ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A Dynamic Scroll Panel Using Two Objects From Library And Accessing Images From A Folder Using Some Basic XML

Jul 12, 2009

Creating a dynamic scroll panel using two objects from my library and accessing images from a folder using some basic XML. The ScrollPanel loads fine, the 6 instances of the empty movieclip holders load. The function that traces the instance of the movieClip names is working. My trouble is accessing the instances of the movies to load the loaders in order to view the jpgs called from the folder. I receive an "access of undefined property" message if I type thumbLoad0.addChild(pic1ldr); etc, which you will see at the very bottom.


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[AS]clipArray = [];
posArray = [];
for (var k = 0; k<3; k++) {


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Dec 12, 2003

I have an empty textbox with the basic scroll bar component. Nothing is in the text box so the arrows are greyed out on the scrollbar. I have a button that loads text into the textbox, but the component does not update itself to accomodate text that is larger than the text box.

how can I make it so that the scrollbar changes when text is added.....also If I put text in the text box in flash, when I publish it gets the scrollbar fine, but it will not adjust itself when I click on the button that loads different text into the text box. what happens is the scroll bar stays the same regardless on the size of the loaded text.

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To Many Library Panel?

Mar 27, 2009

When you open the Library panel and then my a new library so like you have 2 on the screen now pretty helpful if you want to open an external and have your current project open and drag and drop right. But here is the part I don't understand you have your 2 panels open now and every time you open your Library panel 2 pop up instead of one. God forbid if you every opened like 4 or 5 of these free floating Library panels I already have 3 going and there up there. is there a way to have all your open your Library panel with out having multiple un-needed Library opening along with the one you want?

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Creating Animated GIF Or Basic SWF Website Banners

Aug 14, 2009

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