ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading A Txt File With LoadVariablesNum A Paradox
May 7, 2004
I'm using flashmx and my problem is: i'm loading a txt file with loadVariablesNum, which contains : a=1 or, when I try : trace(a) is says : undefined or, when I define a dynamique txt filed and in the properties / var I put the variable a from the txt file: it publishs : 1 so, I can read the variable or I cant use it
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May 7, 2004
i'm loading a txt file with loadVariablesNum, which contains : a=1 or, when I try : trace(a) is says : undefined or, when I define a dynamique txt filed and in the properties / var I put the variable a from the txt file : it publishs : 1 so, I can read the variable or I cant use it !
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Sep 4, 2002
I made a simpletext file and used the loadVariablesNum() script in flash to call that file into dynamic text boxes within my flash piece. that's all fine and dandy but now the problem is that I don't know how to make links in that simpletext document to link to specific parts of my flash movie. Basically, I need the simpletext document to have words that you can click that will take you to another frame that has another dynamic box in it with more text.
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May 3, 2011
ActionScript Code:
} if(5 == 5){
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Oct 19, 2010
(and wondering if it's somethin completely unrelated that i'm missing as i can't see how this would have any effect on loadVariablesNum!)
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Apr 29, 2011
loadVariablesNum("script.php", 0, "POST");
That won't work. Could the error be that it's in a movie clip? Or is the script just wrong?
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Feb 8, 2003
When I was working with a txt file locally I used this command
file = new LoadVars();
fileURL = "PhoneBook.txt";
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Feb 13, 2006
I have this script for flash player 6.. [kirupa tutorials][code]this is working fine in flash player 6.. but doesn't work in flash player 8.. so the question is how to rewrite loadVariablesNum so it would work?
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Feb 15, 2010
Does anybody know any reason why I can't use variables loaded from a text file using loadVariablesNum anywhere but in the Var field of a text box? If I try this:
The loadVariablesNum ("textfile.txt",0);it loads the textvariable1=3.14159&variable2=cowfrom the text file, and if I make 2 dynamic text boxes with the Var parameter as variable1 and variable2, they'd have "3.14159" and "cow" show up in them when I run the script. So I know that the textfile is being read and the variables are being loaded.But if I try newvar1=variable1;newvar2=variable2;in my code, and then put newvar1 and newvar2 in my textbbox Var, I get nothing in them. I should be able to assign the newvar variable the same value as variable1, but I can't. trace (variable1);should output the text "3.14159" when run, but it displays "undefined" every time.Every site I have been to says I should be able to access my loaded variable values simply by using variable1, or _root.variable1, or _level0.variable1, but none of these work any differently.
I can assign an instance name to the textbox and then assign a value to that instance name, and if I do that, assuming the instance name is "box")
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May 20, 2004
loadVariablesNum("script.php", 0, "POST"); That won't work. Could the error be that it's in a movie clip? Or is the script just wrong?
View 6 Replies
Jan 23, 2006
I'm trying to make some sort of a GuestBook. I'm using one from flashkit. It's working ok but I need to put the hole thing inside of a movie clip. That's where my problems come out.It's just refusing to load my GuestBook.php.Here's the code for loading variables:
NumLow = 0;
NumHigh = 10;
loadVariablesNum ("GuestBook.php?NumLow="+NumLow+"&NumHigh="+NumHig h+"&R="+random(999),
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May 20, 2004
loadVariablesNum("script.php", 0, "POST"); That won't work. Could the error be that it's in a movie clip? Or is the script just wrong?
View 6 Replies
Sep 12, 2009
Everything works fine when I'm testing it locally and sending the variables to the live PHP file online, but as soon as I upload it, everything just kinda goes to hell and nothing gets sent through. I know Flash just changed its security settings to not allow loading from external sources, but I wouldn't think that would make a difference since everything (including the PHP file) is under the same domain. I've put the crossdomain.xml file in there, as well, but still to no avail. My code to send things is pretty simple:
ActionScript Code:
loadVariablesNum("mailto.php"+"?name="+name+"&email="+email+"&message="+message+"&to="+to+"&recipient="+recipient, 0, "POST");
View 1 Replies
Jul 8, 2004
I'm making a game and I need to load variables into my flash movie from a database. I'm using asp and I know it works fine because it outputs what I want. My problem is that when I try to load the data into flash, it won't let me use the variables. If I put a dynamic textfield on the stage with fname (one of my variables), the text field displays the correct data, but when I say trace (fname) with having the text field, "undefined" pops up.
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Nov 15, 2004
I'd like to know if there is a way of controlling the variables that are sent with the AS command loadVariablesNum when calling an ASP.Let's say I don't want to send two variables that exist in that frame.
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Jan 23, 2005
why my MC actionscript with loadVariablesNum("submit.php", 0, "POST"); don't wanna work if I loaded into other _level...
If i don't loaded it work well... but not useful
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Mar 12, 2003
I've got a question about the path of the txt fileI can easily load a txt file in a movie if the txt is in the same folder as de .swf, but when i try to load a txt file from a different levelfor Example projects/com/1.txt i dīn't see any txtthe code is:loadVariablesNum(projects/com/1.txt,0) i know the code is wrong, but can somebody tell me what i have to do to get a txt form a different level.
