ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Load Video To A MovieClip
Jul 2, 2008
I have multiple movieclips(thumbnails) inside a movieClip "thumbs_mc" which looks like a scroller. In those multiple movieClips, I am loading jpgs using movieClipLoader.loadClip method, and URLs for these jpgs are coming from an xml file,My problem is that those list of URLs can also have flv video URl, and i want a thumbnail of video on those places, I know how to create thumbnail of a video. Problem is that i am not able to attach that thumbnail to that movieclip which should hold the thumbnail, as loadClip method allow only jpg, gif and swf files, not flv.
i tried thumbs_mc["mc"+j].attachMovie("videoClip", "videoThumb",j);here videoclip is a movieclip in a library with linkage id set to "videoClip", and videoThumb is my video. There might be some other way. because when i searched i found only movieclip attaching to another movieclip using this.
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var increment:Number = 1;
var verbiage1:String = "Hello World1";
var verbiage2:String = "Hello World2";[code].............
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on (release) {
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musicintrovid.source="INTRO FILM.flv"
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package com.FlvTester;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
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package {
import fl.controls.listClasses.CellRenderer;
import fl.controls.ScrollBarDirection;
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Jul 15, 2011
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I can't seem to eject/unload the first video that is loaded in. Once it loaded in it will just play that one no matter which btn I click...
Here is my code. The buttons I'm referring to are right at the bottom...
ActionScript Code:
What must I add to eject/unload the current video so the new one can load in?
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Aug 27, 2007
Using netstream to load in a video and have the buffer to basically load the entire video before it starts playing. So the video doesn't begin to play until the buffer is full but while the buffer is filling up, the cue points are being read and triggering actions.
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Feb 26, 2007
would like to know the AS code to load an external video, say quicktime or something else, into a specific frame of my fla.... and have it visible in the website.
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Apr 27, 2008
I'm trying to make a function to load videos at the end of a tween using Tweener but its just not working..Here's the code the set up the video objects:
var connection_nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
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Jan 26, 2009
Is it possible to load only the first 10 seconds of a video, and to play this section in loop ?
// Initialize net stream
nc = new NetConnection();
nc.connect(null);// Not using a media server.
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