ActionScript 2.0 :: Drop Target Function Stops Working?
Sep 16, 2009
I made a flash site and one of the pages has drag and drop functions with drop target actions, so that text appears once dropped onto a target.It works fine but when I have it loaded inside an external editor, the drop and drag still works but the drop target function stops working.
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Mar 3, 2010
I have produced a Flash movieclip, containing a fair few layers, including masked layers, actionscript etc. One of the things it does is allows the user to click and drag a number of movieclips and drop them anywhere within the mc, but if they drop them on specific drop targets then some actionscript (AS2) kicks in, stops the drag object from being draggable again and advances through its frames to basically 'enlarge' the drag object and play a sound to show the user they've hit the right mark. This all works perfectly on its own, or in a browser window etc.
The problem I have is when I try to insert the Flash movie into an Adobe Captivate 4 e-learning package. Things work ok apart from when you drop the dragged object onto a drop target, nothing happens. The actionscript doesn't execute. Would the fact that the movieclip is (probably) sitting within a container (the Captivate e-learning package) be causing the problem? If so, how do I get around this issue?
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Jan 20, 2010
var myTargetName:String = "target" +;
var myTarget:DisplayObject = getChildByName(myTargetName);
if ( != null && == myTarget){
navigateToURL(new URLRequest(http://;
I am trying to navigate to a new url for each movie clip, problem is im really unsure of how to achieve this I have one target on my page and would like to be able to drop any of these movie clipt o to it?
the movie clips are named:
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Mar 10, 2011
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var origX:Number;
var origY:Number;
for(var i:uint=1; i<6; i++){
this["choice_"+String(i)].buttonMode = true;
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Sep 6, 2009
I have run into a drag and drop issue .I have an item that I would like to drag and drop. Seems simple enough, but I also want to make it that if the user drags the image off the screen, that it stops dragging and returns the image to the center of the screen. What happens now is that it continues dragging and sticks to the cursor if you release outside of the viewable area. The original piece has a lot of other things going on, so I ve created a simple piece with the AS in the timeline that shows only this particular issue.
var mrT:MC_mrT = new MC_mrT;
mrT.x = stage.stageWidth*.5;[code].............
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-Now I stop dragging mc1 on mc2. mc2 is now the drop target. ok. And I want to trace the drop targets index in arr2. it should be something not minus right?
because mc2 is a member of arr2. But it gives me -1 .WHY.
-And second, If I trace what the drop target is , it sholud say mc2 . but it says OBJECT-SHAPE. ANOTHER BÄ°G WHY
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var startX:Number;
var startY:Number;
this.ans1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pickMe1);
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handbag1_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pickUp);
handbag1_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dropIt);
handbag2_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pickUp);
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Jun 15, 2010
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Oct 16, 2009
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navigation_mc.home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent .CLICK, homeClickF);
navigation_mc.rates_btn.addEventListener(MouseEven t.CLICK, ratesClickF);
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Nov 17, 2009
how to drag one movieclip(color button) to another movieclip(target to have color changed) and have it change the color of the clip?I have a color menu and I want to be able to drag the color to an mc on the stage and when released over the top of that mc it will change its color.
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Mar 2, 2011
I want to be able to create the following if possible:
Create five words that make up a sentence and they are mixed up in order. So basically I would turn each word into a Movie clip perhaps.
I would then like to assign a target hotspot for each word so that a user can drag the words into the correct order.
Once they are in the correct order they click a button to go to a correct response or incorrect response. Is this possible?
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Dec 3, 2010
Is it possible to use a VGroup as a drop target in flex? I like the functionality of a vgroup (adding elements easily, etc) but I haven't found a way to get it to register when things are dropped on it.
