ActionScript 2.0 :: Input Text And Store The Data?

Jun 17, 2004

give me a example of a fla file where we can input our data and the data will be save using flash MX?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Store Text Input To Use Again On Another Frame?

Nov 16, 2010

How can I store a text input so that I can use it on another frame? I tried storing it into variables on a frame and using it on another frame but there was an error that the variable was undefined. (Location of error on the second frame)

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Data Integration :: Store The Data Text In Access Databases Using Flash Form?

May 4, 2007

How to store the data text in Access databases using flash form and to search into the database. It is possible to work without server because I don't want to put this flash file on the net. how to make databases and to connect with flash and to have possibility to search the database, but to work database in the local computer.

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Professional :: Store A String Of Characters From An Input Text Box?

Jul 26, 2010

I basically need to store a string of characters from an input text box and have them displayed at the last frame of the quiz.  I declared the variable holding the input text as _global.player in the first frame, and upon clicking the start button the code is:
on (release) {    _global.player=player.text;    gotoAndStop (2);    }
These variables are not referenced again until the last frame of the quiz, which reads thus:
stop();playerdisplay.text=_global.player;score.text=_global.correct;'Endng Comments Generator'if (_global.correct<=3) {    phrase="Try a little harder next time";}if (_global.correct>3 + _global.correct<7) {    }comment.text=phrase;
Yes, I know the global.correct coments are not yet complete, but i dont think that should be causing any issue with the playerdisplay.text (the dynamic text box to display the player name).  If anyone could give me a hand that would be great.  Nothing appears in the dynamic text box when the final frame of the movie loads.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Calculator - Clear The Text Field Then Store The New Input In The Same Text Field As A Different Variable

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Store Data Into A Text File

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting Data From Input Text Box

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i hvae a username inputbox in layer 1 frame 1 witha submit button on submit button i have the following script on (release)


1)the button when pressed once nothing is displayed , i need to click it second time to get the data from the input field

2)if someother value is enterd in the input box & submit button clicked , the value of dynamic text doesnot change how do i resolve the following

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Retrieve Data From A Text Input?

Dec 21, 2009

I'm trying to figure out how to retrieve a data or text from a text input field? what im talking about is, i have a text input field which i can enter some text then, i have a button where when i pressed it, the data or text that i have inputted on my text input field will be added and can be shown on a dynamic text field.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Save And Retrieve Input Text Data?

May 15, 2010

I would like to know if it is possible to save data from an input text field to a file on my computer, then retrive the data from that file and load it into a dynamic text field. This application is not and will not be on a website of anysort its an experiment in creating a sorta phone book on my computer. I have created 2 input text fields. the first one is where i would enter a persons name, instance name of "_name", the second input text field is where i would enter a phone number, instnace name of "_phone".

Also there is a button with an instance name of "_save", which hopefully will save the data to a txt file on my computer or something, at this point i am up for anything. what I dream of doing is haveing two projectors one for entering the data, and the other for retrieving the data. The second projector, i would like to beable to type in a name or phone number then it would display, load, retrieve the name and phone number from that file storing the data.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Processing Data From An Input Text Field?

Nov 30, 2011

All I want to do is have an input text box where the users type a number, then Flash to perform a simple calculation and then display the answer on screen. For example; output = input *2 so if the user entered "5" the value displayed on screen would be "10".

I found this tutorial which is exactly what I am trying to do: [URL] but cant get it working correctly for some reason and just gives a "NaN" result (looks like an old version of flash)

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Jun 9, 2010

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import fl.controls.TextInput;
import fl.controls.Button;
var myBt:Button = new Button();
[Code] .....

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Oct 11, 2011

I have a string that searches the Twitter API, for keywords, for example :
var url:String = "";
I also have a input textfield dynamically created:
var inputField:TextField = new TextField();
inputField.border = true;
inputField.width = 200;


But how do i take the data from the input text field and add it to the string, keep in mind the input data has to go in the keyword part for the string.

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Data Integration :: Input Text Boxes Now Passing Formatting With Variables?

Feb 14, 2007

I've had a site running for a few months that takes fourinput text boxes (name, e-mail, subject and message) and posts thevalues to an ASP page which composes an e-mail with a CDO.Messagecommand. For some reason (nothing has been changed in the files or onthe server), it stopped working and I've traced it down to Flashpassing Input Text Box Formatting information along WITH theariable.Can anyone explain what's happened and how to correct it?For example, in my form I've set all the name, e-mail andmessage to static text and let the Subject variable be passed andin the e-mail subject line, I get this:

ALIGN="JUSTIFY"><FONT FACE="American Typewriter" SIZE="12"


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Professional :: Send The Data Entered In Input Text Fields To E-mail?

