ActionScript 2.0 :: Embedded Swf File Does Not Show Up

Oct 25, 2007

I used dreamweaver to insert a swf file into an HTML page. That page and the embedded swf file works fine locally on my computer.

After the HTML page and the swf file have been uploaded to my web server, the swf no longer loads on the HTML page. Both files are in the same folder, just like they were locally.

<div align="center">
<script type="text/javascript">


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Show Up If Leave It Embedded In The Movie Clip Instead Of Putting It Into The .as File?

Feb 21, 2008

if i have the following actionscript on frame1 inside a movieclip with the identifier name "inventory"


i get no errors but i also do not get the text to show up in the code that follows. (it DOES show up if i leave it embedded in the movie clip instead of putting it into the .as file)

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Flex :: Embedded Font Won't Show Up

Aug 5, 2011

Using FlashDevelop with the Flex SDK, I'm trying to embed a font in the swf file, using the following [code]...

But for some reason, the text won't show up in the embedded font. When 'embedFonts' is set to false, the text will be visible, but in the default font.

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Jul 1, 2009

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Here's code (yes, variables are declared and all that, this is just the parts of the code):
quesStemFormat = new TextFormat();
quesDistFormat = new TextFormat();
quesStemFormat.font = "Arial";
quesStemFormat.bold = true;
[Code] .....

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Sep 29, 2010

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I create a class,, that builds a basic TextField. I create an empty file myHtmlText.fla I embedded two fonts inside the myHtmlText.fla: "Ghotam Light" and "Ghotam Book"; I selected all characters for each font and exported for actionscript with the following linkage name: "GhotamBook" and "GhotamLight"
I wish to use the fonts embedded, in the TextField using htmlText, like this:
var tf:TextField = createTextField(10, 10, 400, 22);     tf.htmlText = '<p><font face="GhotamBook">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</font></p>';
//tf.embedFonts = true;

but it does not work; the text is not displayed; If I use .text instead fo .htmlText, the latin text is displayed with a system font.

View 5 Replies :: Show The .ppt File In The Webpage By The Slide Show Manner

Jun 10, 2011

In my application,I want to show the .ppt file using the slide show manner.

That's to say,user can upload .ppt file to my server side,then other people can browser these ppts in the page ..

Since I have googled "embed powerpoint in web page" ,it seems that there is not a good idea to implement this and support the cross browser,so I thought the flash.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: When View The HTML File With The SWF Embedded It Doesn't Display The Text File Content

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loadVariablesNum("testimonials.txt", 0);

This code works perfect when testing, and it works perfect viewing the SWF, but when you view the HTML file with the SWF embedded, it doesn't display the text file content.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: F4v File Won't Show Up From The Html File

Jun 13, 2010

I never worked with movie files before and I'm having problems to play a f4v file from a html file.
Inside flash, when I do a ctrl+enter, the video shows and plays just fine.

When building the .html file to play it all, only my presentation and movie skin will show up but the movie won't load.

Even if I do a file > publish the video won't show up or play. Everything I have on timeline is working just fine (and again, even the videoskin is showing up).

Now, do I have to change anything inside publish settings or do I need to try something different with html?
ps: here's the part inside html code where I insert the swf:

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="740" height="500" id="main" align="middle">
<param name="movie" value="main.swf" />
<param name="quality" value="high" />


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Professional :: F4v File Won't Show Up From The Html File?

Jun 13, 2010

I never worked with movie files before and I'm having  problems to play a f4v file from a html file.
Inside flash, when I do a  ctrl+enter, the video shows and plays just fine.
When  building the .html file to play it all, only my presentation and movie  skin will show up but the movie won't load.
Even if I do a file >  publish the video won't show up or play. Everything I have on timeline  is working just fine (and again, even the videoskin is showing up).
Now, do I  have to change anything inside publish settings or do I need to try  something different with html?


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IDE :: Fonts Getting Embedded In The FLA File?

Jun 12, 2009

If I use a wierd or obscure font in my flash project, then I dont have to worry about the user having the same font installed, because it gets embedded in the SWF, correct? Or does it depend on something? If so, what?

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SWF File Not Playing When Embedded In Html

Aug 16, 2009

I have embedded an automatic slideshow as a swf file into a website I'm designing for my parents. When I test the swf file, it performs exactly as expected but when I embed it into the html, it just sits there and doesn't run/animate/whatever.

