ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Footer That Will 'talk' Or Interact With Other Instances Of It On The Same Page

Sep 13, 2003

if it was by any means (LocalCOnnect?) possible to create a footer that will 'talk' or interact with other instances of it on the same page... Now I know there is one problem because it's actually the same swf file

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Footer On Website?

Oct 23, 2009

Hi im trying to create a footer on my website.Flash set not to scale and to fit the whole browser if the footer would be 100px height what maths should i use keeping ion mind that resizing would be the moment im using this code.

footer_mc.widht = stage.stageWidht;
footer_mc.y = stage.stageHeight - footer_mc.height;
footer_mc.x = stage.x;

but when i set footer_mc x to stage.x it indicates 0 as the begining of the movie not of the whole stage. and y doesnt work propery aswell

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Option For The Footer To Load A Movie File?

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Stage.showMenu = false;
user_so = SharedObject.getLocal("user");
if( != undefined) {


it will go back to frame 1 on the root... and i trace the value and it goes to undefined... but it goes back to frame 2 and loads the movie again.this is my first attempt at a sharedObject..

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Flash :: Interact With All Instances Of A Class From A Separate Class?

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I've been hitting dead ends while programming lately all over, and I finally came to the realization all the code I have that is broken is because I don't know how to interact with instances of one class from within another. Here's the gist of what I am trying to do:


The problem is, if I address a single instance that is on the canvas, I get "access to undefined property targetClip", even though the document class can interact with it fine. If I target the class file of targetClip, I get "Implicit coercion of a value of type Class to an unrelated type flash.display:DisplayObject". It isn't just a problem with hitTest either, I'm having this problem with other actions, so there is some basic syntax I'm failing to comprehend.

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In IE you can achieve this by doing the following - "Press and hold the contol button and then press the - (minus) button (Ctrl -)." or click on the view option at the top of the browser>>zoom>>zoom out.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use A For Loop To Create Instances?

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for (var i:Number=0; var<n; var++) {

Which doesn't work.When it's all done, I need to have n objects named MyObject1, MyObject2, ..., MyObject(n).

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Oct 21, 2010

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//create instances of Door objectvar door_1:Door = new Door();var door_2:Door = new Door();var door_3:Door = new Door();var door_4:Door = new Door();var door_5:Door = new


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Two Instances Of An Array Object?

Jun 30, 2009

My project downloads an array from a MySQL server that has URLs for pictures in it. Part of my script then downloads these pictures and splices the array (removing the URL and replacing it with the bitmap). Now i need to use those bitmaps on the stage but i need two instances of the same bitmap at the same time, and it seems like flash is having a problem with this.
How do i create two instances of the same array bitmap?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Instances Of A Movie Clip?

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For example if I wanted to do something like make a function which is used to spawn multiple instances of an enemy movie clip.[code]do this a specified number of times.How would I go about doing something like this? And what is the syntax for referring to these generated movie clips from outside of the movie clip (so i could do things like remove them, change x/y,alpha, ect, individually)I really just don't have an intuition for how movie clips actually work in actionscript, and its been holding me back a great deal.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Multiple Movie Instances?

Feb 18, 2006

I'm running into a roadblock with creating multiple instances of a movie clip. I'm trying to display a series of boxes across the bottom of the stage. The number of boxes are determined by _global.maxStep[_global.sectionNum]. I have a movie clip called StepBox that will serve as the template for each box. In the StepBox movie clip is a dynamic text box called stepNumText, which I want to set to the value of the counter. The problem I have is that I've only ever used attachMovie, but there is no movie for it to attach to. I tried using Content since that's the name of the layer this is in, but I know that doesn't make sense (and it doesn't work).

_global.updateBoxes = function() {
var curr_box;
for (i = 1; i <= _global.maxStep[_global.sectionNum]; i++) {[code].....

