ActionScript 2.0 :: Killing Right-click Menu Completely?

Oct 20, 2005

I am designing a game. In one chapter, I want the user to

right click and keep > to zoom in middle click > to reset the view This code works fine.

HTML Code://my movie fps=80 and my_mc is placed on the main stage import mx.transitions.Tween; import


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Way To Completely Get Rid Of Right Click Drop Down Menu

Jun 26, 2006

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Senoc's Drop-down Menu - Only Disappear If Click On Another Menu Item Or When Click Outside The Menu

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ive followed Senoculars drop-down menu tute [URL], awsome stuff, but it seems the submenu's dont disappear to well when you roll out. ..They only disappear if you click on another menu item or when you click outside the menu.

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Flex :: Menu Control - Click A Button And A Menu Is Displayed. Click That Button A Second Time And Hide That Menu?

Jun 20, 2010

Basically, I have a button and on click it displays a menu. I want to click that menu a second time and the menu closes. Currently, every time you click the button, the menu reopens. I pasted the Flex livedoc example below. If you click the button, the menu keeps reopening.Now, I rigged it up by setting a var to open and closed, so when clicking the button it does a check. However, if you click away from the screen, the HIDE event gets dispatched, and the menu closes. This messed up the open close var being set.

How could I make this Flex example below show the menu on button click, and then on a second button click, it closes the menu? Take into affect that if you click away from the menu, it closes it.Also, I played around with the MOUSE_DOWN_OUTSIDE event for the button and set the preventDefault, and the FlexMouseEvent event.cancelable is set to false.Changing to a PopUpMenuButton is not an option. I have to much skinning involved.Here is the Flex example:

// Import the Menu control.
import mx.controls.Menu;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Custom Context Menu (right Click Menu) In Flash?

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If it's not possible, wouldn't it be a good idea for Macromedia to put some kind of event or something in there?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Context Menu - Add A Right Click Menu With A Custom Item? ?

Oct 8, 2009

i wanted to place some credits item in the right button menu (no links, so no events, just a label with credits). i was looking the contextmenu help, and there is an example of how to add items, disable default items and so on, but i could not find how to attach the menu to the movie (the basic part). i tried both on 'stage' and it tells me that stage does not have a property called contextMenu, so i tried to attach it to a sprite, it runs ok and compiles ok but when i right click on the sprite i get the default menu

var _menu_item:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("here goes [code].....

how to add a right click menu with a custom item?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drop Down Menu When Click On Another Menu Item?

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MenuArray=new array();

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Click To Open Menu Then Click To Close?

Sep 28, 2011

I've got a drop down menu. I want to click a tab to make it drop then, if it's open, click it again to close. I've tried a million variations on the script below:

var btn_grp1:String
function main1Down(event:MouseEvent):void {
if (btn_grp1 != "dwn") {


This works too (once). So the drop down buttons all disapear again, but it won't re-set. The drop down menu stays up from then on.

BTW i'm not set on this method, it just seemed the most obvious i.e. if menu hidden, then show it, set some variable to down (showing), else hide the menu, set var to up (hidden). Not working though.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: When Mouse Down On The Menu And Then Drag The Mouse Off Of The Menu AND Off Of The Stage, I.e The SWF (whilst In Mouse Down) And Then Mouse Up Completely Off Of The Stage?

Jun 24, 2010

I have designed a menu that When you mouse over it, a custom cursor appears. When you mouse down it disappears and when you mouse up it returns. If you happen to mouse down and then drag the mouse off of the menu (whilst in mouse down) and then mouse up outside the menu, the custom cursor disappears. All good. The only issue is: If you happen to mouse down on the menu and then drag the mouse off of the menu AND off of the stage, i.e the SWF (whilst in mouse down) and then mouse up completely off of the stage, the custom cursor appears at the point it left the menu. I have tried to fix this using MOUSE_LEAVE but this dosnt work when the mouse button is pressed down. I have attached an FLA, SWF and the AS below.

import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: PLEASE Help Me Out!!! This Is Killing Me!!!

Jul 5, 2005

i have buttons in my library.url...into it when i edit it from the library but it always says "current selections can't have actions applied to it". How do i get to it so i can have a link pop up when i click the button? does the "getURL" also work for files on my computer? for instance i want to click a button and have a movie pop up from one of my folders on the c drive.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Clarification On Doing A Killing?

Jan 23, 2009

deleting, killing objects and functions. There seem to be a few different ways to achieve to completely get rid of unwanted objects and functions(which are in turn objects as well, no?)

Just to refresh:
object = undefined // does the job
object = null // does the job

exception: if the object is referenced anywhere else in the application, the object is still in memory, unless the object's reference is killed as above. also: if you attempt to try cleaning up and object , which has objects itself, (e.g. object.subObject = new Object()), then those subObjects are still alive.

To properly clean up the object with subObjects, the subObjects have to be killed off seperately.


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Sep 2, 2009

I have an MC(named "mouseTip") that gets added to the stage and follows my mouse on MOUSE_OVER. On MOUSE_OUT it gets removed. I just created a dynamic text field inside mouseTip so I can display type when mouseTip is present. For some reason, when that happens the mouse gets blocked by the textfield inside mouseTip and the MOUSE_OUT gets triggered.Once mouseTip is removed, the MOUSE_OVER gets triggered since the mouse is still over the button and my mouseTip MC just flickers rapidly.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Killing Button Over State?