The slideshow (should) automatically run through a group of 7 photos, with a fade transition and was all done with actionscript, loading the external jpeg files into alternate movieclip containers etc etc.
The web page where it doesn't work is here: [URL] - you can see that the swf just sits there, doing absolutely nothing.

The location of the swf file is: [URL] - as you can see, it works fine on its own!!

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Scroll Bar Disappears In Embedded SWF File

Nov 29, 2009

Basically I have an embedded SWF file inside another which has a scroll bar (AS2 component). The whole project was created using Flash CS4 in AS2. Sometimes when the page is accessed the scroll bar is gone and the content of the embedded SWF extends outside of it's fixed sized container. I have not been successful in determining the cause but it seems to happen more frequently on a client's PC which is lacking in the performance department. I am wondering if it is a loading issue, where maybe the embedded file is loading faster than it's container. [URL]

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Professional :: SWF File Embedded In Website?

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I have a swf file, how can i embeded in website which code is used.

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Css :: How To Position Embedded Flash File

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Disable The 'hotspot' Attribute Of An Embedded Swf File?

Sep 14, 2009

how to disable the 'hotspot' attribute of an embedded swf file?

I would like the following swf to be non-clickable (just left mouse button)


As you can see, when you click on the slideshow, it stops and turns to a white block.

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Printing Embedded SWF File From Browser Menu?

Oct 21, 2006

There must be a way to print from the File menu of a browser and get the embedded swf file to print in place in the html page.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Embedded Flv Video File?

Apr 9, 2009

i have a embedded video that is inside a movieclip when i press a button i want the movieclip with the movie inside to appear and when it finished playing i want it to there an easy way to do this?

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Flash File Embedded In Html With Swf Object?

Nov 30, 2009

I have made a html file in which a swf is embedded with swf object. this swf contain dynamically loaded audio files. It works fine in offline but when it is uploaded it does not show the movie(swf is not playing) I see only empty space. i thought that it may take time to load, but even after waiting for long time the swf did not play and it shows blank white space.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play FLV Files From An Embedded SWF File?

Dec 11, 2009

I have a Flash site that has two separate areas of navigation: "root.swf" is the main file and by default loads "welcome.swf". If you click on one of three other links in "root", it takes you to one of those three pages.

I need to have various .flv files play individually on command from the timeline (when separate buttons are clicked), but I need those to load externally but appear as though they are a part of "welcome.swf". [code]...

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Professional :: Loop An Embedded Flv Video File?

May 19, 2010

I have CS3.I encode my video with the Encoder, then I import it into Flash. From there, I cannot figure out how to make the embedded flv file to loop.

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CS5 :: Convert SWF File Into Flash-embedded Executable For Mac?

Apr 12, 2011

I'm using InDesign to create an interactive SWF of a document.

For normal Flash projects, I can create an executable (*.exe) file that includes the Flash codec so that the viewer doesn't need to install Flash beforehand.

Can I create something similar for the SWF file created by InDesign?

I'm using CS5 Design Premium. Intermediate knowledge in InDesign, basic in Flash, will likely need clear steps.

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Flash :: Control A Embedded Multiframe Swf File?

Jan 12, 2010

[Embed(source="data/fire.swf")] static public var movieFire:Class;

I have some multiframe swf file and I want to have control of them. For example, I can use gotoandplay and gotoandstop functionality.

I tried something like: var m:MovieClip = new movieFire() as MovieClip; but it turns out when I tried to get totalFrames, m.totalFrames, it gives me zero, and gotoand* functions don't work either. How can I correctly control the swf file embedded in actionsript 3.0 (No Flex component)?

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Html :: Add A Link Around An Embedded Flash File?

Jan 22, 2010

I want to make it so that when I click anywhere on the embedded Flash element, it takes me to a destination URL.

Here is my current code, which does not produce the desired effect:

<div class="contentdiv" style="margin:-72px 0 10px 0px; cursor:pointer;" onclick="location.href='';">
<object height="410" width="720">


Right now it is making the space behind the .swf file clickable for the link, but the Flash element is not clickable.

If the right thing to do is to edit the .swf file somehow, I don't consider myself a Flash developer, but are there any resources on where to get started or how to do something this basic with an existing .swf file?

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