposer. Let's say I have a dynamic textbox (some previously transposed data), in which I have the following content:

PHP Code:

-1.66419-1.65539-1.63308-1.47002-1.42859 1.00165 1.00633 1.00963 1.01368 1.01833 

Next to this text box, I have another dynamic text box, where I want to put these numeric values, i.e., to generate an XML tree by clicking a button (calling a function), which have the following structure:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Senocular's Path Class - Take Line Paths - Drawn And Convert Them Into A Path Object?

Feb 15, 2010

I was wondering if it possible to write up some AS that will take line paths that you have drawn and convert them into a Path object? For example say you drew a jagged line from left to write, would there be a way to have AS convert that into a Path object.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Write An Array Into A XML File/structure For Saving?

Nov 18, 2011

im trying to write an array into a XML file/structure for saving. Using the create element  function kept saying something like function is not a value, so im using the XML syntax for the nodes;
Array is 1 dimensional  loadedlevelrows[5];
like:           1,1,11,1,2


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Flash :: ActionScript 3 Package Structure And Directory Structure

Jan 23, 2011

I seem to run into compile issues in Flash Builder when I import 3rd-party libraries at the wrong level in the directory structure. For example, sometimes I'll import a library one level too deep into its directory tree, and the package explorer ends up excluding the prefix root-level package, usually "com." or "net.". Even though the content of the source itself doesn't change, this will cause compile errors.

Thus: Is it a 1) convention or 2) language requirement that a class's package structure (e.g., "") must match its path location (e.g., foo/bar/
If it's a language requirement, why is it a requirement? Wouldn't that overdetermine the package structure, since it is already specified in the source code and quite happily consuming the first three to eight columns of each line? If it's not a language requirement, are my compile errors just a result of Flash Builder enforcing the convention?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: OOP Concept - Including Exits = New Array - Structure Level Class?

May 20, 2009

I'm dabbling in OOP, but I'm nowhere near proficient yet. I have two classes, house() and town(). In house's constructor, I want to define an exit from the house to town. I've set up a Doors and Exits array in the base class, and in house, I add town to it:

Doors = new Array(new trigger());
Exits = new Array(new town());

This way, I can check if the player is colliding with the trigger, and if so, I can set level to Exits[i] or wherever it is. My problem is, including Exits = new Array(new town()); in house's constructor calls town's constructor, and town has an array Exits, which leads back to house and so on. So my question is: How would I get around this problem or structure my level class? Is it possible to use "town" to get to new town(); without manually checking if("town"){ new town(); } etc. Basically, I want to tell flash to create a new town() WHEN I need it, not necessarily during the initial construction, but I don't want to have to manually call "new town();"

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Xml :: Convert An Array In An Attribute Value To An Array Object?

Feb 14, 2012

I have an embedded xml file which I'd like to have a property like this:

<level missions="[m1,m2,m3,m4,m5]"/>

I'd like to know how can I convert the string value [m1,m2,...] into an array, in order to get its value by index (a[0] == "m1", a[1] == "m2", etc.)

I tried Array(xml.levels.level.@missions)[0], but to no avail :)

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Convert Array To Multidimensional Array?

Nov 14, 2009

first off, for those who don't know, a normal array is a set of data contained in a variable, created like so:
var myArr:Array = new Array("data1","data2","data3");


(because it starts counting from 0, not one) A multidimensional array is just an array of arrays.created like so:

var myArr:Array = new Array(new Array(1,2,3),new Array(4,5,6));

and called like so:

which gives:

I have a set of 24 movieclips, which I'd like put into a multidimensional array containing 8 arrays, each containing 3 movieclips.

Code: Select allfunction addArrayDimensions() {//takes the clips array on root, and makes it an 8x3 multidimensional
   for (i=0; i<_root.clips.length/3; i++) {//while i<8...
//assign the first three items of clips[] to a new array, and put it at the end of clips[]


Right now, it's taking the clips array (which we'll pretend contains this data: [1,2,3,4,5,6.....])and then runs through the function, and then returns it exactly as it was before. (1,2,3,4,5,6....)How can I take an array, and make it into a multidimensional array?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert PHP Array To Array

Nov 9, 2011

I have a PHP socket server that serves an AS3 client. Currently the server is working correctly and clients are able to message each other. The issue is that I need to send an array of all the players from the PHP client list to the newly connected flash client. Below is the code that receives the socket data. When the user first connects the socket sends a string list of all the clients. I need to have access to the raw array form without workarounds.


The issue is that although the above does send the user something, it appears to be just a string that says "Array". I have tried xml[0] to see if I can access the array, trace statements and .length with no luck. Is there any way to pull the PHP array out of the XML socket?