Oct 18, 2004

i have some drop downs that i am trying to create but when i add some actionscript on (rollover) {stuff} it kills the over state of the button.I can add actionscript to a button and still have its over state show

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drawing Heartrate App Is Killing CPU

Mar 1, 2005

When i run this swf for a while, the CPU reaches 100% and my computer get locked. I guess it has to do with enterFrame, but are not sure.


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2nd Click To Hide Pop-up Menu?

Oct 7, 2009

I have a Movie Clip configured as a Button and I wanted to know how to make the cursor transform into a pointer (little hand) when it's over tat movieclipBut well that was just not the point of the Post what really interests me is that when I click that MC a Pop up menu appears (another MC) but if i decide not to click any of the buttons in that menu the menu will stay there until I click another button or something and i will want it to disappear if a click it for a second time or something like that.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Right-click Sub-menu?

Aug 13, 2006

I know how to make a custom right-click menu with a series of options, but how would I make a menu with sub-options (like the quality option on the default right click menu).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding / Killing Instances Of Children

Mar 21, 2009

I've attached the FLA.I'm trying to make a game where the guy kills rats that appear randomly as the scenery moves down, however every time I shoot the rat and remove the rat child, it throws an error that my actionscript is pointing to an inexistent rat. Hence my problem... is there a way to add many instances of the same class with AS3 at random intervals and remove them when it's shot with the bullet???

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Killing Child On Loading New Swfs?

May 15, 2010

I'm confused on the parent/child thing. Seems like the "child" statement would refer to the file I'm loading, not the file I'm in? I want the file I'm IN to kill ITSELF when it loads the next swf (it's child?)And then there are other times when I want them to stack one on top of the other. I've added comments above each set of button code to explain./This code is in home swf. Handles portfolio buttons. I do not want to unload Home.swf, so this works fine.

scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myRequest);
scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myRequest);
scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myRequest);[code]...............................................

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Flash :: Disable Chrome From Timing Out / Killing A Tab?

Mar 1, 2011

A user is reporting that a certain screen of our Flex app times out in Google Chrome and IE. I can reproduce this problem, but I don't know what is causing it. I cannot reproduce it with Firefox.

I was wondering if there is a way to temporarily disable this feature in Chrome because I know that in Firefox(at least in v3.6) when a Flex/Flash app executes for too long I get a stack trace from the Flash runtime pointing me to the problem. example:

Error: Error #1502: A script has executed for longer than the default timeout period of 15 seconds.
at TimeoutTest/___TimeoutTest_Button1_click()[/TimeoutTest/src/TimeoutTest.mxml:5]

I think that Chrome is hijacking this process and denying me that information, so I would prefer to prevent this behavior for now to see if the runtime will detect the timeout and provide a similar trace.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding/Killing Instances Of Children?

Feb 19, 2009

I'm trying to make a game where the guy kills rats that appear randomly as the scenery moves down, however every time I shoot the rat and remove the rat child, it throws an error that my actionscript is pointing to an inexistent rat. Hence my problem... is there a way to add many instances of the same class with AS3 at random intervals and remove them when it's shot with the bullet?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drawing Heart-rate App Is Killing The CPU?

Mar 1, 2005

When i run this swf for a while, the CPU reaches 100% and my computer get locked. I guess it has to do with enterFrame, but are not sure.

code on MC:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x-0.5;

code inside MC:

_root.createEmptyMovieClip("triangle", 1);
z = Math.sin(x)/Math.tan(y);
x = x+3;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unload The .png Files W/o Killing The Loader?

Jan 7, 2007

I have several thumbnails in my portfolio that dynamically load a .png file into the Loader component called myLoader.Followed the tutorial from Kirupa. Simple enough.

myLoader.contentPath = "1-0.png";

When I (user) goes to click on a different client to view different work, artwork from the current client is still loaded, or being shown. I have the same myLoader Loader spread through the frames.I tried to put this

on each client button to clear the Loader before you go to each section, but that makes it disappear all together, than when you go to click a thumbnail, nothing happens because the Loader is gone.Is there a way to unload the .png files w/o killing the loader? Should I use a separate loader for each client? or will that just get messy.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Killing Timer Of A Child Object?

Sep 20, 2010

I've got several objects on a stage, each is an instance of a different class. Inside each of those classes is a timer, set to loop (basically refresh) every 5 seconds.Even after removing the instance from the stage and setting it to null, the timers continue in the background. Is there some way I can stop and remove all the timers with an object when I null it, or do I have to do that manually before removing the object?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Go To Frame When I Click On Menu?

Feb 13, 2009

I have a stop action on frame 1 of this movieclip. I want to go to frame # 2 when I click on menu1.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Right Click In As3 WITHOUT Context Menu

Nov 18, 2009

does anyone know how to make right clicking work in as3?i don't want a context menu to appear, i just want it to work as an EventListener for MovieClips.For example, imagine that RIGHT_CLICK is a MouseEvent, it would look like this:[code]i know the code wont end up looking like this, but does anyone know how to pull off this same idea using a right click?[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Right Click Without Context Menu?

Nov 30, 2009

if this is the code:

mport flash.display.*;
import flash.external.ExternalInterface;


then where do i tell it that i want to have the MouseEvent EventListener on my movieclip labeled "mastButton" ?(obviously i know its not really a MouseEvent but do u know what i mean? like how to i link this right click event TO a particular movieclip?)

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