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Jan 25, 2009

I created a custom class (no arguments needed for constructor) and I wanted to create an instance of that class that can be accessed by AS from aywhere inside the SWF (i.e. globally from any function or class).So far the only way I can think of doing that is to create the custom class with an associated MovieClip Symbol, drag an instance of that MovieClip Symbol to the stage, and then give it an instance name. It seems like I can then use the instance name to access that class instance anywhere.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Array To Hold Some Movieclip Instances?

Feb 3, 2009

I wanted to do something like:

ActionScript Code:
arrayTucano = (tucano1, tucano2, tucano3); // movieclips instances
// Function to drag


But it drags only the last movieclip, tucano3.

Why? How could I make to drag all of them?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: AddChild To Create Multiple Instances Of An MC On The Stage?

Jun 28, 2009

I'd like to create a chain of objects (either movie clips or sprites) that move left to right across the stage continuously. I know I can create two movie clips that contain a series of several 'chain links' and are each a little wider than the stage width. Then I can move both clips across the stage and when the first movie clip is completely off stage reset its x position back to 0. Likewise, when the second clip is completely off the stage on the right, reset it's position off the stage to the left.

This works and gives me the basic effect that I want by creating this uninterrupted moving chain, but it doesn't seem like its the most efficient way to achieve this. What I thought would be more efficient would be to create each link in the chain separately from an individual mc in my library by programmatically adding new instances to the stage.So, I created a single chain link mc and set its export linkage to 'Link' and left the base class to flash.display.MovieClip. Next, I placed the following snippet of the code on the first frame of my movie:

var xPos:int = 0;
var yPos:int = 100;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using The 'new' Keyword To Create New Instances Of Loaded Content?

Aug 6, 2009

I've been testing what you can do with loaded content lately and I'm trying to use the 'new' keyword to create new instances of a loaded swf. For example...

ActionScript Code:
function onLoadComplete(e:Event):void{
var loadedSwf:MovieClip = e.currentTarget.content;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Video Players - Create New Instances Only?

Aug 1, 2010

I want to have a number of scenes with video players on each. Pasting means I get problems with duplicative functions. I am okay with creating new instances, but still run into duplicative functions (like onMetaData) I just can't seem to get around. Is there an elegant way of telling flash at the beginning to create all new nc, ns, etc?

Below is partial code (the part that is the problem).
// Video setup
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
ns.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, onStatus);
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Create Multiple Instances Of A Movieclip?

Jan 11, 2008

I'm modifying a flash slideshow (actually the one from and among other things, I'm trying to get it to generate small LEDs depending on the number of images the script finds in the xml file. I intend to make them light up depending on the image currently up (i.e. image #5 lights up led #5) and allow users to click on the LEDs to jump around between images.

The problem I'm having now is that I can't get the file to generate more than one LED at a time. In fact, it seems to only generate the last LED needed and places it in the final LED position. My only real guess at this point is either I'm not indicating a new depth properly, or I'm creating the new movieclip over and over again but not actually creating a duplicate of it, or something like that.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Object Instances Of Class In For-loop?

Mar 16, 2009

Exactly this doesn't work but is there a way to do it?

for ( var i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
var ["object"+i]:MyClass = new MyClass();
// would create object1, object2, object 3, object 4, ...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loader Instances - Cannot Create Dynamic Names

Jul 30, 2009

I have a number of loader instances (loader1, loader2, loader) which I will use to load pictures. I tried to create a loop and run the command
for(var st=1,st<4,st++) {
The concatenation "loader+st" doesn't seem to work. Is it not supported in AS2.0?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Usable Multiple Instances From Library?

Sep 14, 2011

I am creating multiple bitmaps within a loop, and placing them inside their own MovieClip. I then have another MovieClip in the Library which I am calling and putting inside the MovieClip generated for the bitmap. Alas I cannot get multiple instances to work of the MovieClip from the Library. I think it must be my syntax in the following code..

this['bmp'+i] = new BitmapData(etc,etc)
this['box'+i] = new Bitmap( this['bmp'+i] );


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