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Nov 6, 2003
I have several cutomized checkbox that it can be selected or deselect and I have a button to determine which of the checkboxes is selected, and throught this button I passed the variable to loadVariablesNum corresponding to which of the checkboxes is selected
code in the button to determine which of the checkboxes is selected:
if (chk1.mark1._visible = true){ //trace("31"); loadVariablesNum("http://url?uid="+_root.uid+"&ans=31", 2); if
View 3 Replies
Nov 15, 2004
I'd like to know if there is a way of controlling the variables that are sent with the AS command loadVariablesNum when calling an ASP.Let's say I don't want to send two variables that exist in that frame.
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Nov 18, 2009
I have several cutomized checkbox that it can be selected or deselect and I have a button to determine which of the checkboxes is selected, and throught this button I passed the variable to loadVariablesNum corresponding to which of the checkboxes is selected.
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Mar 24, 2010
Greetings: I've used this method many times in the past to create an email form in a movie clip with a "send button" that accesses a perl, cgi script to email text input fields. It worked fine in past versions of Flash, but now I'm using Flash CS3 (v9.0, AS 2.0). I've tried 3 different cgi scripts I found online for this purpose and am sure the configurations for sendmail server & perl bins, etc are correct. All of the other "if" and "else" statements on the button work fine. But I can see a Safari (browser) error message saying POST was not used, but clearly it is. I'm trying to trouble shoot whether the problem is from the flash button or the cgi script. Has something changed in Flash CS3 from previous versions, where I'm certain it has worked before???
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Apr 23, 2005
I'm importing external vars using loadVariablesNum() from .txt files. I know that each variable must be surrounded by amperstands (&) in order define the start and end of each variable.
And then I want to use something like:
But my question is (for simplicity), is there a way to do this if the amperstand at the end is not included, such as:
Flash returns the first variable above as var_01="abc " which is understandable since it was not closed properly. However, I want to be able to use the gotoAndPlay(); with var_01="abc ". I have tried labelling the frame with abc , but that didn't work.
I also tried using frame_array = new Array(_level#.var_1.split("")); and then said gotoAndPlay(frame_array[0]); but for some reason I couldn't get this to work either....
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Nov 15, 2010
How would you defer loading of other graphics on the page until after the images in a Flash gallery's images.xml file are finished loading?Is there any way to detect for this, or would I only be able to check if the flash swf object is finished loading? I'm pretty sure the swf object would be loaded/ready as with document.getElementById('flashobject').onload = function(){}; before the corresponding images have loaded though, instead of after.
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Sep 4, 2009
I have a "loader.swf" after which my "main.swf" loades. I have used a loaderPro v3 (AS2) component. Doing that was easy but then when it starts loading, even before the loading completes the main.swf starts playing in the background. And i have no coding in my actions panel.
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Jan 6, 2011
Got a really big problem here. I keep on getting "NetConnection.Connect.Failed" when I load a .asc file on my main.asc file, i use the method load() in my code. I really don't understand why this happens, but when i comment out the code that loads the asc file, I can successfully connect to fms. I can't figure out what's happening here. Btw, i'm using fms4 in windows 7 32bit.
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Jan 6, 2010
what I'm trying to do is make a preloader that will preload about 20 external SWF files before it lets you get to my main file. I want to do this because my main file needs the SWFs to be ready to go once its done loading. I have looked around and i found a few ways to do this with the "if (loadedBytes>=totalBytes)" and the code loops back till the files are done loading... this would be just what i need but i cant seem to get it to work. the file just seems to start loading my files but does not loop and just runs the time-line even once i state what frames i want it to loop.
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Feb 6, 2010
I have a flash file that is 1.5mb in size. As it takes about 6 minutes for someone on dialup to load this file, I have created a smaller swf file and loaded the larger one from it but I don't want the larger one to begin to play until it's fully downloaded. How do I set this up? I have set up the action script 2 as follows: loadMovieNum("top2.swf", 0);
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Mar 10, 2011
Is there a way to extract a single file from a zip file in Adobe AIR?
I'm using NoChumps zip library to extract files from a zip. In this library the entire IDataStream is loaded into memory and after that you can extract file entries easily. In cases where the zip is 5 to 10MB there are no problems. But when the zip is 80MB, which many are, 80MB is loaded into memory. This causes the app to crash and run slow on mobile devices. According to the zip specification,
"A ZIP file is identified by the presence of a central directory located at the end of the file, this allows appending of new files. The directory stores a list of the names of the entries (files or directories) stored in the ZIP file, along with other metadata about the entry, and an offset into the ZIP file, pointing to the actual entry data."
Also, I do not have control of the size of zip files but most average is 60 to 100MB. Files inside are ~4MB.
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Sep 5, 2009
I have a "loader.swf" after which my "main.swf" loades. I have used a loaderPro v3 (AS2) component. Doing that was easy but then when it starts loading, even before the loading completes the main.swf starts playing in the background. And i have no coding in my actions panel.
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Sep 21, 2009
Is there a way to check file name case when loading a file? For example:
My URLRequest has this: "filename1.swf", but the actual file on the server is this FILENAME1.swf. Since the file names do not match case, is there a way i can have flash and AS3 catch this?
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