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PHP :: How To Convert HierarchicalCollectionView To Array

Oct 27, 2009

I used advance datagrid of dataProvider as HierarchicalData. It's an my array collection structure.

private var groupList:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
{Country:'India', children:[
{Matches:'India Test series 1',isEnable:false},
{Matches:'India Test series 2',isEnable:false},
{Matches:'India Test series 3',isEnable:false}]},
[Code] .....

It shows only country details but if I tried matches and isEnable not found in array. How can I found is isEnable and matches details?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Convert Array Value - Format The Date Value In Array To Become The Format ?

May 21, 2007

I have series of data which is stored in Array
eg :

Code: dateArray:Array = [["user1","1-5-2007"],["user1","13-5-2007"],["user10","21-5-2007"]];

then I loop the array to search the data I want to return to another problem is how to format the date value in array to become this format before I can make a comparison with this value....

5/21/2007--> this value got from this current date

so the problem is how to convert the value in array from this format

21-5-2007 to this 5/21/2007 for all the values....the data I load from dtbase actually that's why it store that kind of format....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert XML To Array Of Objects?

Sep 6, 2010

I found a good class to convert XML to Array of Objects just like SimpleXMLSecoder do in flex.
The problem is the class does not convert it to array if there is only 1 node. I tried to modify it without success.
[PHP]import eu.rotundu.xml.*;
var s:SimpleXMLDecoder = new SimpleXMLDecoder(true);
/*var list:XML = <books>        <book publisher="Addison-Wesley" name="Design


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Flex :: Convert Xml Attribute To Array?

Mar 7, 2010

In the following XML[code]...

How do I use e4x to extract the urls and push them in an array with the least possible code?

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Flex :: Convert Array To Arraylist?

Dec 5, 2010

How do I convert in AIR 2 for List component to display items?

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Convert String.Split(',') Into Array Of Int?

Jul 20, 2011

I have the following string: "2,26,17,33,6,14,9,29,1"

And an array of int, usedIds.If I do:

private var usedIds:Array;usedIds = "2,26,17,33,6,14,9,29,1".split(',');

I get an array of strings. How can I do it to get an array of int?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Convert String To Array

Aug 3, 2009

I have an old project where there is Variable that holds a string and I want to convert it to Array When I trace this variable (myVar) it shows this string


Something like in loop var myArr:Array = push(myVar[i]) I think can split it. But can't find the right string where I can split and create Array

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert A XmlListCollection() To An Array()?

Oct 15, 2009

I have an XmlListCollection() with 73 columns and multiple rows. Is there a way to convert this to an Array()? I'm trying to access the "data" object sent through an rendererProvider and it appears comes across as null if it's not in an Array().

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert XML To Array Of Objects

Sep 7, 2010

I found a good class to convert XML to Array of Objects just like SimpleXMLSecoder do in flex. The problem is the class does not convert it to array if there is only 1 node. I tried to modify it without success.


The above code returns length if I use the commented list. I want to create 0 index Array if there is one element only.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert Array To Number?

Jan 12, 2011

need to convert a mathematical eqaution I have in an array

eg. 1+1

into a number

eg. 2

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert String To Array?

Mar 10, 2011

is it possible to convert a string to an array? for example...

ActionScript Code:
var theString:String = "[{name: Freddy, score: 235}, {name: Quick, score: 987674}]";
var array:Array = ts;
trace((array[0] as Object).name);

// obviously this code doesnt work but i was thinking something along these lines...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Convert String To Array

Apr 30, 2004

Is there a nifty function that will convert a String to an Array in AS(1 or 2)?

Something like:
myString = "1, 2, 4, 3";
myArray = myString;
And then myArray ends up like:
myArray = [1, 2, 4, 3];

Im trying to add the content of a loaded textfile into an array, that's why.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Convert The String To An Array?

Mar 4, 2003

When importing a variable from an external .txt file, I know that it will not properly import an array. I rember seeing a way to convert the string to an array, but I can't find it. Does anyone know the code?

I have used the search button to attempt to find the answer, however that proved fruitless. I know i have seen it somewhere around here, but I just can't find it again.

P.S. Does anyone know if you can import a .txt file from the net if it is imported into a .exe file running on a computer? The computer would have a connection to the internet at the time. would I just put an absolute path into the file parameter? Like: [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Convert Array To String?

Sep 5, 2003

is anyone know how to convert array to string??

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert A String To An Array?

Nov 3, 2010

Is it possible to convert a string to an array where the string is the syntax for the array? Something like this:

var txt:String = "[1,2,3]";
var a:Array = txt as Array;
//would trace 3

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Convert String To Array?

Apr 30, 2004

Is there a nifty function that will convert a String to an Array in AS(1 or 2)?

Something like:

myString = "1, 2, 4, 3";
myArray = myString;
..and then myArray ends up like:
myArray = [1, 2, 4, 3];

Im trying to add the content of a loaded textfile into an array, thats why.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert The Array In Mxml Page

Sep 9, 2010

How would I convert the array in this mxml page to pure as3?


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