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Feb 2, 2012
My question is simple. Let's say I have 2 List Controls. 1 of Users and 1 of Tickets. (The 2 Sources). And I have a DataGrid (the target). Is possible to select 1 user and 1 ticket in the 2 list mentioned before and drag & drop them at the same time to the DataGrid? I know it's not as simple as they are going to get automatically mixed.. If it is possible... I would have to use the DragEnter Event of the Datagrid or something to mix them and create my dataProvider. But I don't know how you can drag & drop 2 items at the same time from different sources. It is possible with one source.. But no idea of how to do it with 2 sources.
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Feb 5, 2012
I have a list with itemrenderer with dragEnabled true and dropEnabled true. Now, I am trying to tell flex not to let the dragged item (even the icon indication) leave the drop panel. I don;t care if it stop the dragging or just freezes it as if it was the application border - and I cannot. I tried to stop the dragging on dragExit handler but it seems to ignore it. Does anyone know of a working mechanism to do such? (Flex 4)
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May 12, 2010
I have several mc:s that can be dropped on a target (a mc called hits). If one mc is dropped on the target and another mc already is in the target I want the earlier mc to be removed. How can i know if there already is a mc in the target if i drop another mc there. Taco wrote "You could try setting up a boolean status variable and condition the dragging/dropping of a mc in that area to the variable being false. In other words, you set the variable status to false to start with, and once a first mc as been dragged/dropped in the area, set it to true. On the next dragging/dropping, if the status variable is true, you remove the previous mc, and permit the dropping of the new mc." But I dont understand how to do this, i may have many different mc:s in the target. The attashed file is a bit of my real fla, I hope someone understand what I mean.
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Jan 31, 2012
I have the following code
Code: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert movieclip1 to MovieClip. My goal is to have the turned into a movieclip so I can use properties on it. There is a movieclip that I want to drop on the Target, and I can use "this" for source, the movieclip that I'm dragging, but when I want to have properties on the destination, when I want to convert the String to MovieClip, I get #1034 And I don't know what is it that I'm doing wrong...
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Jun 11, 2009
[IMG]file:///C:/Users/Majken/AppData/Local/Temp/moz-screenshot.jpg[/IMG]I?m trying something perhaps a little above my level, as I have just recently begun using flash (like a week ago), but I hatred doing this code ,but it does not work.
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Nov 7, 2009
1. I created the dropzone script, in which has to be dynamic in size so that people can the tiles to design their floor board. Problem is, if the dropzones are too close to each other, the app has problems deciding where to drop the tile. (the tile floor is diagonal, imagine a diamond looking tile) I dont know what to do in order to securely place tiles where it shuld be... the dropzones are too close to each other..!the tile can either be full tile, 1/2 and 1/4 tile. How do I do this? I managed to get the drag n drop for full tile to work, but I dont know how can I do it with 1/2 or 1/4 tile. Should I split the dropzones into 4 sections? If I did, then I'll have a problem with full tile? For dropping let say, a pyramid-shaped tile onto a Full Tile would be very2 confusing
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Dec 29, 2009
I'm migrating from as2 to as3 and have a problem. I have a movieclip called papel_ilus which has loaded images inside with text and stuff. I found a Drag And Drop code that constrains the movement of the _x axis and have targeted the papel_ilus movieclip. However, when I click the images inside they are dragged separately from the whole movieclip I targeted and everything is a mess. Is there a way to drag the whole "pack" as one? Here is the code I'm using:
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
var leftY:int = 0;
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Dec 16, 2011
i'm trying to do a drag and drop, works fine but idk why :/
i have this code
So, im inside mcTMP mouseUP, if i drop target hit0 movieclip i got a number. ok but..if im inside mcTMP, should be: mcTMP.dropTargert == parent.hit0 (coz hit0 its outside mcTMP), but i have to use THIS to work :/, as well lin0 movieclip, this.lin0?? lin0 its also outside mcTMP, should be parent.lin0 why it is still working??
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Jun 18, 2009
I updated FlashPro from 10.0 to 10.0.2 through the adobe updater.After the update applied, Flash ignores any code entered on my action layers as if it were not there, even simple stop(); command.
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