ActionScript 2.0 :: List Of Words To Put In Fla Is Extense
Dec 20, 2005
I'm doing a external image slider, and i have to put some words appearing with each image. Those words must be editable, so i can't just simply draw them on photoshop. Besides that, must be updated sometimes. Finnaly, there is an motion tween applied to the words. Now, the problem is this: The list of words to put in this fla is extense (something like 20 words). So, to update this, i don't want to open flash and edit one by ony, having to edit in place all the words in all the motion layers, it would be very anoying. So i'd like to use something like a notepad file to update these words, or something looked like...
I have a text file that has a large list of words. Each word is on its own line but has no commas or any punctations in between.Can I turn this file into an array with each word being a string in the array?Can I do this without manually putting commas in between each word?
For a word matching game, when a player moves a piece I need to check the entire dictionary to see if the the word that the player made exists in the dictionary. I need to do this as quickly as possible. simply iterating through the dictionary is way too slow.
What is the quickest algorithm in AS3 to search a long list like this for a match, and what datatype should I use? (ie array, object, Dictionary etc)
I'm planning to make a game that gives players the choice to search a word when selecting a character, and if that word is found, they get to play as them. I don't even have a clue what, where and how I am gonna put the list in the game for something to search it. I'll try to give an example:
A user puts "horse" into the input field, presses the "Search" button, and Flash searches the word "horse" in a list of maybe 30 or so words. If it returns no results, a message says, "keyword not found". If it is found, a picture of a horse comes up in the character preview box.
I'm trying to figure out how to get this started. I'd like to type a word in a textfield and have it search for a match through a list of words in xml. There would be 26 xml files containing a list of words starting with a letter of the alphabet.
so i search for keywords ofc, but...doing this isn't really my thing:input.text.indexOf("spam") != -1 && input.text.indexOf("more") ! -1 && ... etc I'd like to make it some what like:input.text.indexOf(<database>) != -1
I'm using flex 4.1 to write an application. i read in the documents that has the rowCount property to set how many items to display. the does not have that property. how can I limit the list to display 3 items ?
I am working on an older Flash project created in CS3 ActionScript 2.0 How can I make the pointer cursor change to the hand when hover over a list item?_root.slidePanel.myList'myList' is the list. I have traced out the contents of the List MC and it has a child MC called 'content_mc'. I assumed this was the object containing all of my list items but the only members of this MC I can see (when tracing them out) are 'setRGB' and 'searchKey'.
Anyway, I want to do something really basic and simple. I want to have a word fade in then fade out. Then another word in another place fade in and fade out.
Creating a dynamic list and associating a picture with each list item. i need the list to be scrollable, and i want the list and it's associated picture to be displayed randomly when the application is re-launched. i.e it doesnt show the same list everytime.
I also what to be able to sort the displayed list items. e.g if the list items is about restaurants, i want users to be able to sort the displayed items by either; district, cusine type and gastro type.
I have a combobox and list component on the stage. The combobox has 3 selections. How do I get it so that each selection triggers the specific xml file to load into the list component? I can't get them to communicate to each other.
The 'recommendations' dataProvider is an ArrayCollection of String, which are generally sentences about as long as this one. By setting the variableRowHeight and wordWrap properties as shown, if a sentence is too long to fit on a single line, everything works fine- the row expands and the messages show on two lines, or occasionally three.
The space allocated for this panel within the entire canvas means if the total text size of 'recommendations' exceeds six lines, I need for the entire list scroll. This is also working just fine. The trouble is when using the mouse wheel to do the scrolling- Flex scrolls both the entire list and the single item where the mouse is hovering. Often this results in only the second half of a sentence being visible. Non-programmer friends I have asked to look at this noticed this, and tell me it as a problem. If a user does not notice the dual scrolling, and sees only a fragment of a sentence, it will be perceived as an error in the application.
