ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Dynamic Bar Chart (visualization) For Flash Mp3 Player

Sep 29, 2005

Is possible to create dynamic bar chart for flash mp3 player?I mean the similar effect like in Winamp or others music players (WMP) to display bar chart depending on the sound intensity.

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*code*var imageLoader:Loader;imageLoader = new Loader();  // 1120: Access to undefined property imageLoader*/code* 
OR*code*var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader(); // 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time: Loder*/code*


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What sort of effort would be involved (man days)?

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Yellow triangle = output node ( is attched to this)
Yellow circle = input node


1. when user drag mouse from o/p node, an interactive line from o/p node to mouse pos

2. when user release on i/p node create a new line parmanently btw o/p node to i/p node

3. when user moves the root nodes(gray box and gray circle), parmanent connection btw them should redraw.

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My question is do I need to continually write new functions for text to appear, then a second to disappear and trigger the next filed OR is this what Variables are for?

I think this sounds very confusing so I have attached the file. Please help as I have a crazy deadline on this and simply can't work it out, unless I continue on my road of endless functions.

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I am having a problem creating a slice of a pie chart.
- The slices are accurate up to 90 deg,.
- I can't get both sides of the triangle to draw from the centre to the circumference.

//Input value = 10% of 100
var value1:Number = 10;
//Convert to decimal
var persent:Number = value1/100;
var deg:Number = persent*360;
[Code] .....

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HTML5: not yet very standard and we are lack of experience. Flash: it looks like Flash on iPhone runs on some sort of virtual machine, it's not very efficient. We have little knowledge on this too. Silverlight + Cocoa Touch: it looks like MS is now giving up SL. We need two times of work on GUI if we choose this. Maybe I can write some XAML parser for iOS using UIKit and Core Animation.

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Sep 9, 2010

I have a very interesting challenge here for my Flex project development. I now have an experiment wizard which consists of three states.In the first state,the user selects the elements they are interested from the periodic table. When it comes to the second stage,now we have the elements that the user selected in the first state,and these elements are shown on a list A',the user can select an element from there. Also,I have an xml file that has the intensities and wavelengths for all the elements in the periodic table


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Pie Chart - Making The Wedges Movie Clips?

Jul 16, 2009

I've found some code on the net that creates a dynamic pie chart using xml.It works fine, but what I want is for it to make each slice a movie clip so that I can target the slice to show a the percentage on mouse over.At the moment all the slices is in one mc called piechart.

Code below

ActionScript Code:
var titles:Array = new Array();
var values:Array = new Array();var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var xmlData:XML = new XML();


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How To Use Flare (Data Visualization) With Only Flash CS3

Apr 26, 2010

How do I use [URL] with Flash CS3 in AS3. I don't intend to use Flex.

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