ActionScript 2.0 :: Get Information From A Text Field And Email It To Someone?

Aug 8, 2002

how to get information from a text field and email it to someone?

How do you guys usually use text fields?

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I used this tutorial. [URL]

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Feb 3, 2007

Currently I'm using javascript which works fine to pass text from textfield A to textfield B:


Is there a way to pass the textfield A text to a dynamic text input (flash) as I'd like to use the font embedding flash offers. I can make it work when loading a value from a txt file but I'm not sure how to access the value identified above as KitGroupID_16_TextOption_38 and make it appear in a dynamic input box. Eventually I might want to have 3 font choices for the user but I'd like to just see if I can get this working properly first.

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Email Link With No Address Field?

Jul 2, 2009

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on (release) {
getURL(" is awesome&body=The following 50 reasons explain why Sairus is awesome:");

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add And Remove Email Field TextBox Dynamically

Apr 29, 2009

I am having a problem in adding and removing the the email field text boxes dynamically. I have an add button beside an email field. On clicking it a new email field is generated below it dynamically with a remove button beside it(this too dynamically). The problem is if I have added 5 email fields and I want to, say remove the third email field, then i have to reset the 'y' position of the subsequent email field text box; i.e; I have to reset the 'y' position of 4th and 5th email fields. This problem becomes serious if I have 10 instead of 5 email fields. I have learn that in Javascript we can do this use of a container that automatically resets the position of the text fields. Is there any way out in Flash for this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Contents Of A Text Field As The Dial Points In The Direction Of The Text Field?

Nov 15, 2004

I am working on a file that has a rotating dial, and I'd like the dial to reveal contents of a text field (a link) as the dial points in the direction of the text field. I have 4 text fields located at 90, 180, 270 and 360 degrees (top, bottom, left and right). I have it controlled via AS, so I've got all the Math but I was hoping someone might know how to reveal the links when the arrow (in the dial) is pointing in these directions.I set up a text field for testing, which shows the degrees, but I'm getting 'NaN' in the field (problems with Theta and converting degrees to Radians, I think). I thought this might help me figure out how to reveal those links, if I can get the NaN to work.Currently, the file is rotating with an onPress, but I'm going to convert it to a mouse follow, instead, so the user only has to float around to see the links.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Validation Works Only For The LastName Data And Email Field?

Nov 22, 2009

I am doing some forms in Flash Cs4 with AS3. The forms are working well, but i have a code to check if people have enter information in every field.But the verification only works for 2 field. The code is exactly the same for the other but it doesn't work. Can you double check my code and maybe explain me why it doesn't work or maybe how to replace the validation code by another.The validation works only for the LastName data and Email field.Here's the code;

submit_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ValidateAndSend);
function ValidateAndSend(event:MouseEvent):void{
//validate form fields[code]........

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Validation Works Only For The LastName Data And Email Field?

Nov 23, 2009

I am doing some forms in Flash Cs4 with AS3. The forms are working well, but i have a code to check if people have enter information in every field. But the verification only works for 2 field. The code is exactly the same for the other but it doesn't work. Can you double check my code and maybe explain me why it doesn't work or maybe how to replace the validation code by another.The validation works only for the LastName data and Email field.Here's the code;

submit_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ValidateAndSend);
function ValidateAndSend(event:MouseEvent):void{
//validate form fields[code]................

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Have The EMail Input Field Be Verified When The Send Button Is Released?

Aug 15, 2007

I have a contact there anyway that I can have the eMail input field be verified when the send button is released?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Clickcounter - Make A Submission Field That Registers The Clicks And Sends It To An Specified Email Adress?

Oct 24, 2007

I had an idea of taking two pictures of a hand with a nutcracker in it, the first with the nut whole and the second with the nut cracked and then make it a button.It should also have a counter on the side so users can se how many "nuts the cracked" and a submission form with email, name, city and adress. When the user have cracked enought nuts they should be able to fill in the form and press send button so a certain email addy gets the info.

I found this simple tutorial on how to make a counter http:[url]....But how do I make a submission field that registers the clicks and sends it to an specified email adress?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Field From An Input Text Field

Dec 16, 2010

What I'm trying to do is to write something in an input field and then it should show up in a dinamic field. I can make this happen, but the problem is that the dinamic field shows its new text in the same format as the Input field. For example, the input text is written in TimesNewRoman and the dinamic text is in Arial, but when the dinamic text shows the input, the text is still in TimesNewRoman when I want it to be in Arial.

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Professional :: Pass The Contents Of The Text Field To Another Text Field?

Nov 8, 2010

I've created a dynamic text field - mediaImportName001 (created , and populated it with the name of a file that I choose to import using a browse button (as3 and AIR).This works fine - I can import the file, and the name appears in the field.
I'd now like to pass the contents of the text field to another text field.  But I can't get the contents. If I try to trace the contents of the textField trace("mediaImportName"+thisNum).text     - Flash returns "undefined" (even though I'm asking it to trace after the field has been populated).
I use the following code to check that the field really is there and named correctly (the code returns the children):
for (var i:uint = 0; i < this.numChildren; i++){    trace (this.getChildAt(i).name + ' type:' + typeof (this.getChildAt(i))+ ' ' + this.getChildAt(i));}
it returns:
instance370     type:object    [object Shape]mediaImportName001     type:object    [object TextField]mediaFiletype001     type:object    [object TextField]
How do I get Flash to give me the text in mediaImportName001?  
It's bizarre - this.getChildAt(i).name
from above gives me...
mediaImportName001     ,
trace (["mediaImportName"+thisNum].name); 
returns undefined (thisNum represents an increment I use to name multiple clips and text fields, and in this case trace(thisNum); returns 001)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Search Field / Where End User Inputs Text Into A Field And Flash

Aug 24, 2009

I want to make a search button on my site. I have a bunch of pdf files in a specific location on my site. I want to create a search field where the end user inputs text into a field and flash locates and opens the corresponding pdf file.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Showing Text Field As HTML Field With XML/CDATA.?

Aug 26, 2007

Trying to get a text field in my Flash MX movie to pull from and XML file with CDATA tags to show as HTML. I've checked the box to render as HTML for the text data field... but I'm having problems with the Actionscripting.

The field from this line is what I need to recognize as HTML reading CDATA tags:

this.ref["textField"+i].text = subnodes[3].firstChild.toString()

I know I need to do more than just change it to ".html" instead of ".text" and have tried a couple things, but nothing seems to work.

//Create the XML Object
myXML = new XML ();


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Getting Information From XML Information Sent To Flash File From The Socket Server

Jul 5, 2009

I'm kinda noobish when it comes to getting information from XML information sent to my flash file from the socket server. OK so for example the server sends me this:


I want to get the name of the user and the X and Y position! Is there a way I can get this information without a load of fuss from functions and other junk remember im kinda noobish.

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Flash - Obtain System Information Or Cpu Information Using Adobe Flex?

Feb 11, 2011

I want to build a program built around my pc specs. Is there a way to access such information as how much ram I have or how much cpu usage is being consumed, etc.?

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