I want to add a SimpleButton to a list item in a list component. I am getting the CellRenderer for the list item I want and using the addChild method to add the simple button. The button appears in the right spot on the list item but it doesn't function like a button. It's like the contents of the buttons first frame is added to the CellRenderer and nothing else.
When a user selects a category from the first drop down box then i want the 2nd drop down to be updated based on the selection of the first drop down. I have created multiple ArrayCollections whose names are set to the "data" values of the first drop down, for instance:
[Bindable] public var countries:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([ {label:"USA",data:"USA"},
Why I have to press 2 times the arrow key down to get a navigation through the list items in a list component of Flash?
Theres any workaround for this? I have a listener for keyboard event that checks if keyCode is equal to 40 if it is then I use 'stage.focus = list', but I have to press 2 times key arrow down to start navigating through list items.
I'm trying to animate a list as I delete the top row. All the examples I can find use itemsChangeEffect to bind to the effect, but this property exists only in MX lists, not spark lists.
Any idea how I can get the same effect done in Spark Lists?
I'm trying to remove the top most item in the list with a slight fade out effect before the rest of the items move up to replace the gap.
I draw a red color circle,likefollows:graphics.beginFill(color);graphics.drawCircle(0,0,radius);graphics.endFill();Then I want to write a yellow color word in the middle of this circle,for example,I write 'Menu A' in the middle of the circle,what code can I use?
I have a word,its content is follows:var txt:String="abcdefg";I want to show word from the first letter to the last letter,the word effect is one by one. For example,at the beginning I only show the first letter 'a',the 'a' size is big,such as 30,and then the letter 'a' size minish gradually to 20.Then show the second letter 'b',first,the letter 'b' size is big also,such as 30,and then the letter 'b' size minish gradually to 20,and the letter 'b' is behind the letter 'a',and so on with letter 'c'. When all letters show,the effect stops.
I want to have serveral different words to appear on my stage with their own buttons. Here is my code for your review. Process.visible = false; Cycles.visible = false; stop(); function playMovie(event:MouseEvent):void { play(); [Code] .....
I am trying to convert an entry using a numeric stepper in flex into words to display in a textarea.i.e a user uses the stepper to enter "89" as a value and in the text area the words "Eighty nine" are displayed.After much searching i haven't found anything that helps - a few javascript functions but that is all.
I have a button that inserts an mc named coin, and adds a number to the end. So if you hit it, it will make coin 1, then coin2, then coin3, ect. I wan't to have a hit test in an mc named character to check if it his any of the coin mc's.
I have a document class which is linked to an external class that defines the properties of a specific textfield. When the user submits the text in the textfield (whatever they typed into it) I would like the text to be broken up into the individual words and have those words placed into separate movie clips (the same instance of a movie clip, just each word placed into a different one). How can I do this? Here is the code I am using.
Code: function replaceText(event:MouseEvent):void { //beginning of the function for the submit button
I have a sentence that's basically items from an array, and I have this line that when I type one of those words on it, that word is removed from that sentence/array. And I'm having trouble coming up with a function, I'm trying to make it an if far I tried: and I know I need to put splice in, but this is just to see if it works or not.
I have a word,its content is follows:var txt:String="abcdefg";I want to show word from the first letter to the last letter,the word effect is one by one. For example,at the beginning I only show the first letter 'a',the 'a' size is big,such as 30,and then the letter 'a' size minish gradually to 20.Then show the second letter 'b',first,the letter 'b' size is big also,such as 30,and then the letter 'b' size minish gradually to 20,and the letter 'b' is behind the letter 'a',and so on with letter 'c'. When all letters show,the effect stops.
For a rather complex search function I need to get the first letter of each word entered into an input field. At first glance this may not seem like a big problem if every word is neatly seperated by a space.
Although people can enter whatever they want into the field I only want to work with the words that start with a-z or A-Z.
I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out how I can determine if a character in the string falls into this selection. One of the possibilities is to use charCodeAt(), but that's rather rough. I can walk through the string using indexOf() but I may have trouble finding the next word if characters other than a space come into play.