ActionScript 2.0 :: Horizontal Scrolling Background Image With Mouseover?

Mar 24, 2009

I am trying to create a horizontal scrolling background image with mouseover. A post a while back seems to have all the details.


Everything in the file that was attached at that post seems to work exactly, how I want it to, however I don't understand how to make it work with my own imagery. There are 3 movie symbols and I am not sure how to create the symbols so they work properly with my own images.

This shoud be relitively easy but for some reason I am having difficulties.

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var myVar:Boolean;
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
function onEnterFrame(e:Event) :void[code]....

After trying to figure this out through forums such as this for days, it seems that my answer is to use XML (which I do not know, and which I think would require completely starting over).Is there any way to do this in AS3?

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IDE :: Way Of Scrolling Image Background?

Sep 16, 2005

I have come to a solution where I use an invisible button (covering the whole movie) where the action takes place in. Problem is, I can't put buttons on it because the invisible button blockes them.Does anyone know an other solution of making my background image scroll like the example site?

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Jul 20, 2010

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i've got this piece of code for AS2.0


Otherwise it is working all good, but I'd like it to stay put at the start. Right now it immidiately starts scrolling to right unless I move the mouse on top to stop it. So ye, i need to have it sitting still and only scroll when the mouse is at the edges of the document.

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Code is here
import flash.filters.BlurFilter;
var feed_xml:XML = new XML();
feed_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
feed_xml.load("data.xml");//data.xml path
feed_xml.onLoad = function(success) {
[Code] .....

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Professional :: Horizontal Scrolling Images?

Feb 7, 2010

I have a client who wants a home page similar to the way this one operates: http:[url]... It contains 10 images that are on a steady horizontal scroll that repeats. The images seem to be at about 50% opacity and they increase to 100% upon rollover. The images don't need to link to different pages. The way this one works would be fine, just all leading to another gallery page that gives more I can achieve this type of look thru Flash? I have done some browsing online but most tutorials I've found are more like viewers where the user has arrows to scroll forward and back. This one is different, just sort of operates on its walking by and window shopping for my client's products.

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Sep 5, 2010

i am making a horizontal scrolling website that has to be similar to my website in that it is horizontal scrolling. i know how to do that partmy problem is simple: it doesnt let me scroll past 5000 pixels. i need to place each section 1000 pixels away from each other my last page will need to be 22000 pixels. i know that it seems a lot but that is exactly what i want. why is flash limiting me to only 5000? is there a solution?

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Professional :: Horizontal Scrolling Presentation?

Sep 5, 2010

making a horizontal scrolling website that has to be similar to my website in that it is horizontal scrolling. i know how to do that partmy problem is simple: it doesnt let me  scroll past 5000 pixels. i need to place each section 1000 pixels away from each other my last page will need to be 22000 pixels. i know that it seems a lot but that is exactly what i want.

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Flex :: Horizontal Scrolling Of Images?

Mar 9, 2011

I am new to actionscript development and can't figure out where to start. I am trying to create a picture gallery in Actionscript (Flex would also do, but no Flash). Basically, it should be a horizontal list of images with captions below the picture. It should be possible to scroll through the images on a touch enabled device -> no scrollbars

I have looked into ScrollViewport put don't know how to implement a basic version in pure Actionscript.! I have included a small sketch I have seen alot of solutions with a scrollbar. But I want something like on iOS where you scroll with your finger through the images.

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Feb 18, 2009

I'm developing my portfolio and want to add a horizontal scrolling dynamic gallery (see files). In order to achieve this I combined Lee Brimelow's tutorial on a horizontal scrolling gallery with a tutorial onhow to load images dynamically into a gallery. So far so good... It all seems to work except for the fact that the gallery has to detect the number of images in the scroller and adjust it's width accordingly (which it doesn't do yet). Also it has to make sure it doesn't scroll out of the containing MC (you'll see what I mean when you open the files; it also doesn't do that just yet).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Horizontal Scrolling Paper With XML?

May 8, 2007

I've got this script, as it works now the text is loaded with XML.

It animates across screen, but not quite as i wish. If you download the script: -> you will see the text removes itself before another text from the XML is loaded in the flash...

The way i would like it to work where it all comes in at the same line, so you can see 2 captions(nodes, text) at a time in one line...

If you dont want to download the file, the script looks like this:

//_root.p = 0;
//Hent XML
function loadXML(loaded) {


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IDE :: Horizontal Scrolling Thumbnails XML/Flash?

Jul 18, 2008

I saw the xml gallery with vertical scroll and It kicks ***, since then, I�ve been trying to make it scroll horizontal but with no succes.

how to make the thumbnails in the gallery scroll horizontal instead of vertical?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Side-Scrolling (Horizontal) Menu?

Feb 16, 2010

- The menu scrolls to the left when mouse is over the left side of the menu (there will be an arrow pointing left), and the menu reacts in the opposite fashion when the mouse is over the right side of the menu- The menu is constantly scrolling in the left direction when the mouse is not over the left or right arrow- The menu stops scrolling (or slows down) when the mouse scrolls over any of the items in the side-scrolling menu.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Over Horizontal Thumb Scrolling?

Oct 17, 2011

So I am working on this horizontal thumbnail menu which populates through XML. Now, the issue I am having is the actual "math" in calculating how this should scroll. I've looked around but I haven't found anything. What happens is the container holding all of the thumbs scrolls exactly to the width of the background it is on. So if you hover on the right of the menu, it quickly scrolls all the way to the end of the menu. What I want it to do is to incrementally scroll back and forth. It's just easier to click on the thumbs that way. Below is the code now.

public function MenuBar()


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movieclip Vertical And Horizontal Scrolling?

Jul 24, 2008

Is there any script available to scroll a movie vertical and horizontally by adding a mask. The visible area can be scrolled vertically and horizontally.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Horizontal Mouse Scrolling Using Mousewheel?

Nov 9, 2011

show me an example of a horizontal mouse scrolling of a movieclip using the mousewheel?I have code that makes content scroll vertically and i have changed it to be horizontal. The scrollbar works but the mousewheel listener does not. so far it only moves one direction. It seems the delta property only works vertically.

private function mouseWheelListener(event:MouseEvent):void

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Horizontal Scrolling Marquee?

Sep 2, 2004

i'm looking for a dynamic marquee... this is what i found this far on the forum:

this.createTextField("scroller_txt", 1, 0, 0, 100, 20);
scroller_txt.border = true;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Change Background Color On Mouseover

Aug 30, 2011

I can't change background color on mouseover.I dont know if the right code isdocument.getElementsByTagName("a").style.backgroundColor = "#FFFFFF";
HTML & CSS:<span></span> inside the </a> tag does not work, so I am forced to use <div> to label the buttons.I just use 669px instead of 666px so that you can see the pixel difference. I just want the<div id="nav"> content right aligned but if I don't use float everything gets inheritedbackground color and also gets unstructured, if I use float the buttons get reversed, is there an alternative way because this could cause cross browser problem.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="" dir="ltr" lang="en-US" xml:lang="en-US">

I dont't want to overoad the css, thats why I have not use unordered list.I have a preference for table tag because it is older than div tag.

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Javascript :: JQuery Horizontal Scrolling Using Mouse Position

Feb 8, 2012

I'm trying to recreate a javascript version of the site [URL] which is in flash.

Currently I've already done up the basic layout, which is a simple horizontal container containing divs. You can see the code here [URL]

I'm thinking to set a handler for mousemove event, but I'm not sure how to do the math behind the container's left position in relation to the mouse's x position for the scrolling part.

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