ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating A Side Carosouel To Scroll Through Images Where To Begin?
Sep 4, 2010
i need some advice here and some good tutorial links. ive have to create a side carousel. the example is were if move to the left side it scrolls through image and same if mnove to the left side, the imagees have to be loaded dynamically as well.
im not sure if it is called a carousel as its not a circular motion. the motion is sideways left to right. i may have to use xml ive been advised ;however, im not sure . iv dont know xml either.
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ActionScript Code:
var refBmpData:BitmapData;
var refBmp:Bitmap;[code]......
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var isOver = 0;
function onEnter(event){
if(isOver == 1)
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editCode sample taken from other post. Warning: it's a huuuge chunk o'code.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx=""
xmlns:MyComp="client.components.*" layout="absolute" height="554" width="817"
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Feb 1, 2010
We're building a web-based application that requires heavy image processing. We'd like this processing load to be on the client as much as possible and we'd like to support as much platforms (even mobiles) as much as possible. Here's the info: Image processing is rasterization from some data. Think like creating a PNG image from a PDF file. We don't have a lot of server power. So client-side processing is a bit of a must.
So, we're considering: Flash - most widespread, but from what i read has lackluster development tools. (and no iPhone/iPad support for now). Silverlight - allows us to use .NET CLR, so a big ++ (a lot of code is in .NET). But is not supported for most mobiles ( rumored android support in the future) HTML5 + Javascript - probably the most "portable" option. The problem is having to rewrite all that image processing code in Javascript.
Clarification: I don't need further ideas on what libraries are available for Silverlight and Javascript. My dilemma is choosing Silverlight means no support for most mobiles choosing Flash means we have to redevelop most of our code AND no iPhone/iPad support HTML5 + Javascript we have to redevelop most of our code and not fully supported yet in all browsers choosing two (Silverlight + Flash) will be too costly Any out-of-the-box or bright ideas / alternatives
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