Feb 16, 2009

Iam Jennifer, Iam having a doubt in Flash, I hope that you are going to solve my problem, Iam taking 3 Static text fields as Name, Age and Country and besides each and every static text fields i have taken 3 input text fields with different instance names, when i enter my Name, Age and Country details in the input text fields and after entering those details if user clicks the submit button the data should be send to some mail address, is it possible?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Send Data Entered In Input Text Fields To E-mail?

Feb 16, 2009

I am taking 3 Static text fields as Name, Age and Country and besides each and every static text fields i have taken 3 input text fields with different instance names, when i enter my Name, Age and Country details in the input text fields and after entering those details if user clicks the submit button the data should be send to some mail address, is it possible?[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Default Dynamic Text Auto-scale Font, Input From Input Text First

Feb 3, 2011

I have an issue with font scaling of a dynamic text box.

Currently i have one input box named input_1 with a variable attached to it named "choc_1".

Also, i have a dynamic text box named dynamic_1 with variable "choc_1".

When the user types something on the input box then the dynamic box changes instantly and displays what the user has written.

auto scale-size the fonts to a smaller size if the user types many letters.

The input_1 box has a 13 character limit. My initial font size is 200, i want to scale down so when the user types 10 letters they fit the box and they don't go out of screen. I want to use one line, so wrap or multiline is not possible.

here's a code that i'm trying to fix but i can't get the dynamic box to change:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Auto-scale Font, Input From Input Text First

Feb 3, 2011

I have an issue with font scaling of a dynamic text box.

Currently i have one input box named input_1 with a variable attached to it named "choc_1".

Also, i have a dynamic text box named dynamic_1 with variable "choc_1".

When the user types something on the input box then the dynamic box changes instantly and displays what the user has written.

I've googled a lot, but i can't find a solution to auto scale-size the fonts to a smaller size if the user types many letters.

The input_1 box has a 13 character limit. My initial font size is 200, i want to scale down so when the user types 10 letters they fit the box and they don't go out of screen. I want to use one line, so wrap or multiline is not possible.

here's a code that i'm trying to fix but i can't get the dynamic box to change:


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Flex :: Text Input With Icon Inside Like Mac Os X Search Text Input

Mar 24, 2010

I'm trying to extend the text input that comes in flex to support an icon, just like mac os x search text input has a grey circle aligned to the right, the text input has a addChild method, but it didn't work for me.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Input Text Box To Dynamic Text Output - No Cursor, Can't Input?

Apr 28, 2011

the last of many problems, is that at the very end of the test, you're shown your score, and you have the option to type your name in a text box and click "save". Doing so will apply you score data (time elapsed, date, correct answers and percentage) along with the name you typed in, and output in a form, that you can save or print off, or whatever. The problem is, the input text box will not let you type in it. If you mouse over it, the mouse stays a pointer, you don't get the text tool. If you click on it, the cursor appears for a split second after you release the mouse button, but you cannot type anything in it.This is the actionscript for the output form:

function saveRecord(record:String, field:String, now:Object, score:Object):Void {


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Xml :: Store Data When Using A Webservice?

Jan 28, 2011

I'm developing a Flex app which is connected to a webservice - but I'm curious about what is generally best practice for handling the data locally. My webservice provides fairly small XML docs containing all the details about a certain object - is it considered better to parse that XML into objects for use in my UI, or just store the XML and access it directlyMy instincts say the former, though I'm sure doing a lot of parsing / encoding XML objects that I'm wondering if I shouldn't just add and remove elements when needed.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: A Class To Store Data?

May 9, 2011

I'm working on a tile based game and I want to create a class file that will hold all of my level design arrays. it seems silly to make this class extend MovieClip so i was wondering what a good class would be to have it extend. I want to call the class file up when loading a level and have it send the array to my tilesetter function in my game engine.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Store Data To Excel?

Mar 17, 2010

store data to excel

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I am working in multi user chat application, in which users chat history need to save. When the user requests his chat history, respective chat history needs to retrieve.Previously, I plan to save them in a shared object. Since shared object has size limitation and also it will be saved in some encrypted form I plan to save them in a database.Now I came to know that data can be saved in a database using web service or xml socket etc...

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